Saturday, January 28, 2017

Womanhood Divided

Addition at the end.
OK, so the news media is in Thrall to nasty women and takes great pleasure in showing them in a 'good' light: that is if you agree with them that Good=Bad and Bad=Good. The coverage given to the nasties vastly outweighs that given to the quiet, the ordinary, the good ladies, who quite reasonably feel ignored. 

And customers come by with their views and dismay. But I tell them, over a tankard or two, to be of good cheer. Nothing is new and the real Good Women are out there feeding their families, taking care of business and developing their God-given souls. They pray for my Supplier's  forgiveness of their nasty sistas.

January has been a fine month (thank goodness it is nearly over) for women 'expressing' themselves. Most of the days and nights on the battlefield have been taken up by the nasty women, but here at the end comes the cavalry. 

Nowhere is it more clear that American women are divided.

Now a civilised March, by Good women.

No burned cars: no smashed windows; no Tonnes of rubbish littering the streets. Not even the 'Me,me,me'.  We heard the good news brought by several people with cleft sticks. Principal amongst them was Matt Walsh. 
Today is the real women’s — and men’s — march
Today I’ll be at the March For Life in DC. I expect it to be different from the march that took over the city last week in a few important ways:
First, there won’t be nearly as many news cameras.
Second, there won’t be any vagina costumes or vagina signs or vagina hats. There won’t be any reproductive organs on display at all, except perhaps by the counter protesters. The participants will be putting their message — not their genitals — forward.
Third, the speakers won’t be going on any vulgar or profane tirades. The march will be family friendly.
Fourth, there won’t be any discussion of blowing up the White House.
Fifth, the marchers will not be demanding any special entitlements. They will not be looking for free birth control, or free tampons, or free anything. They will not be making any personal demands, because this march is not about them. The people who make their voices heard today do so not for their own sake. 
They do so for the sake of those who cannot speak for themselves.
The march participants stand to gain nothing from this. Their motivations cannot be selfish because their demands are not self-serving. Every single person — hundreds of thousands of them — will be marching in the place of someone else. 
The march last week, and so many others of its type, have been made up mostly of people saying, “Do such and such for me. Give me something. Help me. Me. Me. Me.” 
But the March For Life is different. The March For Life says, “Do this for them. Give them a chance. Give them their rights. Help them. Them. Them. Them.”
And the “them,” of course, are pre-born children. Whereas the people at the so-called Women’s March said, “Forget them, let them die,” we at the March For Life say, “Remember them, let them live.” 
These are the two competing points of view. 
Here is the great dividing line in our culture. 
The question is asked and must be answered: “Should these children be given a chance to live or not?” How you answer that question will determine on which side of the line you belong.
Our culture has answered with a cruel and callous “no” for the past 40 years. The so-called Women’s March echoed that answer. 
The feminist movement, liberalism, the media, the Democratic Party, academia — all of these powerful forces join together in shouting “no.” No, give them no chance. Give them nothing. Take everything from them. Take their dignity. Take their rights. Take their lives. And when they are dead, take some more. Take their limbs, their livers, their brains, their hearts, carve them up and make use of the pieces. Take it all. They are nothing to us. They are insects. They are lower than insects because we would sooner acknowledge the life of an insect than the life of this “clump of cells.” They are dirt. Let them die, then. Pick apart their carcasses and throw the rest in the dumpster. This is the answer the pro-aborts shout proudly from the rooftops.

Well, today in Washington DC a great many people will gather to deliver a different answer.
There were so many articles written over the past few days explaining “Why They Marched” at the so-called Women’s March, and all of the explanations danced clumsily and unconvincingly around the fact that, when it came down to it, they marched in order to continue the mass slaughter of innocent human beings. Whatever else they claimed, that is really why they marched.
So, here is why we march. And this, the sixth point of differentiation, is the most important. We march to answer “yes.” Yes, every child should be given a chance to live. Yes, we affirm the sanctity of life at every stage. Yes, a child is entitled to live the life God gave him. Yes, he is, according to our country’s own founding documents, endowed by God with an inherent dignity that no one on Earth — not even his own parents — can deny him.
We march because we believe it’s better to give life than take it. A child’s existence may indeed require sacrifice on our part, but that does not give us the right to dispose of her like old scrap metal. We whine so much about our own “rights” but we forget that rights and responsibilities come inextricably linked. Our children have the right to live — a right granted by God, not by any man — and so it our responsibility to care for them; to give them our time, our energy, our money, our love. A civilized society recognizes this obligation and enforces it by law.
If I bring a child into this world — and once they have been conceived, they are, by any definition, “in the world” — it is my fundamental duty to tend to her and to make whatever sacrifices that entails. If I cannot or will not, then I’m obliged to find someone who will. A decent, humane country does not consider murder to be an acceptable third alternative. You don’t get to kill people because their existence interferes with your own. This is perhaps the most basic and fundamental moral principle known to man. Or previously known to man, anyway.
We march because life is good. We march because children are precious. We march because truth is truth. We march because love is infinitely preferable to cold, murderous indifference. We march because one slaughtered child is a travesty; fifty million slaughtered children add up to the greatest human rights crisis in the history of the human race. We march because what is the point of a march if not to call attention to injustice — and what is injustice if the genocide of the pre-born does not qualify? We march because it is our duty to do so.
And that’s why today is the real Women’s March and the real Men’s March. The men and women who march today are embracing their own purpose. Women are supposed to be pro-life. It’s in their nature. A pro-life woman is a woman who sees the power and beauty in the fact that she is able to bring forth life into the universe. For a woman to run from that power, to lash out against it violently, is for her to run from herself. A pro-life woman does not run from it. She appreciates and loves her own womanhood. She has compassion and empathy for those who are defenseless and vulnerable, especially children. A pro-life woman is moved by her love for others.
Likewise, a man is meant to be pro-life. It’s ingrained in us. A pro-life man is a man who stands in awe of a woman’s capacity to bring forth life, and harbors a deep sense of appreciation and respect for his own indispensable role in that process. A man who sits back idly while children are murdered and their mothers are sent plunging into a whirlwind of regret and despair is no man at all. A man protects. A man gives. A man provides. A man fights for those who cannot fight for themselves. A man who rejects this duty, even to the point of murder, does not deserve to call himself a man. He is an embarrassment and a disgrace. A pro-life man, however, heeds the call and stays true to his own nature.
So, today is the real Women’s March. 
And the real Men’s March. 
And the Children’s March. 
The Father’s March. 
The Mother’s March. 
The American March. 
The People’s March. 
Or you can just call it by its original, and very appropriate, name: the March For Life.
 Matt earned applause and free pints for the rest of the day. As did Dave Andrusko who was briefer but showed exactly what Abortion has done to the USA. Graphically.

Pro-lifers are nothing if not creative. Over the decades, they have produced thousands upon thousands of “visual aids,” from the simplest black and white one-sheeter to full-blown movies—and everything in-between.

The common denominator is—to adapt a cliché—to help the public get its collective head around both the humanity we share with the unborn child and the sheer magnitude of the loss of lives since January 22, 1973.

Although I scribble for a living, I really do believe a picture–or in this a case a 4 ½ minute long video–is worth a thousand words.

Gayle Atteberry, executive director of Oregon Right to Life, tells me the video below opened the 2017 Rally for Life in Portland, Oregon. Take the time to watch it right now.

The issue is not simply economic. Most western countries are suiciding. We kill our own offspring and bring in people with a completely different idea of Life. I say 'we', but mean the nasty women and their political cohorts. The good women and good men must stand up to this, despite all the name-calling and denunciation from.... well, the wicked, the depraved, the 'tolerance', and 'diversity' mob, the hate-filled, the 'me,me,me filled. 

Meanwhile we try not just graphics, not just marching, but parody too. Remember that the nasty girl's march has one of these below at its head.

Need a drink?


After the March for Life

The 'challenge' to the media was met with a possibly reluctant and shamefaced coverage, live in some cases, which can be seen on other You Tube videos.

Perhaps the media 'had' to take an interest as the Vice President was there to give an address.

I call that a success.



  1. Replies
    1. Yes, it is like a war that has been dragging on and we are at last making ground. But the carnage remains awful.


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..