Thursday, April 19, 2018

Putting a Foot Forward, Pays.

Blokes and Ballet. I don't think about them much but I do like to see some girly ballet in the Tavern. When I shed my armour and bar-keeper apron I can scrub up well in a Dinner Jacket and watch the pretty girls, dancing. Its a feminine bizzo, ballet. Girls in tiny or whispy skirts, gracefully - and I have to acknowledge, athletically - leaping around on the restaurant stage area is a real treat. But the blokes? Hmmmm. Still, during the rehearsals for this evening's show, I learned a few things. For instance it seems to be a good gig for the lesser competent chaps who like to cavort with girls. 

Not that the blokes are not athletic in their own way, just lesser 'skilled' than the gals it seems, and less 'appealing' to a girl in the manly department, but I am not a dancer m'self. Oz does not have the American entertainment history of 'musicals' where jackaroos dance in from from the outback from herding cows or knife-wielding Somali thugs sashay down Collins street Melbourne to confront an equally hilarious mob of  leaping Lebanese 'skins' or 'jets'.  Nor coloured street gangs in Wagga Wagga who 'rap' and spin, trying to convince onlookers that they have a bit of manliness about them or even that they can dance. They don't. They can't. Michael Jackson just looked silly most of the time. 

One has to wonder about their genders though and there are so many these days. 'Man' does not figure highly. So we do not have that many of them nor many manly ballet dancers. But for some in the Tavern (I won't name names) who are always looking for me to say something about Manliness, let these ballet-guys serve as negative examples.

A very brief display of femininity from Anna Sysoeva seems to underscore the point.

Ballet seems short of manliness somehow, and would you believe short of feminists too!  But apparantly it pays well. Pays men well, that is.  Not a peep or a point from the 'wimmin' who are usually magnavocal about pay gaps.  Have you ever given that a passing thought?  Me neither. 

I shared a table with Madison Breshears as the rehearsals progressed. 
Feminists don’t care about the gender gap in ballet. 
Why should we care about the one in tech?
What, if anything, do ballet and tech have in common? The obvious answer is that both fields show highly disproportionate gender distributions.
Less acknowledged but no less relevant is this uncomfortable commonality: Both are industries where it pays to be in the sexual minority. I know, because I was a ballet dancer for 16 years.
In the ballet world, men’s unfair advantage in hiring and casting is as widely understood and as rarely acknowledged as is the rampant anorexia.
A less skilled male dancer is more likely to land a role or get a job than a female dancer of comparable skill. Due to the scarcity of men, the hurdles to a professional career are distinctly lower than they are for most women.
Anyone who says something similar about women in the tech industry does so at their own peril. It is assumed and unquestioned that pervasive sexism and systematic discrimination against women are to blame for their underrepresentation. But then, how did a field like tech, once dominated by nerds regularly bullied by their more athletic and popular peers, suddenly become replete with toxic masculinity?
The answer? It didn’t.
I was born in the mid-nineties, and I’m still old enough to recall a time when demographic trends by sex weren’t a titillating subject of conversation for anyone other than advertisers interested in strategic marketing, let alone a source of widespread concern. 
Today, gender patterns once regarded as the facts of life elicit outrage, investigation, and legislation across our country.
Particularly telling was the 2017 controversy over Google employee James Damore’s infamous memo. As you might recall, the widely-circulated manifesto made headlines for its subversive use of statistical trends, psychology, scientific data, and several well-placed bullet points. His thesis? The underrepresentation of women in the tech industry may not necessarily be the result of sexism or discrimination, but of differing interests, choices, or personality trends seen between genders on average. 
Damore went on to say that the tech giant’s programs and practices intended to eliminate the gender gap in question were manifesting in unjust treatment of men within the company.
This seems like common sense to a lot of people, but it certainly upset the prevailing assumptions at Google. The well-researched but socially suicidal document led to Damore's termination, catapulting Damore into an overnight viral sensation as the antichrist of the feminist Left and the champion for the politically-incorrect everywhere.
I was sitting in a ballet studio, warming up before class, when I was unexpectedly prompted to revisit the idea of the “gender gap.” 
Surrounded by that standard 20:1 female to male ratio, I asked myself, where is the public outrage? 
If we tend to assume that occupational gender disparities are invariably the result of injustice, then, by all accounts, ballet was suffering from an epidemic of anti-male sexism.
Lucinda Dunn, the artistic director at the Tanya Pearson Classical Coaching Academy, addressed the question of whether there were more boys going in to ballet.

But Dunn, a former principal artist at the Australian Ballet, said there was one reason why men would always be important for classical ballet.

"The reality is you can't be a female ballerina if you don't have someone to stand behind you."

So, most often he is just a 'prop'.

Looking at Auditions and the wannabees can illustrate for us. A point to note is who is in charge! 
But that obviously isn’t the case, and you don’t need to launch an investigative campaign into casting or hiring practices to know why. 
Men, on average, simply are not as interested in ballet as women. 
It isn't even close, and thus neither are the numbers of men and women in ballet.
I remember distinctly from my youth the tinge of jealousy and injustice I felt watching my less talented male peers win medals, receive scholarships, and land company positions that I never did. I understand Damore's point from a deeply personal perspective.
But there is one crucial caveat: While my experience and those of women like me in ballet are an unfortunate but inevitable fact of the industry, Damore and other male Google employees are, in fact, suffering from blatant sex discrimination.
Ballet, after all, can't be done without male roles
Its canonical repertoire demands opposite-sex partnering choreography. There is no analogous constraint in the tech industry to excuse its discrimination in favor of one sex over the other. There is no inherent reason why women need to work in tech; coding is as colorblind as it is sexually indiscriminate. 
Notice him, back there?
Yet, Google is employing discrimination against one sex and in favor of the other to combat an assumed problem — latent sexism supposedly causing the enormous gender disparity in tech — for whose existence the evidence is elusive.
The selective outrage of feminists over disparities like the one in tech is revealing. 
There is a conspicuous shortage of school programs, campaigns, marches, and hashtags to end the gender gap in, say, teaching, or counselling, which according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics are professions overwhelmingly dominated by women
Nursing is a pretty good gig — it pays well, is flexible, and nurses can find work anywhere. So, where should we look for the anti-male bias that made it so that more than 90 percent of nurses are women?
Meanwhile, you will search in vain for the calls to eliminate the overrepresentation of men in mining, trucking, sewage, and garbage collecting. The reason for all this is that the feminist Left isn't so much a political movement for equality with a consistent philosophy as much as it is an expression of rage over the fact that men and women tend to make different career decisions.
They are, however, right about one thing. Perhaps the only feasible way of totally eliminating their favourite misread statistic and rallying cry, the “gender wage gap,” would be to strong-arm the nation's most prestigious companies into discriminating against men, or alternatively, to coerce very large numbers of women into professions and career paths that they consistently opt not to pursue when given a free choice, in spite of the incentives.
I salute women who work in fields where they’re outnumbered, but I don’t appreciate or support policies that patronize women at men’s expense for the sake of “diversity” in any occupation, under any circumstances. 
My female friends in STEM agree, and they aren’t the ones pushing for these ridiculous reparations.
As for the radical feminists, you might ask them, if they feel so strongly about equal representation, why didn’t they themselves pursue a degree in engineering? Expect to hear something like, “well, I did always prefer English, and calculus was such a bore.”
While all that chat was going on, some girls were taking the stage to do what a military chap like m'self might call 'Drill'.  And as ever, there is always one!!
We like a bit of fun with our arty evenings.

But I sat back to watch the rest of the show, which you could see if you came by in person this evening. I am open to learning about the bizzo.... and watch pretty girls. The 'Chorus' girl was always a fantasy but in Ballet they work hard.

It isn't as though they get paid all that much. They are paid on gigs and rehearsals. Often just 38 weeks of the year. Your superstar can pull in big bucks but the rest?

Many ballerinas have been training for most of their lives to become a principal dancer, usually starting classes around the age of seven. Dance students can train between eight-to-10 years before landing professional work.

Professionally, dancers start out as apprentices before moving to the lowest level of their company, the corps de ballet. There, they can be promoted to coryphées, where they may be given small solos. 

The next step is becoming a soloist, who often learns principal parts as an understudy should the principal have to miss a show. 

Principal dancers or senior principals are the highest-ranking in every company – the stars of the show. How much do ballerinas make throughout this process?

 It varies greatly but generally sticks to the following range: (US$)
Apprentice (New Dancer): $125 – $800 per week
Corps de Ballet dancer: $325 - $1,500 per week

Principal Dancer: $53,000 - $150,000+ a year for the top companies

Pay gap? 

At 20 gals for every chap, it is surprising the chaps want any pay at all. !

Maybe feminists and their acolytes who like to be the only gals in a man-work place, should consider the 'side-benefit' aspects of the pay differentials too.

I can hear the outrage already. Hahahahaha.

I gave all the guys drinks on the house.

All the ladies too, of course.

I leave you with one more. The very famous. Yes, Nureyev and Fonteyn. I was never impressed by his attempts at manliness. An oversized cod-piece does not convince. But you assess for yourselves.



  1. I can just see you as a "ballerin" with your posing pouch, cavorting around, holding the back and keeping up with the ladies. I'd pay good money to see that.

    1. A dancer and prancer, with or without pouch, I ain't. Hang onto your money and find a poor man to feed. :)

  2. In certain ballet roles, men are mandated. As far as I am aware, no STEM roles mandate either men or women. The situations are not equivalent though what impact that has I wouldn't know.

    1. Good point. No 'equivalence' was claimed by Madison though, just a comparison of feminist rhetorical claims about 'sexism'. STEM roles do not require athletic ability either.

  3. Ballet is a form of art. The dancers male and female tune in with each other. Think of it as a painting that is fluid rather than static.

    Male dancers do not wear a codpiece they wear a cotton elasticated thong which serves two purposes; to prevent injury to themselves in the groin area whilst performing fast dance moves, to avoid VPL and distracting wobbles of the genitalia due to wearing body hugging garments.

    1. The 747 aircraft was designed with a 'bump' on the top front to provide headroom for the pilot when he sat on his wallet. This has no connection to a ballet blokes' bal.... genitalia. :)

  4. Hmm is anyone else encountering problems with the pictures on this
    blog loading? I'm trying to figure out if its a
    problem on my end or if it's the blog. Any responses would be greatly appreciated.

    1. There are many different types of blog-seeing kit and some are better than others. I can only rely on Blogger to transmit. Reception is an issue at your end. I hope your problem is just 'time' for pictures to load, as patience is the cure.

      Have a drink while you wait.



Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..