Thursday, July 2, 2015

Can't Keep a Good Man Down

There's good and good of course and the fields go to the horizon and beyond.

The Tavern has pints on the bar for whenever Art Nalls cares to drop his undercarriage and lower his Harrier into the yard.

Gather ye around, young Knights and Squires. Hear an old one. I shall let him tell his tale.

I am an old man. This fellow is too but gives the lie to idleness and shows how far 'Spirit' can take you.

Waaaaay over the horizon.

Now.... in keeping, let us see a few more.

It ain't just chaps of course. Let's look at Svetlana Kapanina. She doesn't have a Harrier but that does not stop her doing things equally as crowd-pleasing. Frankly, this woman could fly a bucket and make it exciting.

And.... she's better looking than Art, too.

And this is just about an old plane. You can't keep these down either, except down to ground level.

And just to show we are tuely International, we will even welcome the French. They have some really bad lads (in the best possible tradition of course).



  1. Art has excellent vision, he has provided a living legacy of a beautiful machine.

    When men get engrossed in technology, I often (affectionately) use the term 'Boys and Their Toys'. After viewing the video of Svetlana I can confirm that she qualifies for the term 'Girls and Their Toys' ;-)


    1. :) hahaha. Yes, some boy's toys are just magnificent, and so are some boys and girls. I am particularly fond of Sveta. She is a mum with two children, and a pharmacist in Khazakstan. How 'ordinary' can you get !! Yet look at her. Feminine and highly skilled. She puts her success down to her ears.... the 'balance' which lets her know exactly where she is when spinning around in three dimensions.

      I would be happy to let both the calm, steady Art and the calm steady Sveta take me flying any day.

  2. Now you do have this thing for young Sveta. :)

    1. Hahahaha. Admitted, yer 'onner. Like you, I do admire people who can and do. And let's face it there are just a handful of women who have achieved this very top level, where even the men have left most men far behind. Sveta does not confine herself to competing in a 'women's' competition.


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..