Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Thou Shalt NOT.....More

(Trigger Warning ahead). 

What a wonderfully Free society we live in.  Once it was the purview of God Himself to lay down the rules and He, in His wisdom, gave us just 10 to keep us on the straight and narrow. Now, anyone and his dog can stop you in your tracks. 

Well, more than just a dog: a 'Tribunal' here, a complaint to a 'Body' there, even a single letter to an editor of some rag in the middle of friggin' nowhere.

Parliaments, Councils, even School Principals can create 'laws', 'shalt nots', prohibitions etc at the drop of a hat. 

Here is a small (and ongoing) list by JJ Ray, a regular in the P&B.  There 'shall' be more !
British police must not wear a British Flag patch in case it causes 'offence'
Police officers wearing an emotive 'thin blue line' badge in tribute to PC David Phillips who was killed on duty have reportedly been told they are not allowed to display the patch because it may cause 'offence'.
Looks pretty good, to me.
Metropolitan Police officers were apparently told they are forbidden to wear the badge - a black and white Union flag with a 'thin blue line' through it - because it could upset 'some communities'.
Officers had been keen to display the poignant patch in tribute to father-of-two PC Phillips who was knocked down and killed by a stolen pick-up truck in Merseyside on Monday. 
Naked BACK of women must not be shown
LUSH cosmetics has pulled risqué posters of nude women from its stores after a concerned mother’s complaint was upheld by the advertising watchdog.
The body-positive advert, which featured a group of women of varying shapes and sizes standing with their backs to the camera, was part of a promotional campaign for the company’s unpackaged cosmetics.
Not so good !
But several shoppers were offended by the poster, complaining that the “pornographic” image should not have been displayed in a public shopping centre.
“It was placed at a child’s eye level in a shopping centre. It shows naked women touching other naked women and it is shown in a public place,” one official complaint said.
Must not say that women are needed around the house
The house is a mess, dinner's been burned, the ironing hasn't been done and the toilet seat has been left up.  France 3 TV featured these scenes of a house in turmoil in an advert boasting about how many female presenters it employs.
The commercial was pulled after a scathing backlash by social media users, government ministers, equal-rights activists and the general public who accused France's second largest public television channel of sexism.
France 3 shared the 38-second clip with its 156,000 followers on Twitter on Friday. As the song, 'Where Have All the Women Gone?' plays, a message on screen reads: 'There are all on France 3.'
To justify the message concept behind the commercial, the Tweet alongside the video read: 'The majority of our presenters are females.'
Must not publicize the 10 Commandments
Around 10:30 p.m. Monday night, contractors began taking down a 2,400-pound monument depicting the Ten Commandments from the grounds of Oklahoma’s State Capitol.
For the first time in history a gummunt has repealed some laws to make room on the statute books.
And guess Whose Laws they are !!
The monument’s removal comes a little more than three months after the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled in June that its presence violated the state constitution’s prohibition against using public property for religious purposes.  
In Prescott v. Oklahoma Capitol Preservation Commission, the Oklahoma Supreme Court decided that the six-foot tall granite monument, which was built with private funds, “operates for the use, benefit or support of a sect or system of religion.”
Must not mock Warmism
The BBC has apologised for airing a half-hour radio show earlier this year in which a series of high-profile climate sceptics lined up to disparage the science behind global warming.
What’s the point of the Met Office, aired in August, did not make clear sceptics are a “minority voice, out of step with scientific consensus,” the corporation said in an email to climate scientist Andy Smedley.
“This was an unfortunate lapse for which we apologise and we would like to assure you we remain committed to covering all aspects of the subject in the most accurate and responsible way possible.”
Presented by Daily Mail columnist Quentin Letts, the show featured Peter Lilley MP, Graham Stringer MP, forecaster Piers Corbyn and Andy Silvester from the TaxPayers’ Alliance.
All had previously questioned the veracity of climate science. They took the opportunity to mock the Met Office over its weather forecasting and climate modelling work.
Not all is banned though..... There are always exceptions.
Racial slur OK if it's directed at a conservative?
Anthea Butler has a knack for inciting heated debate about political issues (regardless of the tenured professor’s inability to garner the same passion about academic topics from her less-than-enthusiastic students).
The University of Pennsylvania firebrand, who is an Associate Professor of Religion and Politics, has once again become the focus of public scrutiny, this time by heaping a racially insensitive insult onto presidential candidate Ben Carson.
Campus Reform reports:
“If only there was a ‘coon of the year’ award…” Professor Butler tweeted in response to another tweet linking to a Sports Illustrated article in which Carson was quoted defended the right of NASCAR fans to fly Confederate flags during races.
“Coon of the Year Award”? Imagine if a college professor had said the same of President Obama.

Americans must not do traditional New Zealand haka war dance
An American college football team who started performing the haka made famous by New Zealand's All Blacks have stopped the pre-game ritual after backlash from New Zealanders.
The Arizona Wildcats, from the University of Arizona, have been forced to stop the war dance after it was slammed by critics who said it was insulting to the tradition of the Maori, the New Zealand Herald reports.
In the video the Wildcats team, clad in red, perform a haka at a much faster pace than it is usually completed and the player leading the team does not seem to pronounce the words properly during the rendition.
An Arizona Athletics spokesman told the newspaper it wasn't planned to come across as disrespectful, and he apologised if it caused offence. 
'The Arizona football program has a strong lineage of Polynesian student-athletes, and in 2009, a group of players wished to share this aspect of their culture with their team mates and community,' the spokesman told the NZ Herald.
Well, what a wuzzy mob we find surrounding us. At least let us see the 'Real Thing' and down a few pints.

Here the All Blacks (can we still call them that) lay down ancient Law to the Australians, who take it all pretty calmly.

Mind you, we are used to it in Oz. The French on the other hand have to hold hands and hug one another in their fright.  Some fierce tongue lashing here. (Trigger warning)

Nope. I cannot let this go without showing an American trying his arm at a Haka.   I know... I know.  But watch. He is a fine looking young fellow (Knight material, indeed) who does a creditable job of it.

If you would like to see more examples of utter stupidity (Not that lad) , gathered from around the world. visit JJ at: 

Pax. (except in the scrum)


  1. That pic of naked tattooed women was truly revolting.

    1. Trigger warning. If you follow the relevant link, you get the full length !! THAT is a truly off-putting sight.

  2. Those women could well do with those cosmetics. Someone should do a gym advertisement aimed at them too.

    I have the same question about the "All Blacks." To avoid the inevitable protests which will come as soon as some half-wit student somewhere, dreaming up reasons to protest something, stumbles across a rugby match on TV and thinks - bingo! Shouldn't they start calling themselves the

    "All Peoples of Colour of all Genders (except cis-gendered;) who are an equal opportunities rugby team."

    It would be a nightmare for rugby commentators but it is the right thing to do.

    They could implement quotas to allow the correct numbers of women and gay people and disabled people and Muslims. It might mean other countries would be able to beat them for a change.


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..