Monday, April 18, 2016

A Good Man Departs

It was a bit of a shock to hear of the passing of an old friend. I am in mourning.

Some of my customers will know of Harry. It wasn't his real name, which he prefered to keep private. Angry Harry he dubbed himself, although I never heard his voice raised in anger not heard an angry word pass his lips.

Harry was one of the Great Men of the Men's Advocacy Movement.

He was a Psychologist, like m'self, and a pretty well balanced one at that. Another Psychologist, a good mate of mine too, Bernard Chapin, dropped by to tell of his dealings with Harry.

What did Harry affect anger about? Feminism, that's what. He saw the ideology as a mental issue, as do I.

In Tribute, spend a few minutes listening to him

Bernard spoke.....
Angry Harry Gone, 
Farewell Friend
Angry Harry has passed away. He was 64-years-old and had been sick for a couple of years. I always liked the guy. We never had a single argument. 
He was a great man and very much appreciated. Here’s his blog which is entitled Please go and visit.
I was an avid reader of the blog starting in 2001. He mostly functioned as a link aggregator, but he did have some posts on there. 
Let’s bid him the proper farewell and link to one of his pieces entitled, 
Equality Between Men And Women Is Not Achievable.
The politically-correct goal for ‘equality’ between ‘men’ and ‘women’ is not achievable.
It is absolutely impossible.
It will never be found. It will never be discovered. It will never happen.
Indeed, the very search for ‘equality’ between ‘men’ and ‘women’ is fuelling a never-ending war between ‘men’ and ‘women’.
The more aggressive and energetic is this nonsensical search for ‘equality’ between ‘men’ and ‘women’ , the more aggressive and energetic will be the war (i.e. the hostility) between ‘men and ‘women’.
To try to highlight this, notice that there is no ‘equitable’ solution even to this very simple question …
Question: Should ‘women’ have more votes than ‘men’?
For those who think, Yes, (because there are more women voters than men voters) then it follows that they also believe that those in a minority should have less of a say in what affects them.
They believe that the largest group (women) should have the greatest power.
As such, ‘equality’ between ‘men’ and ‘women’ is already lost.
For those who think, No, (because this would be unfair on ‘men’) then it follows that they also believe that those in the majority should have less of a say in what affects them.
They believe that the individual vote of a woman should be worth less than that of a man.
As such, ‘equality’ between ‘men’ and ‘women’ is already lost.
In other words, there is no solution to this question.
The search for ‘equality’ between ‘men’ and ‘women’ is like a dog chasing its own tail. It will always be out of reach. And the very act of chasing it is costing us a great deal and causing tremendous damage to us.
The solution that we need to seek is not ‘equality’ – because it will never be found.
The best that can be hoped for is that people are happy with what is happening.
The best that can be hoped for is that people are happy with what is happening.
For example, if I had to answer the question, “Should ‘women’ have more votes than ‘men’?” I would say, Yes (because there are more women voters than men voters).
But I would not be saying Yes in order to achieve ‘equality’. I would be saying Yes because, currently, it seems to be the better option – for the sake of peace, if nothing else.
And this, in fact, is what all this nonsense about ‘equality’ between ‘men’ and ‘women’ should really boil down to.
If men and women are equally happy with whatever is the issue of concern, then, if you like, some version of ‘equality’ has been achieved.
But the state of people’s happiness actually depends to a very large extent on the propaganda that envelops them.
If the propaganda tells them that they are badly off then their happiness levels will fall and their aggression levels will rise. 
If the propaganda tells them that they are doing well then their happiness levels will rise and their aggression levels will fall.
if people want ‘men’ and ‘women’ to be happy about each other then they need – amongst other things – to do their best to destroy all those forces that seek ‘equality’
And so if people want ‘men’ and ‘women’ to be happy about each other then they need – amongst other things – to do their best to destroy all those forces that seek ‘equality’ between ‘men’ and ‘women’ – because these forces will, in practice, forever be creating hostility between ‘men’ and ‘women’ while in pursuit of an impossible goal!
Finally, neither men nor women need to be ‘equal’ to each other in order to be happy with each other.
Understand it, agree with it, disagree, whatever. Harry made his many points. 

Bernard made some fine and personal points too.

Another fine recalling by Dan Moore followed Bernard.  I am especially grateful to Dan. He gets the man's effect.

Many men in the 'movement' are finding it difficult to express just how much influence Harry had on the 'better tone' and shape of the men's Movement and upon individual men.

I will retain a special barrel in the Cellars for all who come in and wish to drink a toast to Harry.

I will be happy to update this post should anyone send more tributes.



  1. I've not spoken with Harry for over a year and feel saddened not tonhave kept in touch more, if only for my own selfish sake. Despite his chosen moniker, Angry Harry was one of the more gentle, logical and sensible men fighting for men and against hypocrisy, especially feminism.

    His website contains some brilliant wisdom; often of the type that makes you think 'of course' but which wasn't clear before. That was Angry Harry: a man who (to use parlance he disliked) thought outside the box, was willing to think matters through from basic humanitarian principles to arrive at his stance.

    Harry was a man I could look up to. His passing is a sad personal loss and a tragic loss for the voice for decency and logical sense.

    1. You are not alone in having that slight 'neglect' sense. I have not spoken to him for a while and was quite unaware of his illness. It is all the more ironic that the video clip has him talking of this very matter of men keeping their selves to themselves.


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..