Friday, June 14, 2013

Fish a'la Mala on the menu Tonight.

After Gordon's foray in the kitchen the other evening, my good friend Mala popped in with some goodies to go with it. So I invited her in tonight to work some more culinary magic.

You see, in a Tavern like this we have the Hoi-Poloi mingling with the Hoity-Toity in good cheer together sharing intellectual views as well as colourful tales, and it is common to have more 'farm-fare' on the menu. Our patrons do not mind good, wholesome, home-cooked food especially from the vineyard gardens down the hill. In fact they demand. And we have not had Ju-Liar Gillard in here complaining either. I reckon Mala would give her a sound box around the ears.

Mala is a dear lady. What we around 'ere call a 'Good Woman. You can tell from her accent that she is a close neighbour. And her vineyard is a place to wander  contentedly in, to be sure, where an old Knight like me can watch others toil. Hospitality to body and especially the Soul is Mala's calling. I will tell you more about her another time but first let's hear from her lovely self.


And something to go with it, or as an Horses duffras?
Oow Ahh! Very tasty.
I hope we can see and hear more from Mala in the future. There are many good people out there living their lives quietly, but few speak out as nicely and to the point as this charmer from the Land of the Long White Cloud.  You can find more of her quite different messages on You Tube if you just seek out 'Mala265'.
And be nice. I  keep a sword under the bar-top for nasty buggers.


  1. Thankyou :) I hope you enjoy your meal :))

  2. Hundreds booked and due to tuck in !!


  3. I think a nice hot chicken pot pie will be next on the menu.
    lol...I keep a good butchers knife in the block on the kitchen bench... but keep that sword under the bar-top just incase Amfortas :)

  4. The nights are drawing in and even drawing Knights to the fireplace and a hot pie. So bring them on. I suppose you couldn't suggest a few wines that might just go with it? We are happy to have an article or two and you are a daughter of the vine after all. :)


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..