Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ju-Liar Gillard's Latest Farce.


The Prime Minister of Australia, Ju-Liar Gillard, is the worst and most whiney politician Oz has ever had the misfortune to elect.

She is at it again, trying to pass off her incompetence onto the opposition, which sits back fending off outrageous accusations like a Father in a Family Court.

I know lots of women with a fine sense of humour, so it isn't 'being a woman' that causes people to poke fun at this awful woman.

She is a cartoon woman on a seaside postcard


The latest 'scandal' is over a joke played by an unknown (well he is known now but I won't say his name here. It was just a joke for goodness sake) cook in a restaurant.

He cooked up a menu for his mates to have a laugh.

It wasn't that funny. And Ju-Liar didn't laugh. Well she wouldn't would she. She is a FEMINIST.
I had a larff though.
But guess which side of politics he votes for.
Yep. Labour.
Now you know whey she and her mob of wreckers got into power. Her own voters are the cause.
 Gender has again taken centre stage in Australia’s bitter and drawn-out election campaign after a menu at an opposition fundraiser featured a series of sexually derogatory names for dishes based on Prime Minister Julia Gillard. 
 The menu, posted on Twitter by a journalist, was from a fundraiser for Mal Brough, (Not so. It was from a Labour voting cook) a minister in former Prime Minister John Howard’s government who is seeking to return to parliament after losing his seat in 2007. 
 One of the dishes was described as “Julia Gillard Kentucky Fried Quail – Small Breasts, Huge Thighs & A Big Red Box.” 
http://nationalpostnews.files.wordpr...g?w=930&h=1170TwitterAn image of the offensive menu circulated on Twitter
 Opposition leader Tony Abbott was forced to distance himself from the menu and the fundraiser, but faced calls to drop Brough as an election candidate.
People wanted Brough to go?? Because some other ordinary, non-politician, cook, wit made a rude comment??
“I condemn it, as Mal Brough has,” Abbott told journalists today. “I think we should all be bigger and better than that. Whether it is a tacky scatological menu out the front of a Liberal Party event, whether it is squalid jokes told at union conference dinners with ministers present.” 
The wording on the menu was “grossly offensive,” Gillard told reporters. “This is Tony Abbott’s Liberals, this is what they’re like,” she said. (Actually, she whined and accused) “We’d see this lack of respect for women littered throughout all of his government policy documents.” 
The latest sexism controversy exploded onto the Australian political stage after the opposition had accused Gillard of politicizing abortion. 
 Gillard was stoking a “false gender war” by saying a defeat for her minority Labor government in the Sept. 14 poll would see abortion become a political plaything for male politicians, the Liberal-National opposition said .

On that subject, abortion, all the opposition leader has said is what she herself has said. Which is a great pity.

Rid us of this feminist harridan for whom only men are at fault, unless it is an 'Opposition man', when the rest of mendom is just complicit and can cop part of their blame anyway.


Menu offensive is still only half-baked 

by: Andrew Fraser and Sid Maher
 From: The Australian 
 June 14, 2013 12:00AM


LABOR'S two-day gender offensive against Tony Abbott continued to unravel yesterday as supporters of Julia Gillard failed to produce any evidence to back claims a derogatory menu had been distributed at a Liberal National Party fundraiser.

As the man who first alerted the world to the existence of the menu - a disgruntled former worker at Brisbane's R&R Cafe - admitted he had no firsthand knowledge it ever left the kitchen, the emergence of a second worker who claimed it had been widely seen at the LNP dinner in March appeared to be a hoax.


  1. This one worked better. Maybe you can take the PM's job. Hers never work at all.


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..