Sunday, May 28, 2017

Public Child Abuse, paid for by Parents

Someone took Umbrage yesterday at some off-hand comment I made regarding the Manchester bombing of a pop concert. It was one paragraph in a longish piece with three other contributors talking about our options for living a half-decent life ala St Benedict. Fortunately I have a box of umbrage in a cupboard in the P&B so there is plenty more for them to take. No doubt I will see it depleted a bit after this post.

Having been around the traps for quite a long time, I do have opinions.  The small paragraph simply touched on a very difficult issue that most people could easily overlook. So I was 'just saying'. I generally allow plenty of space for others to give their opinions and views in the Tavern. Most of the space, in fact. I am well aware that far younger people who may still have the cradle marks on their backsides also have opinions. Who can escape noticing !  And there are those who get their opinions from Professors of gender politics, division and cultural marxism. 

There are those in-between youth and knackered old shitdom who also have opinions and one very vocal and forthright one was in the US Room today giving her view. 

Anne Barnhardt is just the sort of 'firm' woman that the 'toleratti' hate. Those non-judgmentalists who take the  immoral high-ground and seek 'diversity', signalling their virtue at every drop of a word they dislike and claiming to be offended, will be offended down to their socks today.

Anne has a motto: 
Judica me, Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta.

Those not knowing Latin will need a translation so.....' Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy'. 

And no doubt the toleratti will shout 'Discriminayshun ! ' 

There are very few, if any, 'Holy Nations' around. 

She is a Catholic, of course, although she is also a convert. She has been there and done that too.

She came out all guns firing. 
Manchester: The Brutal Truth


It is by now widely reported that the concert in Manchester, England that was bombed by a member-in-good-standing of the islamic political system, was by an American singer named Ariana Grande, and that Grande’s target audience was pre-teen and teen aged girls.   
Grande is a product of the odious Nickelodeon children’s cable channel machine, second only to Disney in its perversity and aggression in its attack on children’s souls.
Not knowing anything about Grande, I did less than five minutes of reasearch and was stunned – yes, even in my severely jaded state I was stunned – by what I found.

Ariana Grande’s “music” is, very simply, pornography
Some might jump to the erroneous conclusion that five minutes is not much research, but Anne did not say she stopped at five, only that by five she was already stunned.  Odds are though that some folk will not care to notice that.
 EVERY SONG, and I do mean EVERY SONG has exactly the same theme: the physical, mechanical act of sex, including manual, oral and anal sodomy.  And almost always with mildly retarded black men (because most of her songs “feature” a rapper).

Ariana Grande’s target audience is pre-pubescent girls.  The eight-year old girl that was killed in the Manchester jihad attack and has become the face of the event, Saffie Rose Roussos, was Ariana Grande’s TARGET demographic. 
 We will come back to Saffie Rose in a moment.

First, we need to manfully face what we are dealing with in terms of Ariana Grande and the entire “entertainment” machine in the post-Christian world.   
Ariana Grande’s biggest hit is a song called “Side to Side”.  All the little girls know this song by heart, and sing along with gusto. Here is the end of the chorus:

This the new style with the fresh type of flow 
Wrist icicle, ride dick bicycle 
Come true yo, get you this type of blow 
If you wanna menage I got a tricycle


“Wrist icicle” is when someone manually masturbates a man, he ejaculates, and the giver then has ejaculate dripping from their wrist.


“Ride dick bicycle”, fairly obvious, woman-on-top copulation.


“Blow”, oral sex.

“If you wanna MÉNAGE”, ménage a trois, fornication/sodomy with three people.
The title of the song, “Side to Side” references the main part of the chorus:

I’ve been here all night  I’ve been here all day 

And boy, got me walkin’ side to side 

I’ve been here all night  I’ve been here all day 

And boy, got me walkin’ side to side (Side to side)

“Boy got me walkin’ side to side” means that she, the singer, or the eight year old girls who put themselves in the singer’s place as they emulate her, has been engaging in so much rough fornication and sodomy that she is unable to walk straight, or with a limping gait, due to soreness or even internal damage.


Folks, this is one of Grande’s MILDER songs.

To prove that I’m not making a mountain out of a molehill, and that I haven’t simply cherry-picked an obscure Grande song, here is a clip of Grande appearing on the lesbian sodomite Ellen DeGeneres’ show, and DeGeneres, who herself targets young girls as part of her afternoon talk show demographic, asks Grande about these lyrics specifically, and then Grande goes on to PERFORM THE SONG.  
I won't show the  degenerate lesbian harpy  DeGeneres here so you will have to go to Ann's link (above) where she will show it.  It is a mark of our society in the west that such a woman is a 'leader' of women's thoughts, appearing on afternoon and morning TV like a soap opera, rousing angst against normality and  promoting  destructive permissiveness. This woman who represents less than 2% of women has a much larger following amonst the brain dead and the feminist culture.
Note that Grande herself projects as a young teenager, complete with ponytail and fringe bangs. And DeGeneres knew EXACTLY what “dick bicycle” meant.  It was all part of trying to sexualize and scandalize.   
Sodomites are vampiric, and being Diabolical Narcissists they, by definition, hate and want to crush all goodness, innocence, happiness and ultimately faith out wherever they find it.  And kids tend to wear those things on their sleeves. Fricking demoniac monsters.

The other thing I was struck by in my cursory research of Grande’s song lyrics is the blasphemy and direct praise of sin qua sin.  It is satanic.

Song: “Right There”

Rap interlude by “Big Sean”:

You know I have some girls missionary (Oh), 

My black book of numbers thicker than the dictionary,

And Bible? I got it recycled.

That’s blasphemy, folks.


Song: “Bad Decisions”


You’ve become my favorite sin

Song: “Side to Side”

‘Cause tonight I’m making deals with the devil

And I know it’s gonna get me in trouble….

So, let’s get back to young Saffie Rose Roussos after establishing this context.
Are you ready for some seriously hard-core confrontation?
Here, Anne really got down to it. The entertainment industry would not have the influence that it has over young minds and souls were it not for parents shoving their children between the grinding stones and paying vast - and I mean vast - amounts of money to the millers and grinders. Try as one might, one cannot evade or escape this clear fact.

Who was Saffie Rose Roussos’ greatest enemy?  Was it that musloid piece of shit that murdered her body?  I say no.   
I say that Saffie Rose Roussos’ greatest enemy in this life was her mother.   
Her mother bought her Grande’s music, bought her the tickets to this public performance of pornography, and happily watched as her EIGHT YEAR OLD DAUGHTER sang and danced along with Grande’s stage show.   
Oh, wait.  I forgot to tell you about Grande’s stage show.  Non-stop aping of sex acts and – wait for it – GLORIFICATION OF HOMOSEXUALITY.  Guys grinding and thrusting on guys, girls making out with girls, all under the omnipresent Rainbow Flag of Sodomy and Perversion.   
Saffie Rose’s mother took her to a live porn show.   
Saffie Rose’s mother is lying critically wounded in a hospital, not aware that her daughter is dead.
If Saffie Rose’s mother survives, and if this were a morally sane Christian culture, she should be arrested and tried for felony child sex abuse, namely distributing and displaying pornography and obscenity to a child. The fact that Saffie Rose is dead not only DOES NOT mitigate the crime, it makes it all the more serious.

The musloid piece of shit had no power over Saffie Rose’s soul.  Killing someone, and in the case of Saffie Rose, killing someone almost instantly, does not scandalize, corrupt, or drive the person into hell.  What the musloid piece of shit did is deprive Saffie Rose of not only her natural life given to her by God, and only God’s to take away, but it deprived Saffie Rose of the chance to ever convert/revert to Jesus Christ and His Holy Church.   
I know that a BUNCH of you  reading this are converts or reverts.  Do you ever think about what would have become of you – us – had we died before we made it into The Church?  Yeah.  Well, for Saffie Rose, the state of her soul is locked-in.  She will never go to Mass, receive the Eucharist, hear the words of absolution in the confessional and KNOW what it means.  I will return at the end to Saffie Rose’s eternal fate and the possibilities there.

Now returning to the musloids.  Let us compare the post-Christian neo-pagan west to the musloid culture.  As I exposed in my video, “Islamic Sexuality: A Survey of Evil”, there is no culture on this planet with higher per capita rates of child sex abuse, sodomy, sexual perversion and Diabolical Narcissism than the musloid culture.  A child in a musloid culture that escapes rape or molestation has beaten the odds.  And we also know that lying and mendacity are key pillars and foundational planks of musloid culture. We all know this.

Now, consider, that even musloids, as satanic and far-gone as they are, when confronted about child sex abuse will, out of some deep, deep, DEEP vestigial sense of right and wrong, DENY that they sexually abuse their children, and will lyingly claim that child abuse is a high crime in musloid culture. 
It’s all bullshit, but at least they try to bullshit you.

Now, look at post-Christian, neo-pagan culture.  If you or I or anyone confronts the likes of Saffie Rose’s mother about the fact that she is trafficking pornography and sexual obscenity to her own daughter, the response will come instantly:

Damn right! 
Girl power! 
Who are you to judge? 
How dare you throw your rigorist fundamentalism at me? 
You’re sick with your obsession with your antiquated dogmas and medieval laws! 
I’m teaching my daughter about LOVE and TOLERANCE and INCLUSION and LOVE!   
All you do is judge and hate!

Musloids cut the clitorises of eight year old girls like Saffie Rose out with rusty razor blades, and then turn them into de facto sex slaves.   
Are we so far gone, so breathtakingly stupid and blind, that we actually believe that the antidote to that, the proper response, it to turn our little girls into the most revolting, disgusting class of uber-sluts humankind has yet seen? 
 BECAUSE THAT’LL SHOW ‘EM!  Make no mistake, that is EXACTLY the road that Saffie Rose’s mother had her on.

I repeat my position:  Saffie Rose’s mother was a far worse enemy to Saffie Rose than the musloid piece of shit who killed her.  The musloid went for Saffie Rose’s body to kill it.  Saffie Rose’s mother went for her own daughter’s soul.

So, to Saffie Rose’s soul. I do not know if she was baptized.  She was eight years old.  Right on the edge of what the Church holds as “the Age of Reason”.  She was clearly raised in a home with a depraved, wildly negligent mother, in a wildly post-Christian culture.  Baptism is by no means assured.  The clear depravity of her mother is a huge mitigating circumstance, obviously.   
Saffie Rose has all kinds of mitigating circumstances because of her youth.  BUT.  We must not forget the Dogma of Original Sin.  If she was not baptized, then we know she is not in heaven.  The question becomes, is she in hell, having reached the Age of Reason and having died wallowing in such sin and depravity, OR was she too young to be held accountable, and now rests eternally in the Limbo of the Innocents.

I gotta tell you, just now, typing the words Limbo of the INNOCENTS, I shuddered.  Saffie Rose died young, and died at the hands of a musloid murderer, but she did NOT die INNOCENT.  Words have meaning, and Saffie Rose was not INNOCENT.   
Her mother made damn sure of that, didn’t she?

Finally, a word about the Divine Providence.
Anne had some theological opinions you might like to follow up via her link. I was pulling a pint at the time she spoke. 
Ariana Grande announced just today that she will return to Manchester and perform a Memorial Benefit Concert.

This the new style with the fresh type of flow 

Wrist icicle, ride dick bicycle 

Come true yo, get you this type of blow 

If you wanna ménage I got a tricycle.

There will be some who will think Ariana is such a brave and nice girl to give a 'benefit' concert.  I hope Anne's words show just what it is. Rubbing salt in the wound simply does not get near.
Until Ariana Grande and her managers and promoters are arrested for public obscenity, and Saffie Rose’s mother is arrested and charged with felony child sex abuse, and men turn back to Jesus Christ, the Scourge of islam will continue to rape, pillage and kill.

I’m not optimistic.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on the soul of Saffie Rose Roussos.
There were a few bullet holes in the ceiling when Anne finished and I had filled her glass, but no carpets were damaged. 

I can see the storm-clouds gathering and have the Umbrage box lid open. 

Young women like Ariana are dragged down to hell by the filth that run the 'entertainment ' industry.  Men and women. She could be seen, quite easily and with some pity, as a victim of wicked people. 

But at 24 - the same age as Wg Cdr Guy Gibson, for example, when he did his duty for his country - she has to be held accountable for her actions. She struts and perverts; she sings filth. To little girls. For exorbitant amounts of money.

And of course there will be those who leap -where angels won't - to defend her style, her lyrics, her 'leadership', her progressive anti-morality.  They will find all the fatuous excuses. They will condemn Anne for being hard-nosed. Of course. What else can one expect. They too have an opinion.

I expect, too, they will take some umbrage from my box. I can see them criticisng even this old and sad Tavern keeper.

Please discuss peaceably.

And Pray for all of them.



  1. You are right about one thing. All the "role models" for young women nowadays present as strippers and prostitutes.

    1. The parasites, vampires and diabolical narcissists who run the 'entertainment' industry are in Thrall to evil.

  2. Very confronting but absolutely true. Little Saffie trusted her mother to give her all the best in life and to protect her from the worst. Mummy had her daughter lined up to be promiscuous and shameless- to be put on the pill at 12 and driven to the abortion facility when the pill failed at 16. To fail at marriage but to succeed at pole dancing. To contract STIs followed by breast cancer and be called Brave. It would be far braver to resist our debaucherous culture and keep little ones away from the likes of Ariana Grande. It won't guarantee safety from despicable terrorists but just might save a child's soul.

    1. You get the point where others will defend and excuse, provide fatuous rationales and LIE. I weep for the state of the west.

  3. There is an obsession in the west to turn all women into prostitutes. And to a leftist, the younger the better. I have never understood why it was "oppression" to actually respect yourself (as a young women). Why teach our daughters that the way to "finding themselves" is becoming free prostitues? There used to be a time when women demanded more from themselves and men.
    what is wrong with being in a meaningful relationship with someone who actually cares about you..... And you him? I think a lot of young people are getting tired in my country of getting fed the lie that happiness in life equals living a life where everything has no meaning. We are tired of it. I think more men, and women would be wise to wake up to this.

    The southern girl:)

    1. Yes. An entire generation of girls, and boys too, have been perverted. That singer (if she can be called that) is typical of modern female entertainers adored by the teenies and the teens and copied by their older sisters who should be adult.

  4. Yes, leaving aside the superstitious beliefs you have about "original sin", "Limbo" and the innocence or otherwise of an 8 years old, you raise some very important issues. Clearly, Christians who send their children to hear this sheila need to know she preaches the opposite of their beliefs! You ultimate message, though, is correct, The woman is a child abuser and groomer! Interestingly, Muslims had been warned off attending her concerts.

    1. An event not usually attended by muslims is a fine muslim target, too.

  5. A lot of people blame this degeneracy on the Left. But it's not a leftist thing. If an Ariana Grande had tried this kind of thing in the old Soviet Union she (and her manager and everyone associated with her) would have found herself spending several years at a health resort in Siberia, working in the salt mines. The authorities would have recognised this as dangerous social poison.

    An old school leftist in Britain or Australia, back in the days when we still had a Left (say the 1950s) would have been equally horrified and would have been quite happy to see her locked up.

    The Soviets did go through a phase very early on of trying the "free love" experiment but they quickly abandoned it, realising that it would destroy their society.

    This cultural degeneracy is a product of the capitalist liberal democratic system which reduces everyone to being a consumer. A consumer of product. Sex is just another product. Prostitution is good because it boosts the GDP. Porn is good because it's an industry and it's profitable. War is also good because it's good for business. If you can make a buck out of it it's good. "Refugees" are the latest product and they're proving to be profitable as well.

    The bottom line is that Ariana Grande is celebrated because she makes money for people.

    1. Agreed, in part. The capitalist west is prone to excess and misuse of its gifts, but the rise and spread of degeneracy can be sheeted home to the very Russia you mention. Sure a dog will be sick and sick again if it eats its own vomit (as a dog might occasionally) and even Russia has suffered from the degenerations it has thrust upon the rest of the world - especially the west which it has tried to destroy for several generations now. Cultural marxism is the evil plague, created by Communism and with deliberate intent. What we see in the west is not 'Capitalism' but a perverted, interfered-with capitalism. Even the faux compassions, liberalities, 'tolerances' and 'acceptance of diversity' that is thrust upon us is a corruption of Christian Principle. The ignorant are easily deceived, and the educated (Hah!) too, especially when the Education Industry is under the control of the same evil creeds infecting the entertainment industry. Both destroy young minds and souls.

    2. Cultural marxism is the evil plague, created by Communism and with deliberate intent.

      But you can see the beginnings of cultural degeneracy well before cultural marxism started to have an influence. It was there in the 19th century. Byron. Baudelaire. Swinburne. Literature celebrating homosexuality. Borderline pornographic paintings of prostitutes in the Paris Salon. Toulouse-Lautrec. Cubism. Urinals displayed as art works. The rise of Freudianism.

      Cultural marxism merely exploited weaknesses that were already there in our society. Hollywood probably did more harm than anything else. There were communists in Hollywood but it was the liberals who did the real damage.

      The First World War was a major factor as well. Our civilisation never did recover from that senseless war. Of course the war would have ended after a year or so had not American bankers financed the insane continuation of the slaughter. The war wrecked western civilisation but it was a profitable war for many.

    3. Marx theorised that women were an "oppressed class within an oppressed class." One of the central tenants of communism was that there was a need to destroy the traditional family. Women would be forced back into industry and children would be raised by the state. Post 1945, the prominent voices in second wave feminism; people like Simone de Beauvoir, herself not only a Marxist but also an advocate for paedophilia agreed. The war against the traditional family became the central struggle of feminism and has been unfortunately very successful.

      Brezhnev, himself a family man, reversed all of the damaging social protocols and openly lauded the traditional Russian family. He denounced the policies of trying to destroy the family and did whatever possible to help it recover. He might have been a crusty old communist tyrant but at least he was not an evil man.

      But in the west the "progressivists" were still in thrall to Marxist poison and still attacking the family. Pretty much everything feminists campaign for today; all of their advocacy and all of their lobbying is designed to drive a wedge of suspicion between men and women and to break down the traaditional family.

      What do feminists celebrate? masculine women, feminising men; gender-bending, promiscuity, hook up culture, no fault divorce, abortion. Everything is about violating and destroying the family culture of decency, loyalty, responsibility and respect.

      Feminism is just Marxism with tattoos and blue hair.

    4. Political communism was a direct attack on Religion, in particular, but not exclusively Christianity.

      Communism was (and still is) 'state body' taking over and controlling people for it's own benefit, suppressing spiritual teachings that lead to enlightenment.

  6. There's a story that she is coming back to play free to the same crowd. Should be interesting.

  7. A lot of people blame this degeneracy on the Left. But it's not a leftist thing. If an Ariana Grande had tried this kind of thing in the old Soviet Union she (and her manager and everyone associated with her) would have found herself spending several years at a health resort in Siberia, working in the salt mines. The authorities would have recognised this as dangerous social poison.

    An old school leftist in Britain or Australia, back in the days when we still had a Left (say the 1950s) would have been equally horrified and would have been quite happy to see her locked up.

    The Soviets did go through a phase very early on of trying the "free love" experiment but they quickly abandoned it, realising that it would destroy their society.

    This cultural degeneracy is a product of the capitalist liberal democratic system which reduces everyone to being a consumer. A consumer of product. Sex is just another product. Prostitution is good because it boosts the GDP. Porn is good because it's an industry and it's profitable. War is also good because it's good for business. If you can make a buck out of it it's good. "Refugees" are the latest product and they're proving to be profitable as well.

    The bottom line is that Ariana Grande is celebrated because she makes money for people.

    1. Sorry to bust your bubble but it's very much a leftist thing. Just take any progressivist social engineer in the West and ask them about their Politics.

      Furthermore almost the entire entertainment industry in the USA, especially the CA based industry, is on the left.

      Cultural degeneracy is very much a product of the implementation of policies based upon leftist ideology. But they like to call themselves progressives now. What a joke.

      Lana Voreskova in her comment above is right on the money.

    2. Thanks Can. You burst no bubble though. I think only the spiritually deaf and blind are unaware of the strangle-hold the left has. But behind 'left' is sin, and that is an infection we all share. That emanates sometimes from ourselves and sometimes by humanity's enemy, the Prince of Lies.


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..