Sunday, February 28, 2016

Mops and Fine Music

I cannot claim to be a musician and I cannot hold a tune, but I do know exceptional talent when I hear it. And I heard it today in the Crypt, where I was mopping the floor, as is my usual Sunday chore. One has to keep a clean place for Holiness to come in, and a bit of humility does not go amiss.

So there I was, mop in hand when I was called to Confess by an angelic voice. It brought me to my knees.

To 'make it' as a First rate opera Diva, one has to master a huge range of Holy music. The 'muse' for many of the great composers was God Himself. And a soprano voice can rank alongside Angels in any choir. 

I have to confess here that Elina Garanca is a favourite.  One of Finland's best exports. Ot was it Latvia? I can't recall. Not only do I judge her to have a beautiful voice but she is, to me, a beautiful woman too. I will leave the state of her soul to my Supplier to judge, and her country of origin hardly matters when she is a gift to the world.

But she certainly can give honour and glory.

So my mopping task was interrupted several times and while I was down on my knees I could attend to the tough bits with my scrubbing brush as I listened to her.

She gives praise to the Holy Mother too. Her way is certainly more expansive than my humble daily Rosary.

And talking of mopping, she has a freind that I also much admire. (They always have a friend, don't they !!). Anna Netrebko, a Russian gal who worked her way up the opera ranks by mopping the floors of her music school.

That's humility for you.

This is in Russian, by the way, but with subtitles. Read as you listen.

Now, a round of drinks is called-for, m'thinks.



  1. Ah yes - Elina and Anna - have run posts on them before. Good taste.

    1. Of course. :)

      They have graced the Music Room before, too.


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..