Sunday, May 13, 2018

Drumming Up Trade

The unquiet night earlier in the week (the stormy weather) was countered by a huge influx of customers yesterday. 1324 of them, which had me rushed off my feet. Someone has been drumming up trade. I do not think it was one of my critics, a lady who stands outside the hedge heckling. She reckons the Tavern customers won't reach double figures anytime soon. But the drums say otherwise.  I don't know whey she bothers.

The world loves a beat, and while I do not even play drums or any instrument for that matter, my chain mail-socks can tap one out when others play.  It has been mentioned to me as I pull pints that the Drummer in the Tavern name hardly gets a look in. So tonight we put that to rights.

Down in the streets the word was put out by a young fellow, Alistair, who can get a beat out of almost anything. I think he may have had something to do with all the tickets for the big bash this evening. 

We have a big line-up, from all over, but more of that in a moment.

Not that the biz is just for young fellows. In Japan a little girl whacks the skins like a professional much to the astonishment of shoppers. And me. I must get her onto the patio next summer.

It did not used to be the case back in my day that girls played drums. They usually stood around looking decorative. These days they are beating their own drum. This youngster reckons her Dad helped a lot.

But wait. Let's look at the line up for tonight. There are very decorative big girls playing with the boys. Or should that be competing. Here are the flowers of the Ukraine, lined up to battle it out.

Of course Battle was one of the earliest uses of drums. They signalled. They kept the timing. They lifted the spirits. But it took quite a bit of training and discipline which still has to be applied. Cadets here do their thing under the watchful eye and ear of their Sergeant before joining the field. Splendid lads too.

And the result? The Swiss Top Secret Drum Corps show us, dressed for combat.

The 'Drum Battle', has a history going right back to,,, oh 1966.  The famous one between the 'Greats': Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich, as I was reminded by my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. 

Now, if all works out we shall have the latest 'Great', Phil Collins, to round off our evening.

And I shall leave you dummaniacs with it.

I shall pull and pour pints while you enjoy.

(B)eat your heart out Sarah. You were almost right. My AdSense figures are in two digits. $20 ! 



  1. Replies
    1. hahaha. Yes, a different drum indeed. Different in that back in her day you could hear the words enunciated properly. Nice looking gal, Linda, too.

  2. My musical explorations started off with a recorder, which naturally led to the clarinet and also to the making and playing of bamboo pipes.

    This also lead to my choral singing days :-)

    I played clarinet in the in the school orchestra (show band) and sang in the choir.

    I also helped out in the junior band by playing the kettle drums and associated percussion instruments:

    Happy memories :-)

    1. Where would we be without those with a musical bent. It would be a far duller world that is for sure.

  3. The good Knight honors the Drummer....

    And now the REST of the world honors him.

    I still have my big drum set, the ones that fed me and my boy for so many, many years, set up on the very spot that my mother died.

    When I practiced, she said that I would put her to sleep playing Gene Krupa. And I always wondered what the HECK I was doing wrong.

    Now THAT's...a mother.

    Rhythm is everywhere. And it starts with our beating hearts.

    1. Indeed you are Honoured on the Tavern signage, for it was you who pushed, cajoled, entreated and brought about the first steps to set up this blog.

      My Supplier Blesses you.

      I am glad that you continue on the skins, m'dear.


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..