Monday, October 15, 2018

And on the Third Day.....

(Video update at the end)
.....The Judges rose to take tea and consider their verdict.  The High Court of Oz, in Canberra, had listened to the arguements, and no doubt  any slight thought of Pontius Pilate did not cross their minds. We have had weeks of America's Supreme Court appointment bizzo and few anywhere, even here in Oz, give much thought to our own Legal Pinnacle. 

My friends Kathy Clubb and Graham Preston - I am honoured to have stood with them on street corners - had taken their case against 'Safe Zones' to the highest Court in the land after years of harassment and villification against them by mobs of the nastiest people, aided and abetted by the Police and Governments. It had been a hard week for them both.

Ranged infront of their Honours were ranks of lawyers. 31 of them for the opposition and 5 pro-bono warriors for my two friends. The 31 lawyers for the Governments were all paid handsomely by the taxpayer.

Graham sat with a glass of the finest and reported:

Dear Friends,
Now we wait – for the High Court to hand down their decision about the constitutionality of the abortion clinic “bubble zone” laws.

There is no set time frame so it could be months before we hear anything but it is possible that it could be soon. After three long days of sitting through, for this non-lawyer, what seemed to be rather arcane legal argument I cannot say that I am filled with confidence that we will win. 

A number of the seven judges (four men and three women) seemed to show their hand rather too clearly that they are not friendly to our position but I may be wrong and time will tell. Thank-you for praying and please continue to pray for the judges as they deliberate.

My friend Jim and I drove there and back without incident and we were very appreciative of a family who gave us generous hospitality at short notice. The National Gallery of Art is next to the High Court and during one lunch-break I took the opportunity to visit there. Some say that art is a good indicator of the state of health of a culture – if so, we are, in my view, in big trouble as there was some pretty weird “art” there!
Below is the official statement about the court case written on Kathy’s and my behalf by our lawyers.
Joint statement from Kathleen Clubb and Graham Preston 
 Kathy Clubb and Graham Preston, appellants in this week’s challenge to the exclusion zone laws in Victoria and Tasmania have issued the following joint statement.

 "We feel honoured to have been able to argue for the freedom of political communication in our nation’s highest court.
 This truly has been a David and Goliath battle.
 We have been opposed by the governments of Victoria, Tasmania, the Commonwealth and all other states and the Northern Territory.  We have also been opposed by the Castan Human Rights Law Centre and Big Abortion, namely the so-called Fertility Control Clinic.

 While we are passionately concerned about the issue of abortion, we realise that this case has far greater implications for many fundamental Australian freedoms, including freedom of speech and political communication.
 The so-called exclusion zone legislation affects all Australians.  By limiting political communication, the rights of every Australian is affected.
 These laws needed to be challenged in the High Court.
 We feel privileged to have had our cases heard by the High Court and to have represented the rights of the littlest Australians, the unborn, in their silent cry for life.
 We look forward to the decision of the High Court and wish to thank all who have supported us throughout this case." 
Graham continued. 

Since getting back there has been another pro-life rally outside Parliament House on Saturday. Despite the wet weather it was well attended.

Then yesterday, I and two of my daughters decided at short notice to bring a pro-life presence to a lunch-time pro-abortion march and rally in the city. Our presence made quite an impact. The pro-abortionists certainly did not want anyone to see what they themselves were advocating for though because as soon as I held up a large picture of the broken bodies of aborted babies, captioned “This is pro-choice!”, they hypocritically tried to cover it up!

One woman, after poking me with her umbrella came up behind me and grabbed the sign and ran off with it. I thought that was the last I would see of it but to my surprise the police went after her and I got it back!
The Bill to legalise abortion in Queensland is due to be debated in Parliament tomorrow.
Thank-you again for your support and prayers.
While thousands have been praying, be assured that dark, malevolent forces have also been at work.  It is not as though killing babies is a new and dark turn. 

Molech… was an Ammonite god who required propitiatory child sacrifice. 

A couple sacrificed their firstborn by burning the child on a metal idol of Molech, believing that Molech would ensure financial prosperity for the family and future children. The Israelites were strictly forbidden to practice this form of worship… as it is in stark contradiction to the sanctity of life espoused throughout the Bible. 

Today’s Molech is the abortion industry, sacrificing babies for the idol of financial greed, veiled in the hopes of the development of new cures through biomedical research.

Since the infamous Roe vs Wade decision in 1973 (quickly follwed in Oz and all over the western world) there have been well over 60 million abortions performed in the United States alone. (4,500,000 in Oz) But it’s also big business with Planned Parenthood, in particular, being exposed for trading in body parts. 

We don't know what goes on in the fetid offices of the Oz baby-murderers. Even my request for a 'Question' to be asked in Parliament about Health Authority checks on abortuaries in Hobart went unasked and un-reported. No-one as yet has had the gumtion, financial and technical resources and personal skills to secretly expose what goes on here. It will be very similar.

Watching the undercover video, one is immediately overwhelmed with the cavalier attitude of Mrs Nucatola, casually eating her meal while she describes the grotesque manner in which organs and body parts are harvested, illustrates the supply and demand economics of the business, and describes how Planned Parenthood knowingly is skirting if not breaking the law. 

The modern day Molech should be well pleased – in addition to the untold millions received in selling aborted baby organs and body parts, Planned Parenthood receives over $500 million from US tax payers from government grants and reimbursements (Planned Parenthood annual report).

With that in mind, Planned Parenthood (and similar) is not that different from the worship of Molech after all.

So, we wait.

Will we have a Christmas Present or one more year of disappointment and baby-carnage.


Pray and pray some more.

Hold the line. With my friend Kathy.

And drink deep.



  1. Many thanks for your ongoing interest in our case, Amfortas. We must continue to place our lights on high lampstands in these very dark times.

    1. My Prayers are with you. m'dear. And in the Tavern we raise a tankard in your praise.

  2. Hi there it's me, I am also visiting this website daily, this web page is in fact fastidious and the people are genuinely sharing fastidious thoughts.

  3. Ranged infront of their Honours were ranks of lawyers. 31 of them for the opposition and 5 pro-bono warriors for my two friends. The 31 lawyers for the Governments were all paid handsomely by the taxpayer.

    It makes a person hot under the collar.

    1. Psalm 94

      20 Can wicked rulers be allied with thee,
      who frame mischief by statute?
      21 They band together against the life of the righteous,
      and condemn the innocent to death.


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..