Friday, September 23, 2016

Todays Oppressed Young Women

Pulling pints and listening to the chatter in the Tavern one gets to hear all sorts of tales, some of joy and some of woe. The main woes seem to come from very unlikely quarters considering the mess in the world. As if they have not heard of the devastations in the middle east with millions finding bombs raining down and vicious soldiers in the streets - not unlike their grandparent's generation - todays young women have never complained so much. Poor, hard-pressed little flowers.

Today my friend Doug came by to have a pint in the UK room, and to wander in for a chat with our resident Russian Prof who runs the Irish Bar. Lana was pleased to see him as he seems to have been missing for a few weeks, very busy with crises in the anti-misandry bizzo.

He brought report from the dire British countyside, as seen by some 'charity' for girls. Even the newspapers had heard.
Generation of young women is 'wracked by anxiety, 
lack of confidence and despair' caused by financial, work and housing problems 
Large numbers in late teens and twenties are worn down and defeated
Survey was carried out by the Young Women's Trust, a campaign charity.
Of course. A Campaign to keep middle-class women suitably employed writing funding applications. 
A generation of young women is wracked by anxiety, lack of confidence and despair, a report said yesterday.
It found large numbers in their late teens and twenties are worn down and defeated by financial, work and housing problems.
Dr Carole Easton, of the Young Women’s Trust which compiled the study, said: ‘While life is hard for many young people, our survey shows it is likely to be considerably tougher if you are a young woman. 
The mind boggles. One might have thought being a homeless man, driven to despair by the loss of his children and home in a woman-led divorce epidemic might have been having it tougher. But.....
'We are talking about a generation of young people in crisis.’
But critics pointed out that women far outnumber men in universities, women under 30 are likely to earn more than men of the same age, and young men are more likely to be unemployed than young women.
Ahhh but lets us take no notice of that. They are just boys and men. Get with the program and sympathise with young women. And give some money. 
A survey of more than 4,000 young people, carried out by Populus Data Solutions, found 54 per cent of the women and 39 per cent of the men lack confidence.

Oh dear. Perhaps if they actually tried to do something.... 
Nearly half of young women, 46 per cent, and 38 per cent of young men, said they felt worn down.
Almost four in ten young women said they were worried about their mental health, against nearly three in ten young men.
Some 39 per cent of the women said it was a struggle to make their money last to the end of the week, compared with 27 per cent of the men. More than seven in ten young women said they faced discrimination at work.
Of course. Work is such a dreadful minefield where people (very often men people) will criticise you when you stuff up or slope off early. Its is just so unfair. Better accuse them of something.  
Dr Easton said: ‘At a time of life traditionally characterised by youthful confidence and optimism, it is distressing that so many young people, especially young women, are struggling to make ends meet, and are increasingly worn down and worried about the future.’ 
She called on Theresa May and ministers to 
‘focus on better understanding the needs of young women who are at real risk of being left behind’.
Left behind whom?  
However, figures released last month by university admissions service UCAS show 27,400 more young women than men won places at the first time of asking this year.
Data compiled by the Office for National Statistics shows that last year women in full-time employment aged 22-29 typically earned pay packets 0.8 per cent fatter than those of men in the same age group.
Don't point that out ! What's the betting that the ONS is staffed mainly by men, eh? What... there are more women there?  
The trust, which aims to represent women aged 16 to 30 who are ‘struggling to live on low or no pay’, claimed Brexit may be to blame for some of the anxiety. 
Hahahahahaha. It is that sudden? 
The number of young women worried about the future rose from 38 per cent to 55 per cent in a year, its research said, adding that ‘a Brexit factor … cannot be ruled out.’
Nor can the immanent threat of an Alien attack or a possibility of an Anthrax epidemic any day soon. 
The charity counts Deborah Mattinson, polling adviser to former prime minister Gordon Brown, among its trustees, along with Baroness Sue Nye, who was Mr Brown’s trusted aide in Downing Street.
Academic Belinda Brown of the Young Foundation said: ‘There is research which shows that if you tell women they are discriminated against all the time it actually reduces their levels of self-esteem … young men have more problems.
Makes them anxious. They should read something different !
‘We should just think about young people and stop setting them up against each other, which is what feminist stuff often does.’ 

Douglas himself had a few words to say.
Of course she says it is harder for women: we could not expect anything else, could we?
Young women have better educations than young men. 
Young women have better hourly earnings then young men. 
Young women are more likely to have a job than young men. 
Young women are more likely to have an apprenticeship then young men. 
Young women can access free drinks on nights out, unlike young men. 
Young women can still rely on the principle of gynocentrism that says the man is the one who should pay for a night out.  
Young women draw more social security than young men. 
Young women are less likely to be homeless then young men. 
Young women are committing suicide at around a quarter of the rate of young men.
So of course young women are finding things harder than young men. I mean, it's obvious, eh?
Finding life hard, young woman? Welcome to young men's world. Aren't you glad you support feminism?
The field has been tilled and tilted in favour of girls for an entire generation.  And it still is not enough to raise even a smile and a tiny bit of gratitude.

Lana keeps her eye on things in Ireland, that place of lucky shamrocks and the Blarney Stone - the latter which I fear the good Dr Easton has had her lips glued to for a while.  Lana said:
I think that a lot of young women and especially feminists do really believe that life is more difficult for women. It is really not surprising because they have been told since they were in kindergarten that the whole world would conspire against them all their lives. 
But there is a strange contradiction here too. Girls as far as I can see at least in Ireland are taught from a very young age that they have the right to expect everything to be handed to them on a plate; that it is the duty of all of society to make them feel safe and comfortable; that they have a right to a reasonably well paid job and that they have an entitlement never to have to encounter anything that makes them feel even a modicum of discomfort. 
They have also been educated to believe that they should eschew any kind of relationship with a male until they are at least in their thirties and only then, if he is prepared to compromise everything for her while expecting no compromise in return. 
We live in the age of the 
"we're worth it ; you go girl" 
and they really do believe this. 
They are wrapped in cotton wool all through school and college. So it is not surprising that when they finally go out in the real world and get slapped in the face with reality, they quickly buckle under the pressure. 
They can thank feminism for their complete inability to deal with anything other than safe spaces and glowing praise too. 
I have seen young South Dublin princesses chanting "we are women hear us roar" one minute and then shrieking in horror and almost having a melt-down the next because there was a fly in her salad. I am not making that up. Imagine her actually facing a real problem.

I pulled them both a fine drink.

You had better have a few too.

But Rod Liddle was a tad fairer. He had his oar in too. He pointed to a delusion amongst the adults too.
A lecturer at a reasonably well-respected northern plate-glass university was somewhat perplexed by a student who complained about her poor marks for an essay. 
She had a statement of Special Educational Needs. She insisted that this had not been taken into account in the marking of her paper. 
My acquaintance was hauled before the university authorities to explain why he had marked her so low. 
‘Because it was awful work, the work of a cretin,’ he replied. Ah, perhaps, they told him. But you haven’t taken into account the fact that she has Special Educational Needs. That’s why the paper was awful. So you need to allow for that fact and mark it as if it had been better.
That is, the exasperated lecturer told me, as if it had been written by someone who wasn’t thick. We have to pretend.
You can get one of these statements, or their replacement, the Education Health and Care plan, apparently, for a whole host of real or fictional disabilities — i.e., things that mean, quite simply, that you aren’t very good at academic work. 
Dyslexia is the main one — a diagnosis which in nine out of ten cases these days simply means: middle class but really not very bright. 
Indeed, my acquaintance’s gripe came to mind this week because my daughter has just taken her 11-plus and I know for a fact that up and down our county, Kent, middle-class parents have been desperately trying to get certificates proving that their brats are ‘dyslexic’ rather than stupid, so that they can have an extra 20 minutes to complete the exam and have all the questions read out to them nice and slowly. 
I’ve cited plenty of scientific evidence before suggesting that both dyslexia and its lumpenprole counterpart ADHD are now so overdiagnosed as to make both terms almost meaningless. 
Dyslexia usually means just thick; 
ADHD usually means vicious feral halfwit. 
Most of the time these fashionable diagnoses are simply cloaks for the parents to wear. Cloaks that make them feel better about themselves. 
But delusional cloaks, if cloaks can be delusional.
Not cloaks: Hoodies.


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