Monday, November 19, 2018


The Greatest, most benign Empire ever known was (arguably) the British Empire. And argue people do ! Great 'dominances' occur and always have. They come and go. At this juncture the British are on their last gasp but at least they are leaving behind a long and deep mark on the future. Few 'feel' the Khans of Mongolia these days but the Roman legacy remains quite strong. It remains to be seen if the revived Chinese will be in charge by the middle of this century. 

But the customers in the Tavern were today 'debating' the legacy of Britain and some were on the verge of throwing good Ale over the idea. Alternatives were even considered. The 'What if' case was even put, speculative as it was.

But first the praise was lavished. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has seen a history of which most Englishmen are Proud. Its 'children' are many, even if some are ungrateful louts who delight in burning the Flag. An American gentleman, whose flag is also burned quite often, stepped up to laud its effect on the world.

The poor fellow had barely taken a breath and a pint of the cheerful amber liquid before the barbs started flying. 

"The Brits were 'orrible" came the cry. 

Hmmmm There is always a dark side to human affairs. But the counter-arguments, to this old Tavern Keeper's mind, were as Budweiser is to Newcastle Brown; gnat's pee to a fine and full flavour.

Having departed Britain's shores many years ago, to carry the fruits of Englishness to my Oz cousins, and even adopting this new land as my own, I look upon such scurrilous cant and just that, but continued to serve the poor chap some ale. I am nothing but graciousness in such circumstances. One cannot teach fools. 

But, yet another stepped up. He was neither in defence nor whacking Britain with a club. He had the 'what if', considering just what a state we would be in today if Britain's chief rival of the past few centuries had been ascendant instead. He did have, I admit, a rather parochial view.

Britain and France has been at one another's throats for 1000 years. The current leadership of both nations are woeful

Macron, the Frog, decries nationality altogether, flooding his land with people who hate even France as a matter of daily drive, and being the hand-bag of an older and far from lovely German Frau. 

He is a baguette, in Thrall.

Britain has Mrs May.  Just what the British folk did to deserve such a Prime Minister so devoid of honour and honesty, I do not know. Perhaps it has a lot to do with her woeful prior Downing Street homeless persons. 

She is no Margaret Thatcher but 'may' well go down as having a far greater impact, as she defies the Will of the People and manipulates her way into remaining in a deeply flawed 'Union' with a Europe dominated by 'One World Government by the Elites' ideals.

This is a far cry from 1946, when the French, having been defeated by Germany, were rescued from slavery by Britain (with help from the Commonwealth and America). Then they sought a very different union, asking politely to become part of the British Commonwealth and having the King of GB&NI as their Head of State.

Britain said 'NON'. 

Had it said 'OUI', we might have had a very different Europe today.

As it is, history rolls on.

Christian Europe, Protestant and Catholic,  indeed most of the Christian 'West' - that is to say, the Anglophile nations begat by Britain - are being swamped by weak secularists and marxists who have no morals at all; and by violently anti-christian hordes who want us to 'submit' to the antithesis of morality, Satan. 

The future looks quite grim and I am glad I am old.

Waiting in the wings, which are slowly unfolding, is China. 

Not a pretty future, m'thinks.

Drink up. Hang on to your towels.



  1. “Britain has Mrs May. Just what the British folk did to deserve such a Prime Minister so devoid of honour and honesty, I do not know.”

    Sold its soul long ago I think. This place is the haven of evil overlords, the upper rooms of the lodges are filled with the truly lost.

    1. I should not have left. ! Or perhaps I got out just in time.

  2. The French should have been dealt with in 1815. France should have been broken up into mini-states. France had been a menace to the peace of Europe for a couple of centuries already. By the late 18th century France was more than a geopolitical menace. It had become the source of all the evils that would eventually destroy Europe - democracy, republicanism, atheism, anti-clericalism.

    France should have been dealt with the way Rome dealt with Carthage.

    But the opportunity was lost and the French continued to be a menace, starting idiotic wars (like the Crimean War), pumping out more and more virulent cultural poison and finally persuading the idiot British to join an alliance with them. That alliance was largely responsible for the outbreak of the First World War and the eventual destruction of Europe.

    The French deserve everything they're getting at the moment. They deserve to cease to exist as a nation. They deserve Macron. An Islamic France might well be a huge improvement.

    1. A table loaded with pints for that fine denunciation of that petty nation. The measure of France is - and will be remembered for - its 'Intellectuals', of whom the greatest and most revered seems to be the Marquis de Sade, with Jacques Derrida and that chain-smoking, hand-bag- with-a-beret of Simone de Bouvoir in close following.

      Mind you, the average Frog lady I have always found to be quite pleasant, not to mention well dressed. And undressed.


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..