Tuesday, October 2, 2018

This Woman will NOT Obey

We were talking of disobedience. Many customers here in the Tavern take their responsibilities seriously. They are well aware of what is Right and what is Wrong. And we get to hear of those who do not just sit around and talk about it over a pot of Ale (although it is good to sup deep and to spread the good news) but actually get out there and DEFY. But the cost of disobeying is high.

So we follow the adventures, trials and superb actions of a fine Warrior lady, Mary Wagner. Mary is a 'Front-Line' sort of gal. She is well known to the 'Authorities' in Toronto, Canada, who have variously carried, dragged, shoved her around and into Jail more times than you or I would find tolerable or bearable. If she had a medal for each occasion she would have a chest-full like a combat General.

Despite four criminal convictions then on her record, Wagner was awarded the Diamond Jubilee medal in 2012, along with her friend and mentor Linda Gibbons. Conservative MP Maurice Vellacott said he recommended the two criminally convicted protesters for the medal because they were “heroines of humanity… who try to save babies from such savagery.”
Mary is an Inspiration, not unlike our own Kathy Clubb who is apprehending and anticipating her appearance before the High Courts in Oz for her very similar work. Graham Preston too. We shall hear from her here and from Debbie Garratt, who is fighting against the same 'Legal' wickednesses in Oz that Kathy fights and Mary fights.

First though, that word or two from Kathy, just to orient us all.
"We must not be under any illusions about the type of battle we’re engaged in: pro-life work is spiritual warfare. 
It only takes a short amount of time spent outside an abortion facility to see this firsthand. There is something other-worldly going on inside an abortion facility – remember, this building has been designed and set aside for the shedding of innocent blood. It is no ordinary building. And the people who work there are not ordinary people. Their callousness and bitterness are obvious and their attitude toward us goes way beyond simple disagreement or distaste for our opinion. 
There is evident a deep-seated rage which can only have something diabolical at its source."
So, to the Warrior at hand. One who takes the hits, the blows, the indignities, and turns them to Good.
Mary Wagner's War
Women in jail tell Mary Wagner about their abortions.
 Wagner says the women who speak to her in jail tell her they have not been healed or helped by their abortions. 
The pro-life activist is free today, but over the years Wagner has spent more than four years in jail because she walks into abortion clinics and calmly tries to persuade patients to leave, plying them with roses and pamphlets. 
Whenever she does this she is in breach of court orders. For Wagner, each foray into a clinic — and from there into police custody, and from there into prisons and courtrooms — is a direct, personal effort to save lives.
Judges who have ruled on Wagner’s many cases and appeals don’t doubt her sincerity, don’t discount her religious convictions and don’t dispute the urgency she feels.

“I think it inescapable that to Ms. Wagner ‘the merits’ were not the usual guilt or innocence in this case, but rather the legal status of what she construes to be the innocents whose existence is terminated by abortion,” wrote Justice Fergus O’Donnell in 2015. “Ms. Wagner, however, is not the average criminal defendant.”

Wagner, 43, walked out of jail on Sept. 12 when Justice Rick Libman, acknowledging Wagner’s moral convictions, sentenced her to 30 months probation and community service rather than give her 18 months in jail as requested by the Crown.
She had already spent six months in jail after refusing bail conditions that demanded she stay away from abortion sites. After telling Wagner he would accept character references before sentencing, the judge received more than 850 reference letters, 34,000 emails and 67,000 petition signatures in support of Wagner.

Wagner says the women who speak to her in jail tell her they have not been healed or helped by their abortions. 
They carry with them regrets, confusion and anger. Wagner hopes her words to them about mercy and the love of God are a balm for their wounds.

But she can’t forget the unborn, either.

“We tend, when it comes down to it, to forget that we’re talking about human beings who are living and who are dying through choice and through indifference,” Wagner said. “What have we done and what have we failed to do in our neighbourhoods every single day? 
Is it breaking the law to try to protect somebody from being killed?”
She now hopes to visit a convent in Princeville, Ill., where she likes to spend at least a month each year. The convent is run by the Apostolic Sisters of St. John, part of a trio of controversial orders (priests, apostolic women and contemplative women) founded by Dominican philosophy professor Fr. Marie-Dominique Philippe.

Though not a member of the order, the 43-year-old Wagner is profoundly influenced by Philippe, whom she met shortly before his death in 2006. Wagner herself lives a simple, celibate life under personal vows.

“What God has called me to is that awareness that love is personal,” she told The Catholic Register. “We are personally loved by God and personally called to love Him and meet Him and to see Him in each person in our presence, even if we don’t actually see (the unborn child). That takes it (abortion) out of the whole question of trying to win over people through debate, through rational argument.”

In jail, she tells her fellow prisoners about God’s mercy, that God can be trusted and that miracles happen every day. Through Lent she led a small group of prisoners through daily prayer and reflection.

“I hope my life is not repetitive,” said Wagner. “There are obviously repetitions of being arrested and getting out and going to trial. I hope it goes deeper than just this repetition.”
Fr Fidelis Moscinski being carried
out to the Police wagon.
Arrested for trying to save babies.
Wagner was born in Vancouver, grew up Catholic and was “raised in a family that took the Eucharist pretty seriously and took respect for life pretty seriously, with the graces that come from that.” She went through elementary and high school in the suburban Vancouver community of Tsawwassen. She took a BA in English literature with a minor of French language and literature from the University of Victoria. She has four sisters and eight brothers, “including one in Heaven.” Five were adopted.

She started getting arrested for anti-abortion activities in 1999 in Vancouver. She moved to Toronto in 2010 with one contact and $500 in her pocket. Thanks to donors, she leads a semi-contemplative life. Her days start with the Divine Office, lectio divina and a holy hour before or after morning Mass.

“It’s an unusual life,” she concedes. “This period of suddenly not being in jail and having to discover — OK, God, how do you want me to live now in this interim? Having court dates here, there and everywhere, it’s not conducive to having a so-called normal life. I try to be open to what He asks of me on a daily basis.”
Despite four criminal convictions then on her record, Wagner was awarded the Diamond Jubilee medal in 2012, along with her friend and mentor Linda Gibbons. Conservative MP Maurice Vellacott said he recommended the two criminally convicted protesters for the medal because they were “heroines of humanity… who try to save babies from such savagery.”

Asked about the best advice she ever received, Wagner goes back to the time she spent in France with Philippe’s community.

“He said, ‘We see many injustices in the world, but the first injustice — the primary injustice — is that God is no longer adored. God is no longer first,’ ” she said. “That remark, rather than counsel, was counsel for me because there is a tendency to see a certain injustice and to let that take priority. To realize that God is first, is called to be first in our lives, that is what this means. It’s that we’re called to enter into more and more a life of adoration. That sort of centres everything. That puts everything into perspective for me.”

In a political sense, Wagner knows she’s losing the argument over Canada’s non-existent abortion law. But her goal goes beyond legislation.
“We as people, how we live, will change the law too. It will shape the law. If we are just content to allow politicians and Parliament to decide for us, if we put our trust in princes and strive only along the side of having the law changed, what about the rest of our Christian calling to love our neighbour who is in distress, who is abandoned? It doesn’t have to be one or the other. I agree, we have to change the law, absolutely.”

Wagner knows that women, in particular the unwed, often believe that having a baby will be the end of their education, the end of their dreams. She knows they think they will end up poor the rest of their lives and their child will grow up in poverty. She has heard that women suffer at the hands of violent men, that such a pregnancy can cost them their families and their futures. But Wagner thinks the women don’t really know their future.
“We can never definitively say we know how things are going to turn out for somebody. So we always go with hope. We should always have hope,” she said. “You can’t get into someone’s heart and make them love and make them hope. But we can love them. And we can act on the hope that we’ve been given. We can say, ‘We will not abandon you and your child. Walk out of this clinic and we will walk with you every step of the way.’ ”

Wagner says a few of the women she has approached in abortion clinics have changed their minds. If all her arrests and the courtroom arguments launched on her behalf never make a dent in Canada’s abortion rate, Wagner remains at peace. She pushes back against questions about what she might be accomplishing.
“It’s not great things that God is impressed by. It’s little things. It could be seemingly very insignificant things — maybe completely insignificant — but the love we put into it,” she said. 
“So, God will judge me on that.”

Not Alone

After release from jail following processing and citation to appear in court Wednesday 3 October; Rescuers Will Goodman, Fr Fidelis Moscinski, Patrica Woodworth, and Matthew Connolly. ("Baby Jane Doe" remains imprisoned as she chose to remain nameless in solidarity with the nameless unborn massacred each day) These four rescuers returned to pray in front of the killing place they were arrested at just a couple of hours earlier.

And some short background to the latest action by those good people.  A sitrep from the front line.

Subject: Pro-Life Red Rose Rescue
Pro-Lifers Conduct Acts of Civil Disobedience
at Montclair Abortion Facility in Defense of Unborn

Saturday, September 29, 2018 . This morning, pro-lifers entered a Montclair abortion clinic to talk to women scheduled for abortions, and by refusing to leave the clinics when told to do so by law enforcement, offered an act of non-violent defense of unborn children about to be aborted, resulting in their arrests.

At approximately 8:30 AM this morning Pro-lifers entered the Pilgrim Medical Center, 393 Bloomfield Avenue, Montclair, NJ. Once inside, they quietly approached mothers seated in the waiting room and offered them red roses as a symbol of life. Attached to each rose was a card which stated on one side “You were made to love and to be loved... your goodness is greater than the difficulties of your situation. Circumstances in life change. A new life, however tiny, brings the promise of unrepeatable joy.” and phone numbers of local pregnancy help centers on the other.

Those involved in the “Red Rose Rescue” talked to women scheduled for abortions, extending to them words of encouragement and offering material help. In addition to reaching out to the mothers, the rescuers chose to remain in the clinic as an act of solidarity with the unborn children scheduled to be killed by abortionists. The rescuers, like any others who recognize an urgent situation, responded to dire circumstances of imminent peril in a spirit of intervention on behalf of innocent babies and beleaguered mothers. 
Proverbs 24:11 states: “Rescue those who are being led away to death.”

The Red Rose Rescue is modeled after the pro-life rescue activity of well-known Canadian activist Mary Wagner, who has repeatedly entered Toronto abortion centers and offered red roses to mothers waiting to have their children aborted.

The Red Rose Rescue did not involve the blockading of the clinic entrance or abortion procedure rooms. When police officers arrived on the scene, pro-lifers attempted to continue conversation with women or sat on the floor praying quietly or singing hymns until they were placed under arrest.
Monica Migliorino Miller, director of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society who participated in Red Rose Rescues in the past, explains: “The Red Rose Rescue is an act of charity for women who feel for whatever reason they must have their innocent unborn children killed. Those who took part were willing to embrace risks for these women and their babies. 
We will go into the very places where the unborn are put to death and extend help to the moms. Should this help be refused—we will not leave the abortion centers but remain in solidarity with the helpless victims oppressed by the injustice of abortion. Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta said that her work was “to go into the dark holes of the poor.” The Red Rose Rescue is an action of going into the dark holes of the poor—namely abortion clinics where the innocent are rejected—and in these dark holes we seek to bring hope, true peace and the presence of God.”

Those involved in the Red Rose Rescue include Fr. Fidelis Moscinski, CFR, Will Goodman, Matthew Connolly, Patrice Woodworth, Adele Gilhooly, Lisa Hart and “Baby Jane Doe.”
All in the Tavern stood and raises a glass to these courageous warriors.

They are engaged in Spiritual Warfare

Some of us with Rank, Saluted our Betters.

Drink deep, good people.

Prepare for War.

Judica me, Deus.



  1. A brave women. She is the epitome of womanhood..... powerful, present, sensitive, loving. She prays in a gentle manner, yet people see it as dangerous. See how powerful the feminine spirit can be when it works properly for the sake of goodness? G-d bless her.

    Good one my friend:)

    1. Yes, you get it all. And yes she IS dangerous, but only to those in thrall to evil.


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..