Friday, October 30, 2015

Professional Irresponsibility

It is not unusual for customers to swear into their ales at the bar. This or that event has irked them and they vent. Hey, a Tavern Keeper gets used to it. And much of the time it is over a matter of 'moment'; not something trivial.

So it was the other day that several people were spitting chips over an incident at an infants school in outer Melbourne where the Principal - a woman teacher of course - allowed some 40 kiddies to walk out when the National Anthem was played.

This is our National Imagery we are talking of here. Something one just might think was important to teach our children in a school.

It isn't as though 'Advance Oz Fair' is an anthem that ranks highly amongst the stirring national songs of the world.  But it is ours. Personally I think it is a weak and silly song and should never have taken the place of 'God Save the Queen'. But allowing kiddies to walk out is insulting and sends the wrong message entirely to children. 

Again, personally, 'I still Call Australia, Home' is a far better song than both and always stirs the hearts of the crowds. I have not met anyone who dislikes it Both God and the Queen are an anathema to our lefty shool teachers and education departments. 

The walk-out children were Muslims. Of course. But the Principal was a dinky di Oz woman and she should have known better.  She should have 'done better'.

But again, she was a she. The dominant 'gender' in a female dominated profession.

There was a lot of talk, of course, but most seemed to deflect 'blame' away from the woman. She, personally, was not held responsible. Perhaps because irresponsibility is the hallmark of educational leadership these days.

Jennifer Oriel had a few things to say. Much was quite true but nevertheless, the Principal was given a free pass.
University courses make student teachers hostile towards the West
Scott Morrison is right to describe Muslim schoolkids walking out on the national anthem as pathetic, but he is wrong to point the finger at teachers. The problem does not begin with schools but in univer¬sities where budding educators are encouraged to embrace profound antipathy towards the West.
No. He is not wrong. It is a teacher's responsibility that was at fault here. We are not talking about a 'student teacher here, but a Principal. An experienced, adult, mature woman who seemingly simply allows this to happen. 
In universities across the Western world, students training to become teachers are commonly taught critical theory or post-colonialism as a part of arts degrees in education. Both subjects inculcate in students deep hostility to the Western world, its culture, creed and citizens. 
They were inspired by neo-Marxism, whose forefather Herbert Marcuse was a key figure leading the revolution against Western civilisation in universities and manufacturing the rise of radical minority groups to censor non-leftist thought in public life.
The most celebrated educational theorist in teaching or pedagogy, Paulo Freire, was inspired by neo-Marxism. The foreword to his seminal work Pedagogy of the Oppressed lists Marcuse as a key influence. Freire founded critical pedagogy, a theory that denounces the primary purpose of education, to teach students how to think, and replaces it with activist education where students learn what to think.
Yes, this is leftism, socialism, communism, totalitarianism.  Driven by dang furriners.
Freire’s technique reduces the teacher to the level of a student and both are instructed to become revolutionaries against the oppressor class, whose chief feature appears to be anything that resembles worldly success. Freire regards education not as the pursuit of objective truth but as an instrument of“cultural revolution”.
Teachers should “commit themselves to the people” by means of a profound conversion; a “rebirth” that requires them to take on a “new form of existence”. 
They must use the classroom to foment revolution against the core values of Western education: celebration of individual genius and achievement (individualism), freedom of intellectual inquiry, and the pursuit of objective truth.
And to start with the very young, of course. The little kiddies. 
Like Freire, the chief architect of post-colonialism, Frantz Fanon, believed education should be used to foment leftist revolution. 
He celebrated Islamism as a revolutionary activity, advocating a combination of militant socialism and neo-Marxist minority politics to provoke war against the West. 
Fanon did not seek only the end of colonialism but the destruction of Western civilisation by a sustained attack on its core values. 
In The Wretched of the Earth, he dreamt of a revolutionary climax where: “All the Mediterranean values — the triumph of the human individual, of clarity, and of beauty — become lifeless … individualism is the first to disappear.
Recent research shows post-colonialism is increasingly embraced in universities across the West. From 2004 to 2014, the number of Australian universities offering post-colonialism as a subject increased from 15 to 21. Among 34 universities surveyed by the Institute of Public Affairs, post-colonialism/imperialism was the third most commonly offered history subject.
Australian students learn to become teachers in the cultural context of neo-Marxism made manifest by critical theory and postcolonialism. Many graduate into a public school system regulated by laws that confer a superior status to state-designated minority groups, also consistent with neo-Marxist ideology. Federal anti-discrimination legislation and state-based vilification laws pose a significant risk to any teacher who may wish to buck neo-Marxist dogma and celebrate Western values. The risk increases when the teacher faces a state-protected minority group.
Even if she had wanted to promote social cohesion by requiring all students to sing the national anthem, the principal of Cranbourne’s Carlisle Primary School, Cheryl Irving, would face social, legal and possibly financial risks in doing so.
And a Professional person, with a code of Ethics would refuse point blank to acquiesce. She did not. 
The Victorian Labor government’s support for Muslim students walking out on the anthem shows how real the risk of advancing Australia fair in the face of minority rights remains.
Victorian Education Minister James Merlino backed the principal, and in a statement, the Department of Education framed the decision in terms of religious and cultural inclusivity. Next year, a new curriculum will be introduced with subjects such as: “world views and ethical understanding, helping to build more inclusive schools and communities”.
Until our educational and legal systems are reformed to promote the values that sustain the free world, budding teachers will continue to be taught the values of neo-Marxism, and students will continue to believe walking out on the anthem is an expression of cultural inclusivity. 
You would think that children of all races and creeds, colours and shoe sizes, all standing as one when the National Anthem is played, would be an ostensive definition of 'Inclusive'.  
The upside-down world of neo-Marxist minority politics and its corrosive effect on public life must be understood and confronted if we are to bequeath the bountiful legacy of Western civilisation to future generations.
To my mind a Principal, a Head Teacher, a Professional, should be held accountable for their actions, commissions and omissions. They have a Duty. 

Is she, 'hostile to the West'? 

If so, say so.

Yes the Universities and their poisonous professors and Lecturers can take some of the foundational blame but that does not excuse the teachers to who we parents entrust our children.

Perhaps Jennifer, the Political Scientist and Commentator should aim her arrows better, along with her history lessons.

Drink up. I poured a glass for her as well.

You, she and I all need it.


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Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..