Tuesday, July 14, 2015

America in Distress

My old bones have deep roots, as they constantly tell me as I creak my way to the Crypt and back up the stone stairway.  Those roots go back at least a millenia and my memory is sharp. Mopping the floors take me back to my youthful first work. We didn't have the dole back then, nor a range of 'educational opportunities' to keep lads such as I off street corners. We had to work.

But Nations become soft, exchanging initial opportunity for compassion and on to tyranny.

I have watched nations come and go. I have seen them all founder or fall into old age and wither. Barely a Kingdom of my early years remain and at least one Great King has become a Tavern Keeper although many national leaders have milked their people as much as they could before escaping to sunnier climes, skin intact.

Every nation has a destiny, and so today we see several nations rising and several falling. 'Twas ever thus. But every time it was a shock. The people had no idea what was happening. One day there was a mob in charge, the next day a new mob was in its place.  Today though we have a ringside seat, or a seat above the furnace, watching a Great Nation sliding into ruin. I am not talking of Greece. 

Many in America are feelingthe heat from the friction on their pants as they slide down into the Pit. They have lied to the people and lied to themselves. 

Now some might say that an ancient English King turned Australian peasant has no business commenting on the demise of another nation, but hey, I stand, pull pints and listen.  I hear Americans crying in the wilderness that had thought they had conquored. 

One such, Steve McCann, sat nursing his glass and talking to the fellows in the US Room.  Listen in. Who am I to argue with him. Hahahaha

Here, let me pull a pint for you.

America's Destiny in the Balance
In 1856 Harper's Magazine published a quote first attributed to Jose Correia de Serra, a Portuguese Abbot, scientist and close friend of Thomas Jefferson: 
"It has been said that a `special Providence watches over children, drunkards and the United States'."   
The presidency of Barack Obama is the latest example of the accuracy of this observation, since the American people have been granted a last chance, before it is too late, to reverse course as a window has been forced open for the citizenry to view what future will bring if the nation remains on its present course.
Beginning in the 1930's, under the aegis of Franklin Roosevelt, the nation began a drift to the left as a reaction to the Great Depression.  However, those truly committed to socialist/Marxist philosophy and tactics remained in the shadows until the 1960's.  The Viet Nam war protests unleashed far more than just a demand for an end to the war.  Those that blamed America for all manner of alleged sins in the past and determined to transform the United States into a socialist/Marxist nirvana were able to step out from behind the shadows and enter the mainstream of national legitimacy.   
This swarm of locusts soon enveloped the higher levels of academia spawning countless clones to further infiltrate all strata of society -- most notably the mainstream media, the entertainment complex and the ultimate target: the Democratic Party.  These vital segments of the culture are now instruments of indoctrination, propaganda and political power.
The curriculum throughout all levels of schooling and the scripts of movies and television shows were gradually but inexorably altered to reflect the American left's mindset, not only about governing, but their determination to undermine basic societal moral and religious underpinning as a necessary step in assuring that an eventual ill-educated and dependent populace would look to a government controlled by a single political party as their savior and provider.

Over the past fifty years, as the foundation of the United States was being stealthily eroded, the vast majority of the American people slumbered content in unprecedented peace and prosperity.  Regardless of who was in the White House or in control of Congress, no one has been able or willing, as by-product of this public apathy, to curtail the incessant spread of so-called Progressivism in the nation's institutions as well as the exponential growth of government with its tentacles increasingly intertwined in the day-to-day lives of all Americans.
Nonetheless in 2008 this was still a right of center country, as less than 20% of the populace identified themselves as liberal or in favor of an all-powerful central government and over 80% self identified as religious.  It was clear that it would take at least 15 to 20 years of public and political indifference and another fully indoctrinated generation before the tenets of socialism/Marxism would completely envelop the nation and its social and political institutions, thus being impossible to ever reverse.
It was at this point that Barack Obama was thrust upon the scene.   
No nominee in the history of the United States was less qualified to be president, 
as he had no accomplishments or executive experience except to be steeped in socialist/Marxist ideology and tactics.  Nonetheless due to a extraordinary confluence of circumstances -- the self-inflicted and near universal unpopularity of George W. Bush, a catastrophic financial meltdown six weeks before the presidential election, uninspiring and feckless opposition in the primaries and the general election and, most importantly, the unique factor of skin color -- he was elected President. 

With the ascendancy of Barack Obama to the White House the acolytes of the American Left, in their giddiness over the election of a fellow traveler, abandoned all pretext of moderation.  Their adherence to the scorched earth tactics of Saul Alinski, open and unabashed advocacy of socialist/Marxist tenets, the depths to which they had infiltrated American society and the Democratic Party quickly began to come into focus.
After nearly six and half years of the Obama administration and the ongoing rampage of the Left, it is clear for all to see what future lies in store for the United States under the long term reign of this cabal:
 The Supreme Court is one justice away from being dominated by politically motivated leftists, four of whom are already in place, bent on relegating the Constitution to the dustbin of history and replacing it with the Left's agenda.

In due course, freedom of speech, religion and the press will be what the central government and courts, controlled by one party, 
allow it to be.
All macro-economic activity will be determined by Washington D.C., and in order to continue to operate major corporations, their managements will have to be subservient to the central government per the basic tenets of fascism.  Small business formation will be severely curtailed as the federal regulatory state determines who and what business can be formed.
The power and independence of the individual states will be vastly eroded as the courts and the power of the purse emanating from Washington will force them into compliance with the whims of the Democratic Party.
It is time to fly the Flag, not burn it.
The Republican Party will cease to effectively exist except as a token opposition party, as fund raising laws, a media controlled by the government, regulations and court decisions will render it ineffective.

There will be a permanent massive underclass encompassing over 50% of the population as a result of central planning, massive open door immigration, the near non-existence of new business formation and the inability of the country to weather the next global financial crisis.  They and the remnant of the middle class that remains will be increasingly dependent on government largess as the national debt approaches 200% of a declining Gross Domestic Product and the nation lives under a constant threat of hyper-inflation.
And the average American will have no idea why. Many, if not most, already have no idea where they have come from and fewer know where they are going. The 'Knowledge' of the average American is absolutely woeful. Even about themselves.

The United States will, in due course, become a hollow military power unable to play a role on the world stage as other government expenditures and a declining standard of living render defense spending moot.  As a result the country will find itself under increasing level of domestic attacks by terrorists spawned in the Middle East and acting as agents of America's enemies.  China will take over the status as the world's super power as the United States voluntarily casts itself into a subservient role.
Eventually this nation as we know it will cease to exist as a violent reaction to all the above will eventuate in a revolution and split the country into three or four independent nations.
Notwithstanding the above, a plurality of the American people have begun to wake up to this potential reality as revealed by the outcome of the 2014 mid-term elections wherein the Democratic Party suffered massive defeats at all levels of government.  However, far too many are still living in their self-induced stupor unable or unwilling to understand where this nation is headed and why.  Coupled with the urgency of the populace and the opposition party to vigorously push back against the onslaught of the American Left for the next 18 months the election of 2016 will be the most critical in the nation's history if the nation is to survive in peace and prosperity.
I am an immigrant to this country and a displaced survivor of a war that destroyed a continent. A war fomented by men, beginning the 1920's, who also adhered to the same basic tenets espoused by Barack Obama and his fellow travelers.   
I have seen and experienced the end product of their narcissism and megalomania. 

Me too bro. 

Steve managed to speak with nary a mention of Feminism, Islam, confederate flags, 'offense'-making-up, University 'safe Spaces wherin even the 1st Amendment is expelled, the splintering of 'christianity' into tinier and tinier shards, all reducing the effectiveness of the One Institution that could save the Nation.

The one Institution that has survived the chaos all around it for 2000 years. 

But will American Hubris allow it to seek help? Is there any Nation that CAN help now?

Previously there were always other nations. The Anglosphere had developed several fine places for freedom, democracy, Institutions of Law and Spirit. But all are infected with the same illness as America.

When America goes down, will there be just flotsam, or lifeboats?

How about the One Lifeboat that has ridden the waters all these years like an Ark.


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Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..