Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Brexit, a Dog's Breakfast?

Just when a chap starts to despair (not this chap) about the negotiations that Britain is having with the EU about leaving, something comes along to take the biscuit.  In this case, a dog biscuit. The issue was raised in the UK Bar last evening and I hope Sir Humphrey gets his teeth into it quickly.

Personally and disinterestedly I do not see why Britain doesn't just tell the EU to shove it and carry on as usual, being nice to all the countries that play nicely and trading away like happy little shop-keepers without having to pay the middle-bureaucrats the billions they have to at present.

But of course some shop-keepers are ungrateful wastes of time. 

Matt Watts and Julia were argy-bargying over the barking mad dog groomer fellow who was crying into his dog bowl.
Celebrity dog groomer: 
I'm facing Brexit staff shortage
The impact of the EU referendum on recruitment in catering, farming and the NHS has already been well documented. Now spare a thought for celebrity dog owners — who are facing a shortage of canine groomers.
Jacob van Nieuwkoop’s Purplebone dog beauty parlours in Chelsea and Notting Hill are said to provide services for pets of stars who include David Beckham, Holly Valance, Lily Allen and Gary Barlow.

Oh my goodness. Those poor 'stars'.  What are they to do?
Former City worker Mr van Nieuwkoop, 52, said before the referendum he received job applications on a weekly basis from EU nationals both in the UK and abroad.
But, in recent months, the number of experienced dog groomers applying to work at the boutiques had fallen to “next to nothing”.
The business, which grooms about 300 pets a week, now has a seven-week waiting list because it cannot find three members of staff to style the pets.
Mr van Nieuwkoop said he faced closing one of its boutiques — which also sells designer dog clothes including bow ties and bandanas — because it was not economically viable.
He says without sufficient staff to cater for a high number of dogs he will not be able to pay the rent.
It could mean the likes of Beckham — whose canine brood includes cocker spaniel Olive, shar-pei Baranby and two bulldogs called Coco and Scarlet — might have to find a new dog groomer.
He said: “It’s clear that this ludicrousness of Brexit has already had an impact on a number of sectors and this is one of them.
"I believe people are worried about their immigration status, people don’t feel so welcome and don’t want to stay, others don’t want to come to London any more. It’s really alarming.
"We aren’t against employing people from the UK but there aren’t the correct applicants coming forward.”
Pizza chain Franco Manca’s owners have also highlighted problems   recruiting EU workers. Fulham Shore, the company behind the sourdough empire, said in its full-year results that the leave vote had made it difficult to find “skilled European staff”.
Mr van Nieuwkoop said he wanted to raise concerns about the impact on smaller sectors. Theresa May has said reducing net migration is a top priority when Britain leaves the EU.
I am deeply sympathetic (not) to these gentlemen and the pizza girl. And the celebrity and nonebrity dogs. I have a little trouble finding staff too. It is not easy running an invisible Tavern but as yet I have not had the need for the enormous might of the EU to provide a suitable mob. 

Julia M, The Ambush Predator was on the dog-man in a flash, teeth bared, and I did not even have to provide a paring knife as she skinned the rubbish-bag topped chap. She helpfully picked Matt's piece apart too. She spoke loudly, but doing what I usually do !
But…But…But My Cheap Labour Force!
The impact of the EU referendum on recruitment in catering, farming and the NHS has already been well documented. Now spare a thought for celebrity dog owners — who are facing a shortage of canine groomers.
Oh noes! Calamity! 
Won’t someone think of the poor slebs and their doggos?
Jacob van Nieuwkoop’s Purplebone dog beauty parlours in Chelsea and Notting Hill are said to provide services for pets of stars who include David Beckham, Holly Valance, Lily Allen and Gary Barlow.
Former City worker Mr van Nieuwkoop, 52, said before the referendum he received job applications on a weekly basis from EU nationals both in the UK and abroad.
But, in recent months, the number of experienced dog groomers applying to work at the boutiques had fallen to “next to nothing”.
So employ some Brits. 
And if they won’t do it for the wages you offer, put up your prices so you can offer higher wages.
The business, which grooms about 300 pets a week, now has a seven-week waiting list because it cannot find three members of staff to style the pets.
No, it’s because it can’t find three members of staff at the price it wants to pay for them.

Mr van Nieuwkoop said he faced closing one of its boutiques — which also sells designer dog clothes including bow ties and bandanas — because it was not economically viable.
He says without sufficient staff to cater for a high number of dogs he will not be able to pay the rent.
It could mean the likes of Beckham — whose canine brood includes cocker spaniel Olive, shar-pei Baranby and two bulldogs called Coco and Scarlet — might have to find a new dog groomer.
But won’t they all be facing the same issues?
“We aren’t against employing people from the UK but there aren’t the correct applicants coming forward.”
What’s ‘not correct’ about them? 
They aren’t qualified? Or they won’t put up with the pay?
Pizza chain Franco Manca’s owners have also highlighted problems recruiting EU workers. Fulham Shore, the company behind the sourdough empire, said in its full-year results that the leave vote had made it difficult to find “skilled European staff”.
This is just the curry chef argument all over again. 
We have bakers in this country. We’ve had them for hundreds of years.
And now, the more of these arguments and demands to halt Brexit hit the media, the more we start to realise what all those ‘vitally important immigrants so necessary to our industry’ (who increase the housing pressure & NHS waiting lists) are actually doing.
And it’s not what we thought; it’s walking Fido, and cooking fancy pizza and fancy bread for the chattering classes.
Well, sod that! 
Walk your own dog and eat Hovis. 
The party’s over.
We have something of the same problem in Oz with  some chattering class 'employers' bringing in overseas people on special visas because they 'can't find the right skills' amongst the 24 million Australians already here. 

It is quite a lark holding their passports and having complete control over whether they stay here or not. Keep your nose clean and eat the dog biscuits.

They can shove it too.

I need a drink now and Julia deserves one too.


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Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..