Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Man Who Would Be King.

Want to be a King? I was a King a while back. Quite a good one from all accounts (and there are many) even if I did have the occasional bad day.  The odd customer will sometimes - when the bar is quiet - ask me about the punishment I was given for one particular 'bad day' when I was given an Almighty smite for a transgression. Yes, even Kings can make mistakes; get carried away by their own ego and a temporarily insane idea that they can make rules contrary to the Great Supplier's.

Enough said that the pain was such that I sought the peace of death itself. At least  others were not pained as well and at least someone else didn't take it into their head that I should be bumped off to stop all the moaning and groaning, thank Goodness. 

But several Americans have had that thought in the past, and acted upon't.  It is pretty good being King. You do get to tell people what to do. Americans, way back, took umbrage at that and revolted. They disposed themselves of their King - George the 3rd if I recall - and promised themselves 'never again'. Hmmmm. How's that going? 

America is revolting these days but not quite in the way one would like to see.

Kings (the bad one, not me) have this tendancy to 'look down' on their subjects. Americans are fiercely Independant folk, so they like telling everyone, and one might think they would not let anyone get away with looking down on them as serfs or village idiots or ne'er-do-wells. Well think again.

James H, a fine customer was considering out loud some of the outrageous ' Executive Orders' that the American (Not a King) Presidents have imposed on a largely ignorant populous, especially in the light of the current Court Jester in the White House who has issued some quite ludicrous ones lately. One can be forgiven for thinking he (Obama, not James) has the same mental condition as poor ol' King George, but he hasn't, so forgiveness is not needed. Just open eyes.

A post June 23rd scenario

Steps in the setting up of FEMA:

February 16, 1962: President John Kennedy signed several Executive Orders which would allegedly give authority to the Federal Emergency Management Agency to control: communications, energy, food, fuel, farms, transportation, highways, railroads, inland waterways and seaports, health, education and welfare, drafts citizens into work forces under government supervision; designate areas to be abandoned as ‘unsafe’; relocates communities, and control all public storage facilities.

February 27, 1962: Kennedy signed E.O. 11051 designating FEMA as the authorized agency to implement the above orders.

President Nixon signed E.O. 11490 combining all the above to be enacted at one time;

July 20, 1979: President Carter added a few minor amendments.
Presidential Directive Number 54 in April of 1984 allowed FEMA to activate a secret national readiness exercise. This exercise was given the code name REX 84, purpose – to test FEMA’s ability to assume military authority.
June, 1994: President Bill Clinton signed E.O. 12919, encompass the various E.O.’s.
The Emergency Health Powers legislation, pending in state capitols all across America — if passed — would give the governor the power to declare a state of health emergency by executive order.
Apart from — and sometimes combined with — these Emergency Health Powers Acts are varying forms of “anti-terror” bills that redefine the words “terror,” “terrorism,” and “terrorist.”
In more detail:
His Pen. One for  each of Every Page

Executive Order #10995: Seizure of all communications media in the United States.

Executive Order #10997: Seizure of all electric power fuels and minerals, public and private.

Executive Order #10999: Seizure of all means of transportation, including personal cars, trucks or vehicles of any kind and total control of highways, seaports and waterways.
Executive Order #11000: Seizure of all American people for work forces under federal supervision including the splitting of families if the government finds it necessary.
Executive Order #11001: Seizure of all health, education and welfare facilities, public and private.
Executive Order #11002: Empowered the postmaster general to register all men, women and children in the U.S.
Executive Order #11003: Seizure of all airports and aircraft.
Executive Order #11004: Seizure of all housing and finance authorities to establish Forced Relocation Designated areas to be abandoned as “unsafe.”
Executive Order #11005: Seizure of all railroads, inland waterways and storage facilities, public and private.
Executive Order #12919: Signs June 3, 1994, by President Clinton. Encompasses all the above executive orders.
OK, we are taking some random apples from a very full barrel here, but you get the idea. There have been more 'Decrees', for that is what they are, than you have had disappointments, motor vehicles, children and wee drams of single malt all put together. And you barely noticed. All of those decrees above are to do with setting up FEMA camps.

Don't you just love the 'seizure'? Clearly (I'm not a King) Presidents do.

Ahhha, says a voice from the back of the room. But they are for 'Emergencies'. And so they are. A sword is for emergencies too. I keep one behind the bar. But some swords are two-edged. You have to be very careful with the back-swing.

I can see a lot of sense in preparing for emergencies like the Yellowstone Park suddenly deciding that pic-nics are to be a thing of the past across great swathes of the continent. I can see the sense in responding quickly when big winds and high seas flood a town or city. Heck, it might also be useful to keep a watch on asteroids and comets that want to pic-nic in the park too. But such 'preparations' can be put to other uses.

Have you read the fine print? 

Here is some that I am willing to bet that even most of the personnel in the Military have never seen.....
1–4. Responsibilities
a. The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Environment) (ASA(I&E)) will—
(1) Provide policy guidance and resolve policy issues.
(2) Provide overall program direction.
Your friendly neighbourhood camp.
(3) Serve as approval authority for establishing civilian inmate labor programs and civilian inmate prison camps on Army installations.
(4) Provide procedural guidance on real property acquisition, management, and disposal relating to establishing prison camps on Army installations.
b. The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) (ASA(FM&C)) will—
(1) Provide reimbursement policy guidance on interservice, interagency, and/or interdepartmental support agreements between installations and corrections facilities to establish civilian inmate prison camps on Army installations.
(2) Provide reimbursement policy for civilian inmate labor utilization, other than reimbursement for inmate labor itself.
(3) Review all actions pertaining to the Civilian Inmate Labor Program for compliance with Army financial
management guidance.
c. The Chief of Public Affairs will—
(1) Monitor media coverage on installation civilian inmate labor programs and civilian inmate prison camps on Army installations.
(2) Coordinate all proposed media coverage of potential national interest concerning the Army Civilian Inmate
Labor Program and civilian inmate prison camps with the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (ACSIM) prior to release.
d. The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) (ASA(M&RA)) will—
(1) Provide policy guidance on inmate labor utilization issues pertaining to existing in–house resources.
(2) Provide policy guidance and procedures for apprising installation government employee labor unions of proposals to use civilian inmate labor and, for existing installation civilian inmate labor programs, apprising these unions of changes in agreements with corrections facilities governing inmate use.
e. The Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management will—
(1) Execute the Army Civilian Inmate Labor Program.
(2) Develop and implement policy and procedures for using civilian inmate labor and establishing civilian inmate prison camps on Army installations.
(3) Serve as the focal point for staff coordination on issues pertaining to the Civilian Inmate Labor Program and/or civilian inmate prison camps.
(4) Conduct a program review in accordance with AR 11–2 once every 5 years.
(5) Provide policy guidance on functions for which civilian inmate labor can be used.
(6) Review reports of availability pertaining to granting the use of Army real property.
(7) Immediately inform the Chief, Legislative Liaison of approval of civilian inmate labor programs and civilian inmate prison camps on Army installations to facilitate notification to interested members of Congress.
f. The General Counsel and the Judge Advocate General will review all actions pertaining to the Civilian Inmate Labor Program and civilian inmate prison camps for compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
g. The Chief of Engineers will, in those cases involving use of Army real property, handle all matters pertaining to granting the use of Army real property.
h. The Provost Marshal General will—
AR 210–35 • 14 January 2005 1
(1) Monitor reporting of serious incidents, that is, walkaways, escapes, riots, disturbances, and any criminal activity by civilian inmates occurring on the installation under AR 190–40.
(2) Provide policy on law enforcement operations on Army installations.
i. Heads of other Army Staff and Army Secretariat agencies will provide advice, as necessary, on aspects of the Civilian Inmate Labor Program within their functional areas of responsibility.
j. The Director, Headquarters, Installation Management Agency (HQ, IMA) will—
Keep off the Grass. By Order 
(1) Ensure that their installations participating in civilian inmate labor programs comply with 18 USC 4125(a) and
other applicable laws governing civilian inmate labor, Executive Order (EO) 11755, and all provisions of this regulation.
(2) Review and endorse installation memoranda of agreement (MOA) and Inmate Labor Plans to establish civilian inmate labor programs and proposals to establish civilian inmate prison camps on Army installations, and forward such MOA, plans and proposals to Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) for approval.
(3) Review and endorse installation requests for changes to Army Civilian Inmate Labor Program policy.
(4) Annually review installation civilian inmate labor programs against the key management controls listed in appendix D.
k. Installation commanders will—
(1) Comply with 18 USC 4125(a) and other applicable laws governing civilian inmate labor, EO 11755, and all provisions of this regulation.
(2) Submit the following through command channels to Headquarters, Installation Management Activity (SFIM–PL), 2511 Jefferson Davis Highway, Taylor Building, Arlington, VA 22202–3926:
(a) Memoranda of agreement and Inmate Labor Plans to establish civilian inmate labor programs.
(b) Proposals to establish civilian inmate prison camps.
(c) Written notification of termination of civilian inmate labor programs.
(d) Revisions to existing memoranda of agreement requiring changes to Army Civilian Inmate Labor Program policy.
(e) Requests for guidance on any Civilian Inmate Labor Program situation that is not addressed in this regulation.
(3) Annually review their civilian inmate labor programs to determine if their programs continue to generate cost avoidance.
(4) Annually review their civilian inmate labor programs against the key management controls identified in appendix D.
(5) Report all contacts with State or local corrections system on possible use of civilian inmate labor, facilities, land,
or installation through command channels to Headquarters, Installation Management Activity (SFIM–PL), 2511 Jefferson Davis Highway, Taylor Building, Arlington, VA 22202–3926
Fantasy ? Did someone ask? Affirming Fantasy is all the rage in America at the moment.  If Americans are obliged by pen and phone to affirm six year old girls living inside grown men, then perhaps they will have the civilian labor camps regime as a fixture quite soon. 

With Presidential decrees by pen and phone seeming to outstrip the efforts of the hundreds of folk in Congress and the House of Representatives, and including mandating who can say what to whom and where, including in the toilet; obligating bakers and florists to 'provide services' that they do not wish to provide; and all the like sort of decree that are interfering with the ability of the American in the Street to go about his/her/its lawful occasions, there is a limit to the ability of the nation to 'house' all the felons that are going to ensue.

If it is to be a criminal offence to deny global warming, denounce the murder of babies in the womb (heck, even pray quietly on a street corner for them),  refusing to bake a cake for crying out loud, then FEMA preparedness makes some sense in an Obamaniac sort of way.

There is one American tradition I can think off that seems to be ripe for using. Impeachment is too late and there are three quarters of a year of golf trips and decrees to go. Forget the stall and look to another Booth.

Even Canadians need to watch out. Prince Trudeau the Squirt has been reading the Obama rulership book. 

Come to the Tavern and drink deep.

We have protection herein from Kings and Princes that are lunatic. 


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Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..