Thursday, August 25, 2016

Dealing With 'Difficult' Customers

From time to time customers afflicted with modernism will come to the Tavern. I am happy to serve them a fine ale of distinction as long as they behave themselves. But often they do not. Being a kindly and old Warrior I have many a rubrik in my arsenal of means for dealing with them including 'When you meet one on the road, offer kindness but keep your hand on your sword'.  I am well known for my patience but it can be stretched too far, occasionally. 

When one persists in lying like a Dicky Mint trim sheet, act obnoxiously or tries to bully other customers,I simply give the nod to my Bouncer who 'Boldly throws where many have been thrown before - out the door.' It works and restores peace.

But there are others of a similar disinclination to put up with nonsense who have a range of strategies. I am busy pulling pints and do not get the time to excercise such gentle and communicative methods  but nevertheless can quite happily listen as they coach other customers.

So it was that two chaps gave their views. One, a Mr Preston Ni (not one of the Knights of Ni, I hasten to add), was 'explanatory' of many ways. I shall not dwell on them here but you may want to sit with him for a few moments. He had started with (before I moved to pull pints for others) .....
Most of us encounter unreasonable people in our lives. We may be “stuck” with a difficult individual at work or at home. It’s easy to let a challenging person affect us and ruin our day. What are some of the keys to empowering yourself in such situations? 
Below are ten keys to handling unreasonable and difficult people, with references to my book: “How to Communicate Effectively and Handle Difficult People”. Keep in mind that these are general rules of thumb, and not all of the tips may apply to your particular situation. Simply utilize what works and leave the rest.
Yes, he had a book ! But he is not alone in that. He had some useful things to say, but frankly I rather took a shine to the other chap, Jim Goad who was more direct  and clearly a bit of a warrior hisself. His name was apt ! And he has a book too. He is also a 'broad' fellow.  

Jim Goad is the author of four books in fact. He is the former editor of "ANSWER Me!" magazine and currently hosts Though many people find him to be beneath contempt, he sincerely claims he doesn't know what the big deal is. At various points he has found employment as a radio host, a country singer, and a cabdriver. He lives in Stone Mountain, Georgia.

I whet his whistle with a pint of the best.
How to Deal With the Brainwashed
I awoke this morning to the creaking sound of the Western mind closing shut. 
I felt it squeezing in on me like a car crusher. Public discourse is more controlled and political dissent more squashed than at any point in memory. Try as I may, all the evidence suggests we are on the brink of an ideological Dark Age the likes of which America has never seen. It seems we’re only inches away from living in a world where stating the obvious will be criminalized.
Online, the chief enablers of this situation are the smirking young progtards, who are unwilling to even touch any viewpoint that hasn’t been spoon-fed to them in school or beamed into their eyeballs via TV. 
Their brains have never hatched a single original idea in their lives. 
They are mere hollow carriers of infectious ideas, not so much Trojan horses as little pink Trojan ponies.
The modern young leftist is a weak, wretched, psychotic creature, at once nasty and cowardly. 
Notice how these bespectacled, bearded nerdlings didn’t have one shred of bravado until they had the full weight of the government, media, and academia on their side. They are the sort of cowards who were terrified to make a peep until it was absolutely risk-free. They are extremely bold—at least behind a keyboard—until directly confronted when there’s no crowd around to protect them. 
A lone earthworm has more spine than any hundred of them.
“They are immune to logic as if they’ve been vaccinated against it—so go for their emotions.”
Bandwagon-riders that they are, they tell everyone who doesn’t think in lockstep with them to “Get with the times,” which is a dishonest way of saying, “Be a conformist like I am.” Hence their smugness as they tilt at windmills that were destroyed generations ago. They are still deluded that they are fighting the power rather than working for it—often without pay or benefits.
It’s one thing to be unwittingly brainwashed, yet quite another to assent to one’s brainwashing once it’s been made clear. These hateful little fuckers are defiantly brainwashed, and whether it’s cognitive dissonance or doublethink or pathological lying, they’ve made it impossible to rationally engage with them. Believe me, I’ve tried. For decades. Honestly. Foolishly.
It took decades for me to realize I was dealing with fundamentally dishonest people. 
I naively thought I could politely discuss ideas with people for whom “reason” is a dirty word. But you can’t debate the brainwashed. Their cognitive dissonance is too powerful. The truth doesn’t matter to them at all. 
This is why, in nearly all cases, they will flee from the gentlest offer of an earnest discussion. There is to be no debate. There is a reason they won’t engage, and it is not because they are certain they are correct. Censors are motivated by insecurity in their own beliefs, but they are not remotely honest enough to admit it.
Their holy cause is all that matters to them, and they feel they’ve already established—or, rather, declared—that the cause is unassailable. And anyone who challenges the cause must be vilified. So they don’t ever engage in debate, only vilification.
To be a modern leftist is to embrace a constellation of lies. 
They eat lies as if they were corn flakes. Leftism is based on a false premise, and all political systems whose roots are planted in quicksand will inevitably sink into totalitarianism. They start with one flawed premise—equality, which is a laughably obvious lie—and embrace it as an untouchable truth. And they will tell a billion other lies to protect that main lie.
You’ve heard the lies again and again:
*There’s a clear line between free speech and hate speech.
*Rape has nothing to do with sex.
*If you dislike something that we like, you suffer a mental disorder known as a phobia.
*Race doesn’t exist, but racism is ubiquitous.
*Evolution is real, but somehow, inequality isn’t.
*There is no such thing as an anti-white hate crime or anti-white racism.
*Whites are the only group in world history that has ever been ethnocentric.
*The nations and peoples who were colonized were peaceful and advanced, and it’s not as if they would have been colonialists themselves if only they’d had the technology and organizational prowess.
*Conformity is a sign of virtue rather than weakness.
*Women can’t be every bit as nasty and violent as men.
*Homosexuality is genetic and has nothing to do with possible childhood sexual trauma.[or brainwashing]
*Children need to be taught to be racist, which is why, um, we spend so much time teaching them not to be racist.
*We want equality rather than power.
*Two wrongs make a right; in fact, it’s known as “justice.”
*We are open-minded atheistic humanists, which is why anyone who disagrees with us is a subhuman piece of shit who needs to rot in hell.
As the saying goes, the first casualty in war is truth. 
These little creeps have clearly shown that they feel no compunction to play fair. Leftists are fighting as if they’re in a war, and they’re acting as if they smell blood. 
They interpret your fairness as weakness. 
If you don’t even realize that someone has declared war against you, you’re probably going to lose that war. But you can’t win a boxing match when your opponent is swinging a mallet.
People who accuse you of being insincere unwittingly reveal a lot about themselves. Same goes for those who accuse you of being hate-filled. Or of being intolerant. Psychological projection is the currency of the hysterical moralist.
People usually play their hand by attacking you with whatever line of attack would work best on them. If their consistent MO is to lob one ad hominem Molotov cocktail after another at you, that’s a tacit admission that they fear nothing more than public humiliation. By dictating the rules of the game, they unwittingly let you know precisely what it would take to beat them.
They are immune to logic as if they’ve been vaccinated against it—so go for their emotions. 

Mock them. Endlessly mock them. Publicly mock them. Take their cancerous hatred—which they’re openly projecting onto you—and smash them back in the face with it. They’re begging for it. They are only being relentless because you’ve been too nice. Despite how boldly they act, they are obviously horrified of their own shadows.
They’re going to call you a “hater” anyway, so you might as well blow off some steam at their expense. Sure, you may have a compulsion to drag them out into the streets and beat them toothless, but that would only validate their fantasies and get you arrested. No, do what they do—only harder. Humiliate them. Publicly. 
Point out that they are hate-filled, intolerant liars. 
Toss that bomb right back at them where it belongs.
So many—if not all—of them are obviously reacting against childhood bullying. And even though no one has dared bully them for years, they can’t seem to let it go. So bully them back with such soul-crushing gusto, they’ll start praying that they were back in high-school gym class. Tie them in pretzel knots made of their emotions.
All it takes to blind them is to hold a mirror in their face. This way they’ll know that when confronted, they were the ones who blinked. Never let them forget that. 
This is why they will hate you far more than they did when they first picked this fight. It is also why you will win.
I didn't have him thrown out, despite his vehemence. It was rather refreshing.

En-Mob, these people he speaks of are a menace and dangerous. There are ways of dealing with that too. Roman Legion tactics.


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Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..