Saturday, January 9, 2016

The Wealthy Live in Comfort

My good friends, James - who has been looking at the infamous Hotel California - the Chateau Marmont -  and Cherie who has been taking a look at Miramare near Trieste, have focused my mind on the move I shall have to make in the next few months. The Tavern is getting too noisy to live in and my new quarters in the grounds are temporary. To where shall I move? I might have to go into the cellars, before my time !!

Aside .....You could have a look at Cherie's look at:

Just beautiful. It is rarely considered that such private palaces were built by the very 'few' - that James would call the 'THEM' of their day - and now enjoyed by any who care to drop in.

and James' at:  

Sing about Hotel California to a jaunty tune if you will but a place of depravity and sin if ever there was one. One is reminded also of 'a place in New Orleans'.

Not like the Tavern at all !

And a very good un-named friend in the USA is planning a move soon too, and has bought a block of land upon which to build a home.  Plans are afoot, as they say.

I have found that the British amongst the customers of the Tavern mostly all have a soft spot for Oz, and the Americans really cannot make us out at all. This Oz place is as magical to many Americans as it was to Dorothy. An English-speaking -  nay! English - place down under, and a Tavern at the End of the World, in Tasmania, the most southerly inhabited and civilised place on the Planet. A very wealthy and enormous country with tiny, comfortable Tasmania being one of its federated States.  

It is a land that some MRAs aspire to but do not seem to gather the wherewithall to make the move.

I cannot say that this old Knight is without his comfort.  Although not in the slightest wealthy m'self any more,  having left my castle for a pub, I do aspire well beyond my current capacity and hark back to when I was a King and had a modest Palace in the Huon Valley. My current accomodations barely count.

So, some real estate agents were in the pub celebrating their middleman (and woman) cut of some large pies. I took note. While many very expensive properties are to be found, and the market is 'booming', especially with furrin' buyers, there are still some pads that have been sitting waiting for some time, and with huge price tags. 

Kirsten was with the agents and gave a bit of an eye opening view.
These mega mansions have been left on the real estate shelf
They’ve got it all — except a cashed-up buyer knocking at the door. 
THEY’RE still standing with their multimillion-dollar price tags in place.
Welcome to Australia’s magnificent mansions that have been left on the real estate shelf over the new year.
Although they are among Australia’s most impressive homes, with hefty asking prices to match, these palatial pads were left to linger on the market while other millionaire homes were snapped up for big bucks in 2015.

I had a look around, fitting them in between wandering through the phone book looking for rental agents !

I looked here too.

Some are very fancy indeed.

This is suburban Hobart, by the way. Hilary's Village.
And right below the mountain upon which the Tavern stands.

But not these others below.

But enough of my dreaming. Go through the links yourself to see a few dozen somewhat overdone places. I shall hanker for a Castle but probably settle for something far smaller.

Meanwhile I do recommend you drop by both James' and Cherie's places to take a look.

But avoid the seductive driveway to the infamous Hotel California. 

Be Good,



  1. Nice piece of streamline moderne architecture in the latter two. Redolent.

    And thanks.

    Hope it all sorts itself out and quickly.

  2. Some moderne architecture leaves me 'cold'. They are cold. But a woman's touch can work wonders. :)

  3. There is a certain similarity between the architecture and placing of the Chateau and the Castle, although the Chateau is more modern.

    There are some nice properties and some not so nice ones in the mansions listed. There are even one or two that I could feel quite at home in ;-)

    I am sure you will find the right abode to move to, although perhaps not on those lists :-)

    1. I would have to win Tattslotto - really big time - to afford the sort of small palace I used to have, and that is not likely. But a small win for a small house with a few acres that I could landscape would be nice. And for a dog to run around in it. :)


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..