
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Nice women and Not-So Nice.

One can forgive the young men of today for thinking all women are the same. All too often women will express what passes for an opinion as if they were speaking for all women. Feminists do it all the time. But I have to remind said young fellows that women do differ amongst themselves.

This was illustrated the other evening in the Pin & Balloon when a very smartly turned-out lady came by just before someone turned on the TV to see what the lefties on Q & A were banging on about this week.

It happened that the visiting lady and one of the panellists were both 'Morning Show' presenters on the TV, and both from well north of this Isle on the Mainland. The Big Island. Both were quite attractive, articulate and on the surface at least intelligent. Career women. Who had 'made good'.

But so very different.

One was her own woman: the other a mouthpiece for the 'Narrative'.

It was clear that both 'believed' in themselves.

First was Melissa. Mel to her friends. And she has lots of friends. The chaps gathered around, invited her to their table and pulled a seat out for her. She ordered a round of drinks.

Did you get that?

She. Ordered a round of drinks.

Melissa Doyle
Television presenter, 44, married

I was born in Artarmon in Sydney's north. My dad, Robert, was raised on a cattle farm in northern NSW. He got about in R. M. Williams boots and moleskin jeans. My mum, Virginia, was a city girl. She was beautiful and elegantly dressed and never left the house without heels.
My parents were different people, and divorced when I was two. From then on, weekdays were spent with Mum and weekends with Dad.
Dad would come and pick me up in his red Valiant. Apparently I called it "Daddy Red Car". I have nothing but happy memories from those years, as I had two homes in Sydney and two loving parents.
Then, when I was 12, I moved in with Dad. I'm a daddy's girl!

Dad is one of my dearest friends.
We are extremely close. He has been this lovely, kind, warm figure in my life. Growing up, he thought it was important to pass on his love of the bush and animals. He took me to cattle shows and taught me how to recognise a quality Angus steer. He also taught me how to pitch a tent and change a tyre.

One of the nicest things he gave me was self-confidence – that I could do whatever I wanted as long as I worked hard. He also instilled in me the notion that nobody is better than anybody else, which I have passed onto my children, Nicholas, 12, and Talia, 10.
Dad was diagnosed with kidney cancer in 2008. My world shattered.
He was my big, strong, tough dad and for the first time I saw vulnerability.
He moved in with us and I took charge of everything, which was my way of coping. He conquered it, but two years later he was diagnosed with bowel cancer, and so we went through it all again. It was a traumatic couple of years, but if anything, it made our relationship stronger.

When Dad recovered, he fulfilled a childhood promise to take me to Paris. So in 2010 we spent a week in the capital, then hired a car and drove around the French countryside. We drank red wine and toasted his remaining kidney. The memories from that trip I'll treasure forever.

I could never have married a man who didn't get on with Dad, but my husband, John [Dunlop], has always understood Dad's role in my life. Dad lives close by and is always popping in. He is extremely fond of John, and John has become the son he never had.

I first met John when I was 23 and a journalist for WIN TV in Canberra. He was working for Australian Swimming and asked if I'd participate in a celebrity swimming race. We hit it off over the phone and he asked me out. I said no. Then he rang again a few days later and I thought, "What the hell?" We went out for dinner and talked so much the restaurant had to usher us out.

John is just a really nice, decent human being. He is also fantastic looking. I am attracted to him in all sorts of ways. While we were dating, he used to leave love notes. I'd find them on my car windscreen or hidden in my apartment. Early on, he also gave me a lovebird for his "lovebird". After 18 months we got engaged and two years later, in 1995, we got married.

I credit John [who works in sports marketing] with my being able to combine a career and parenthood, as he's my biggest supporter. My work as a Seven News TV journalist has meant travelling to places like Beijing and Athens for the Olympic Games.
When I tell John I have to go away, he says, "Fine, I'll manage things at home."
My son, Nicholas, is a carbon copy of John, which is kinda cute, but personality-wise he's like me.

Kochie [David Koch] has also been a great support. He was my co-host on Sunrise for 14 years. We couldn't have sat next to each other for all that time if we didn't have a genuine, warm friendship. A woman's magazine wrote that we didn't get along, which really upset me as he is a loyal, kind man.

Both times when I was pregnant and we had to travel, Kochie would insist on carrying my bags. One time, after Talia was born, we were broadcasting from interstate. I needed to express milk and the floor manager was yelling for me to come to the set. I was getting emotional and Kochie yelled back at him, stating I'd be out when I was ready. He always looked out for me.

Blokes have a great perspective on life, which is different to us women. At times we can over-analyse things. I will stress about a situation and drive myself crazy, contemplating it from all these different angles. Then one day John said: "Control the controllable."
It's one of the greatest lines I've heard.
I like that men are more black and white.
I was busy for a longish while replenishing glasses as she spread Grace around.
Then the 'someone' put the TV on in the corner and who should appear as one of the stacked-panel of trendy lefties but Melissa's counterpart on another channel.

Matt Hayden, over from W.A. gave a commentary:
Lisa Wilkinson on Q and A  
Watched Q and A last night. Probably got through about half of it before I'd had enough of the relentless idiocy of the lefties on the panel.  
Predictably they engaged in repeated PC cant, as well as heaps of vindictive sliming of conservatives.  
But the prize for the most vain, sanctimonious and infantile contributions surely went to Lisa Wilkinson. 
Needless to say the numerous numpties in the audience thought that the vapid tele-bimbo was the duck's nuts. She revelled in this adulation, displaying an annoyingly smug expression throughout much of the jawfest. 
Her first brain fart occurred early on: 
LISA WILKINSON: I'm a passionate believer in freedom of speech but not if that freedom of speech allows somebody to racially vilify or humiliate or marginalise or isolate a particular group and I think that's what 18C is about stopping having happen. And if there is going to be freedom of expression, that has to be balanced with freedom from oppression and I think that's what also 18C is about and really it's about the rules of the playground applying in adult life outside of the playground where bullies are no longer allowed to bully and get away with it. 
Out of her own mouth, as is so often the case with feminists. This playground behaviour.

"Please Miss". (Its always a Miss) "Jimmy is kicking a foot ball"

"Please Miss, Johnny won't play 'kitchens' with me".

"Please Miss, Freddie looked up my dress when I sat down"

"Please Miss make Mike do what I want him to do"
The particular part of the RDA that the current government is focusing on is Section 18C. And it seems that all they want to do is remove the bit that makes it unlawful to offend or insult. So she seems not to have done her homework. 
Or maybe she was referring to that particular section in the above rant. In that case she is so stupid she thinks that offending and insulting members of certain races constitutes oppression of them.  
Talk about a low bar ... 
And I love her line about the rules of the playground applying to adult life. I've often heard lefties use such schoolyard analogies, BTW. They clearly think adult citizens are like sprogs, an attitude that ironically is far more childish than the grownups they purport to want to protect.  
Hell, if adults are so delicate that they need to be protected from insult, then it's not such a stretch to say they are too feeble minded to vote ...  
In the above quote she seems to be saying that the state should tell people how to behave, much as a teacher brings 'justice' to a playground.  
Unfortunately, as near 80% of teachers are women, it is generally a 'Miss' who delivers her version of 'Justice' The automatic 'Girl=Good; Boy=Bad' rules apply.
But if adults, who surely should be able to think, speak, and argue for themselves, need to be disciplined in such an overbearing way, then isn't the state the bully? 
Being the PC feminist that she is, Wilkinson was very likely going to use that ol' sob sister standby: blaming the white male patriarchy.  
And of course she did: 
LISA WILKINSON: Do you think part of the reason why you can't sympathise or recognise what’s... 
GEORGE BRANDIS: No, I didn't say I didn’t sympathise. 
LISA WILKINSON: But you can't seem to understand how that would cause enormous discomfort for somebody and they would withdraw from public life. Do you think that’s because you are a white, able-bodied, heterosexual male? 

Two things: Imagine if Brandis had used that sexist line on her, arguing that she didn't understand some point he was making because of her gender, etc. 
Imagine, indeed. The boos and cat-calls would have drowned-out Tony Jones reprimanding him - and blaming Tony Abbott to boot.
And the falsity of it is so bloody obvious!  
If Brandis's race, sexuality and gender render him incapable of concurring with her stupid cant, then why was Chris Bowen on her side?  
He belongs to the same demographic she used to describe Brandis, remember. 
The tired ol' bimbo-feminist thesis she put forward implies that any straight white male who supports nanny statist PC policies is fundamentally incapable of fully grasping them.  
So if he claims to supports them, he's surely being insincere, right? 
So why wasn't Bowen offended by her statement and say as much?

Come to think of it,  
why do jelly backed leftie males never react with indignation to this implied smear?  
(Oh, wait. I think I just answered that. ) 
This goes right back to something that the majority of the population grasps completely: People are primarily individuals, not members of a group. Just as there are many glib, soulless SNAGs like Bowen, there are also many black lesbian women who can actually think for themselves, and are therefore conservatives. (Condoleezza Rice is a prominent example.)  
Lefties like Wilkinson (and Bowen, for that matter) are so thick and primitive they simply cannot grasp this obvious truth. It's as sad as it is disturbing. 
Just to reconfirm Wilkinson's lack of intelligence she used the exact same gender card a little bit later: 
GLEN RADFORD: Question is this: Liberal backbencher Sharman Stone has suggested that the party should introduce mandatory quotas to boost the number of women in Federal Parliament. What does the panel think of the quotas as a way to redress discrimination? And aren't quotas a form of reverse discrimination against those in the majority who have been selected on merit? 
TONY JONES: Let's hear first from the women on the panel. Lisa Wilkinson? 
LISA WILKINSON: It's interesting that that question comes from a man because maybe you would have to be a woman to get, you know, exactly what this is all about. 
She then went on to blather about the need for more women.  
Interesting that she's fixated on gender.  
Why not more homosexual males instead of women? Why not more disabled people? Why not more people who are extremely tall? 
Could this be because she's a white, able bodied, heterosexual woman? Er, no. 
It's 'cause she's a doctrinaire nanny statist seeking to engineer society's rules to her own advantage.
She wants to be sure that she and other right-on mediocrities are bestowed positions of power and influence without having to prove that they are capable and deserving of them.  
She, like almost all lefties, is always trying to get there the easy way (while making others pay). Typical socialist -- always thinking about her own needs and wants above those of others.
I seriously doubt that any drinks bought for Lisa in the Green Room (that ABC waiting area that the taxpayers pay for and which dispenses drink to the gathered leftie spongers) contained the Grace we serve in the Tavern.

I am pretty certain they don't.

Yes, women are different. Some are gracious. It comes with being a normal, mature, Adult woman. They are loved by almost all.

They are increasingly rare. Such a pleasure to have one walk into my Tavern.

Others though are harpies. Nasty.

Their number increases by the day

The cosmetics and the TV back-room make-up artists may render both sorts of women as 'presentable' but inside, in their Souls, they are not at all the same.

But young men are in a hurry and have yet to learn how to discern.

To them I say, 'sit a while; sup your Ale; look; listen; DISCRIMINATE'


H/T to a Big Bro at


  1. Freedom of speech is perhaps an uncomfortable concept for some people.

    It allows for some disagreeable/unpalatable truths to be aired...

    I think Lisa needs to be educated on the difference between freedom and oppression!

  2. Lisa needs to be educated. Full stop.

    Yet here she is daily surrounded by a news organisation that has far better resources than the average person, male or female, and she has simply followed the 'Narrative', mindlessly reading her mental teleprompter.

    I deliberated over talking about the other differences that might exist between these two women and simply focussed on the attitude to men.

    In fact I quite like Lisa. She is a bright, 'bubbly' lady with a good 'presence'. I am sure she has many fine points. It may also be that Melissa has some detrimental ones. None of us are perfect and our flaws coexist with our strengths. But simply on the matter of mindlessness and experience, Melissa reached into her deep knowledge and love, her 'real' men in her life and talked of them. It was personal. Lisa on the other hand made no such effort but instead dishonoured, demeaned, disrespected and dismissed "MEN!!!(tm). The mantra. The narrative spoken clearly.

    Or should that be persontra.

    Love the sinner, make-up and all: but hate the sin.

    Lisa demeaned herself.

  3. The Wilkinson type is everywhere, being oh so sweet and horrified that we don't endorse her well meant banning of everything.

    1. You are being generous in attributing 'well-meaning' to her. I think 'mindless' is more apt. Well-meaning people do not give blanket condemnations of 'white males' with such disregard for any differences that are obvious to anyone who observes and thinks.

  4. All ideologies try to stifle free speech because all ideologies are hollow. They are all slogan and no substance.

    Ideologies are for the insecure and the feeble minded. Lisa is just another useful idiot. People wonder if she is incapable of thinking objectively because of brainwashing, or if she is just cynical and bigoted. I think it is usually a combination of both. First comes the stupidity and then the bigotry develops from years of supping the kool-aid of ideological bigotry, the inability to analyse it objectively and the laziness and intellectual cowardice which prevents her from even trying. It also comes from selfishness and greed. It is more lucrative to just parrot off the party line than risk rocking the boat by questioning it.

    I often think that with women like Lisa, their constant dismissal of men is masking a fear of them. Not a fear that men might hurt her or assault her, but a fear that they might be better or more talented than she is. Misogyny goes hand in hand with misandry in feminists even though the misogyny may be subconscious. It also comes from her own secret belief that women are not capable of competing with men unless the playing field is tilted in our favour. This belief probably comes from her projecting her own sense of inadequacy onto all women.

    Most feminist advocacy when it comes down to it, is based on a thinly disguised belief that women are simply not up to it and therefore need a constant head-start in every field.

    Its a lot easier to shout "I'm a woman hear me roar" when you have had doors opened and red carpets rolled out for you all your life. It is also why feminists reserve a special sort of virulent hatred for successful women who refuse to call themselves feminists.

    1. That is a very thoughtful and forceful analysis, Lana. In general what you say is likely to hit the spot with many, but I am mindful of the persons of Melissa and Lisa. Mel comes across as a sound lady and Lisa comes across as a bigotted, cossetted misandrist. Yet you and I both know full well that people are complex and neither wholly bad nor wholly good. Whacks are due for Lisa without a doubt.

      Does Lisa fear men? Fear herself and her lack of 'quality'? Maybe. It may be a cause of much of the Feminist drive. A very interesting point. Our Foreign Minister in Oz is a woman. A splendid lady. Very capable. She refutes feminism as a label, much to the angst of Lisa's lefty, feminist mates. On the other hand we did have a PM who was just as you describe. Feminist, blaming, misandric, lefty of course. Totally incompetent.

    2. Very well expressed Lana, especially the use of the word "idiot" with regards to Wilkinson.
      Australia's most senior female politician, a very dignified lady, has caused a stir amongst the embracers of victimhood by saying that feminism is not relevant to her:

  5. Bigger Brother here.
    New Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull puts 'grumpy' Wilkinson in her place:
    And uses a word that she probably has trouble understanding: 'merit'.

    1. Hahahaha. He's a smooth talking bastard, but a bastard nonetheless.

      A pint for you sir.

    2. Cheers! Yes, he's just another bastard politician, probably slightly less objectionable than the last few...... for the time being.

    3. I am pleased you re-entered this post Big Bro. It is timely, since Julie Bishop has shown us all a different face recently. I, for one, am disappointed, but take the blame for my sense of dismay for having not provided a 'balance' to her as I did for Lisa and Mel. I expected much and that expectation was left unrewarded.

      I will cope, with a few fine tankards of Ale. A few for you too, Sir.

    4. Mind you.... My Supplier expects a lot from His Tavern Keeper too and I am remiss sometimes in keeping the taps flowing and the tables wiped. None of us are perfect.


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..