Sunday, January 29, 2017

Inspiring Woman

I was astonished and honoured when a young woman came into the Tavern and asked for a long, cool drink. I heard the voice but didn't see anyone. I looked over the bar and there she was.  After a week or so of women of poor quality dominating and threatening on our news, here was a model of what an 'empowered' woman looked like. 

No whining; no complaining; no demanding - except perhaps of herself and of Life itself.  And what a story she had to tell.

Jennifer Bricker is an amazing person. 

Not because after being given up for adoption because she was born without legs; she still went on to be the top tumbling champion for the state of Illinois. 

And not just because she continued to pursue sports like softball and basketball despite her physical limitations. 

It's because while she was achieving these goals she 
never let the word can't stop her.  

Her life so far has thrown the arguement about nature and nurture into sharp relief. 

Yes, nature has a strong part in who we are. Nurture has a stronger part in who we are to become.  

She was given astonishing talent: she needed the right people around her.

The power of God and sovereignty and His ability to move and do amazing things was at work. She was given a stong new mother and a strong new father. Strong in character and love.

And despite her immediate tough start Jennifer was raised by a loving Christian home.

Jennifer is a gymnast. She was from the start. She demanded to be what she was destined to be. Her dad in particular 'made it so'.

Another astonishing surprise gift from my Supplier came when she was 16 and curious about her past. It was revealed that Jennifer had a biological sister. 

That sister was 1996 gold-medal-winning gymnast Dominique Moceanu. 

Jennifer had grown up idolizing the gymnast before finding out their were sisters. The sisters have since formed a close bond and continue to stay in touch.
Sister, Dominique Moceanu. 
Jennifer also has brothers in her adopting family. They doted on her, encouraged her and did what Brothers do so well for well loved sisters.  The men in this family are to be emulated and acknowledged for their masculine qualities.  They are all good people raised by a splendid mother.

Occasionally I look up to people. Even when they are only three feet tall.

I was happy to give her my Supplier's Best.

She is used to it.



  1. What an amazing and wonderful lady :-) I love that her sister always inspired her to become what she is even though she didn't know they were sisters. Somewhere inside her the connection must have been there.

    Her adoptive parents are also inspirational. They were a gift to her and she was a gift to them :-)

    1. There are good people in the world, and smart, gifted young women who know that 'empowerment' comes from inside, not a government grant.


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..