Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Cultural Enrichment

Melbourne has been the 'Most Livable City in the World' for many, many years. It has never suffered like, say, Warsaw. It is a 'Multicultural' city. It is rich in the many cultures that jostle for supremacy in its streets. And Australia has just experienced the 5th cultural enrichment incident, of the fatal kind, in a span of 4 years. 3 of those incidents have happened in Melbourne. But is a good thing we have the diversity bollards in our streets, lest we be overwhelmed by drive-by acts of enrichment.

But we tend, with every atrocity inflicted by mentally challenged muslims, to forget that 'twas ever thus.  Bodies have littered Melbourne's street since the gold-rush days. Not that history diminishes the current day.  I shall get to this in a moment.

The bollards of Bourke Street did not prevent a refugee the other day expressing his delight in being put amongst so many Infidels just when he had his ute stacked with gas bottles, nor the opportunity for stabbing random infidels in the street.

Sophie York, a Sydney candidate for the Australian Conservatives and a good Catholic gal, reminded us of the glaring contrast between the latest Muslim murderer and one of his victims, Sisto Malaspino:
Never was there a more stark presentation of the difference between migrants to Australia in past generations, and migrants in more recent decades, than in this tragedy in Melbourne. 
One migrant, from the predominantly Catholic country of Italy (Sisto Malaspino, hard-working cafe owner, who came to Oz in the 1970s) who rushes to help a person whom he believes has been in a car crash. That’s simply the type of person Sisto is. 
This is not him
The car-driver, in contrast, turns out to be Hassan Khalif Shire Ali, from a Muslim migrant family (from Somalia), who reportedly arrived here in the 1990s. 
By 2015, Hassan Khalif Shire Ali has his passport cancelled, because he wants to fight for Islamic State in Syria. 
Instead of gratitude towards the country that gave his family reprieve (from the hardship of life in Africa), and contribution towards Australia, there’s instead a 4WD full of gas-bottles & wild stabbing. 
And Australians get to gasp & cover their mouths, get to mourn a now-deceased much-loved cafe owner. And then there’s the poor people who have needed surgery after being attacked: brave retiree Rod Patterson & a security guard. 
What will it take, before serious lessons are learnt by Australian authorities, about ONLY allowing immigration of people with backgrounds which indicate a very high prospect of cultural assimilation and respect? Our immigration policy should not be a PC-driven game of chance! It is about facing up to the reality of the world, right now. 
I would not in any way contradict Sophie, nor all those who have expressed outrage at this atrocity. But as I said, we tend to lose sight.

Another chap I have a lot of time for, Bill Muehlenberg had things to say too.
Let’s Get Real About Islamic Terrorism
Face it folks: we have a Muslim problem. We have an Islam problem. And the problem is not with “extremists” but with the religion itself. The religion commands its followers to kill the infidel. Its founder led the way here, leaving all Muslims a perfect example of what they should be do.
Most Western politicians and most of the Western media just do not get this. Indeed, they refuse to get this. They are apologists for Islam, and every time another Muslim goes on a jihadist rampage, killing innocent men, women and children, every excuse in the book is dragged out for them.
One of the most common excuses is to simply claim the killer was mentally ill. Hmm, so we have many thousands of Muslim attackers, and they are all mentally ill? Well, if Islam can only produce people who are mentally ill, then it seems we still have a massive problem with this political ideology.
Some of the most recent 'enrichers' include:  Ezzit Raad (MCG plot), Abdul Nacer Benbrika (plots vs Aust – various); Amer Hadarra, Aimen Joud, Fadl Sayadi, Abdullah Merhi, Ahmed Raad (plots vs Aust – various); Saney Aweys, Nayef El Sayed, Yacqub Khayre, Abdirahman Ahmed and Wissam Mahmoud Fattal (Holsworthy plot); Abdul Numan Haider (attacked Melb police); Talal Alameddine (supplied gun for Curtis Cheng murder in Sydney), Farhad Mohammad (killed Curtis Cheng), Man Haron Monis (Lindt Cafe, Sydney), Hassan Khalif Shire Ali (this week in Melb) – this is an incomplete list. 

And sadly, the list keeps growing.
On occasion however a few brave politicians and leaders get it right – or nearly right. Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison said this after the latest Melbourne jihad attack: “The greatest threat of religious extremism in this country is the radical and dangerous ideology of extremist Islam.” 
And for saying this the lamestream media and Labor have attacked him big time. But he was simply speaking the truth – or most of it. It is not in fact a case of Muslim extremists committing acts of terror. 
It is the devout, loyal and true follower of Islam who does this.
Those Muslims who shrink back from killing infidels are the ones who are not the real deal.
The simple truth is this: if a Christian kills in the name of Christ, he does so in total opposition to the life and teachings of Christ, and the entire New Testament. However, if a Muslim kills in the name of Allah, he has full justification to do so from the life and teachings of Muhammad, from the Koran, and from the hadith and sira.
Yet the clowns amongst us continue to make ludicrous excuses every time another Muslim sheds innocent blood. On the social media one fool actually said this about the Melbourne attack: “It wasn’t a terrorist attack, if you listen to the news report the guy was angry at the treatment of Muslims in Australia. If you wanna blame someone for this, blame yourselves.”
Good grief. Um no, I am not to blame for this attack. No one is to blame for this attack except the Somali migrant who committed the attack, and the repugnant ‘faith’ that encouraged him to do so. So yes, I sure will blame Hassan Khalif Shire Ali and the hate-filled ideology called Islam.
And  Malcolm Smith made the point...
There are more Buddhists than Muslims in Australia, and one presumes they are just as prone to mental illness. But I have yet to hear of any mentally ill Buddhists running amok and killing people. In fact, by far the largest number of potentially mentally ill people would be of Christian or irreligious backgrounds, but for some reason they don’t seem to be running around killing people.
Again, no arguement from behind this bar. I would rather Oz had no Muslims at all, as they do insist that fellow Australians, who have been here a lot longer, are Infidels and fodder for their knives. But..... 

Melbourne has even recently been more reminiscent of Chicago than of Mogadishu, to be sure, but that is feint praise for architecture and an acknowledgement of crude, murderous criminals. Our immigrant population over the years has brought many an appalling thug and lunatic and long before they had dark skins and anti-Christ religion.

Take just a couple from a very long, long list. And I will not go back far. I won't go back to Ned Kelly who is a popular hero murderous scumbag, but of a pre-Federation time.

Take Andrew "Benji" Veniamin (b1975 – d2004). 

He was an Australian criminal from Melbourne.  A convicted car thief, Veniamin is recognised as being a key figure in the Melbourne underworld killings, suspected of both murdering seven underworld figures, and being a hit-man for the Williams crime family

Veniamin was killed by Domenic "Mick" Gatto at a La Porcella Italian restaurant in Carlton in self-defence following a heated argument.

Veniamin was born to Greek Cypriot immigrant parents, and was raised in the Western Melbourne suburb of Sunshine. From a child to his early teens, Veniamin was an altar boy at the Greek Orthodox Church in the neighbouring suburb of Sunshine West, where his funeral would later be held.

He was also a known associate of Dino Dibra who was murdered at his home in October 2000, and of Paul Kallipolitis, who was shot in similar circumstances two years later. Victoria Police say Veniamin was one of the most dangerous and feared men connected to Melbourne's crime scene, and by the time of his death in 2004 they had connected him with several of Melbourne's underworld murders.

Veniamin met with Nik Radev on 15 April 2003, the day Radev was murdered in Coburg. Veniamin associated with an underworld group known as The Carlton Crew and after 2003 was connected with the Williams Family, and was a close friend of Carl Williams.

Not many mohammedans amongst his 'known associates'.

Or take Alphonse John Gangitano (b1957 – d1998). 

He too was an Australian criminal from Melbourne, Victoria. Nicknamed the "Black Prince of Lygon Street", Gangitano was the face of an underground organisation known as the Carlton Crew. He was also an associate of alleged organised crime bosses Tom Domican (Sydney) and John Kizon (Perth).

Gangitano is considered to be the second of the thirty Melbourne gangland killings between 1995-2010, when he was murdered in 1998. 

It is some small consolation that the killings were generally of people who richly deserved their demise.

Gangitano was born on 22 April 1957. He attended De La Salle College and Marcellin College. In later years through the 1980s and 1990s Alphonse had been alleged a co-owner of a King Street nightclub and numerous fight promotions and other ventures that went on to include horse racing and protection rackets. 
Spot the future murderer.
At the height of Gangitano's criminal career he was earning an estimated $125,000–$200,000 a month as a high profile member of The Carlton Crew. Unlike other criminals, Gangitano purely wanted to be a criminal from a young age.

King Street nightclub attack
Gangitano, Moran and associate Tony Rapasarda were charged over serious assaults on several patrons at the Sports Bar nightclub in King Street, Melbourne on 19 December 1995.

Moran later said of Gangitano: "He's a fucking lulu ... if you smash five pool cues and an iron bar over someone's're a fucking lulu". The attack was portrayed on Underbelly (A TV entertaindoco)

On the day of his death 16 January 1998, Gangitano was reported to have had a telephone conversation with Kizon. That same day, Graham Kinniburgh drank at the Laurel Hotel in Ascot Vale with associate Lou Cozzo before driving to Gangitano's home in Templestowe. At a subsequent coroners' inquest, evidence was presented that Kinniburgh and Jason Moran were in Gangitano's home that night. Both were exempted from giving evidence at the inquest, on the grounds that their evidence might incriminate them. Hah !

Kinniburgh left Gangitano's house shortly after 11 pm to purchase cigarettes. Upon his return 30 minutes later, he found that Gangitano had been shot several times in the head in the laundry. Gangitano's de facto wife, Virginia, was with the body. Traces of Kinniburgh's blood were later discovered on the back flyscreen door at Gangitano's home.
Kinniburgh reportedly respected the code of silence, frustrating police investigating the murder. Gangitano's pallbearers included Mick Gatto and John Kizon. 

Gangitano is survived by his wife and two daughters, and was widely believed to have had another child with which he had no contact to an unidentified woman.

Moran allegedly pulled out a gun after an argument with Alphonse and shot him in the head. The murder may have led to as many as 75 revenge assaults on underworld members. Gangitano was charged with shooting petty criminal Gregory John Workman dead in 1995, at 1 Wando Grove, St Kilda East; however, Gangitano never went to trial over the shooting after two witnesses retracted their statements.

Kinniburgh and Moran were both later murdered themselves.


Nope. Born here, from European Immigrants. 


Nope. Nominally 'christian', but by the Lord Harry long fallen and deep. In thrall to Satan as any 'radical muslim'. 

Did they and their ilk enrich our culture ?  Nope.

Were they 'mentally' challenged? 

You had better believe it. 

Morally bereft too.

Whilst the current crop of lunatic muslims rampage and rent space in our cranial rage-rooms, we tend to overlook the tens of thousands of criminals that roam amongst us, un-distinguished by black faces and unpronouncable names. They are mentally amd morally challenged. They hate rather than love. They steal, they kill, they attack. They would knock over a granny given an order by a more powerful evil sod.

We have home-grown criminal organisations: Russian Mafia: Italian Mafia: Vietnamese whatevers. You name a nation's group here and we have their crims and lunatics.

That of course does not excuse Muslims. 

Muslims are not 'more of the same'.

Personally, I take the view that all 'cultures' which have arrived amongst the predominantly 'Anglo' population here have brought some colour and fragrance that has 'enriched' us, despite the few wicked ones amongst them that we have coped with. 

Except the Muslims.

There is nothing that I can see or hear from Islam that adds anything positive. 

Italians, Greeks, even Vietnamese, Koreans and the Irish do not hate us. To them we are not 'Infidels' to be converted, enslaved or killed. In our entire history as a Nation, ONLY the ordinary, everyday Muslim bears us undisguised ill-will.

I would like to see every one of them deported.

Oh, and Politicians. We have many a politician who hates Oz.

Many of those could do with a one-way ticket out too.

It is enough to drive a chap to drink.

So choose your drink wisely.



  1. The problem is all immigration. Once you cease to have a homogeneous population then you're going to have trouble. For one thing, democracy only works in societies with homogeneous populations. Australia's troubles started when we ceased to be an anglophone Anglo-Celtic nation with a sense of a shared history and culture.

    All immigration has tended to destroy the coherent national identity we once had. Once you allow in migrants with completely different cultures and religions, whether they be Muslims, Jews, Hindus or whatever, whether they be from the Middle East or Africa or Asia or wherever, you have started to undermine the nation.

    The one sane immigration policy we ever had was the White Australia Policy which maintained the nation's cultural identity.

    Simply banning Muslims won't help very much and targeting one religious group would be difficult in practice - are you going to target converts to Islam, converts from Islam, non-observant Muslims? How do you define a Muslim in precise legal terms? A ban on all immigration is much more practical.

    1. There are degrees of similarity. And many different dimensions of too. I would not like such homogeneity that everyone was just like me. A 'white' Oz would still have its crims. A 'christian' Oz would still have its Prods.


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..