Friday, April 24, 2015

Rats in the Bilges

Who needs enemies when there are so-called friends to do the dirty work?  It is a sad day when anyone discovers that those he thought he could count on are the ones doing it. They are dirty Rats. And the Tavern has been hearing of some really nasty rats frequenting that rathole of San Francisco.

It has always been a place where 'fringe-dwellers' and assorted nutters hung out and they were generally lefties of the old order. Che fans. The 'Free Love' mob. Homosexuals. Rich ones in the rock/entertainment biz and poor ones in the hippy mob singing folk songs and smoking hash. 

There is a new order now.  They are rich too and have infiltrated groups close to a Taverners heart - and soul.

While evil stalks everywhere, we cannot expect it not to seep and sneak into the very heart of  the Church. They pretend, these rich rats. Cultural Marxist Rats. They have political power. No wonder the Catholic Church in America is in deep trouble. 

Bishops and Archbishops have been getting dirty hands of late and it is good to hear of a 'sound' one here and there who stand for the Magesterium. One such as Archbishop Cordileone.

Never heard of him? Outside of America, few would have. Few in America would have either had he not stood up for the teaching of Traditional Moral Values in the schools in his diocese. In doing so he stirred the rats in the bilges. And out they came.

ANNE HENDERSHOTT came in to tell us.  And she named names.

And the good people of his Parish came out too. And others all around the world. Including this Tavern's customers. They sent the rats scurrying.
Attacks Against Archbishop Cordileone Fall Flat
Despite a ruthless public relations war against San Francisco’s Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone for attempting to ensure that Catholic schools remain faithful to the Church, the majority of respondents to a San Francisco Chronicle poll remain supportive of their episcopal leader. 
'Faithful to the Church' these days means keeping to Church Doctrine and resisting the 'same-sex marriage' mob.  It also means protecting children.  It means standing against rampant, government-sponsored Abortions. 

The Archbishop can put his hand up and admit he is a defender of marriage and children, pro-Life and against the Homosexual mobsters. 
 On Sunday, the Chronicle provided a weeklong poll for readers entitled “Time for Archbishop Cordileone to Go?” 
The results (as of April 21 at 3pm) revealed that those who have been lobbying Pope Francis to remove the archbishop remain a small minority. When asked: “Should Pope Francis Remove Archbishop Cordileone from the San Francisco Archdiocese?” 78 percent of all respondents said “No, the archbishop is upholding the values of the Catholic Church;” and 10 percent said the archbishop is right to oppose same sex marriage. 
In contrast, only 11 percent indicated that the archbishop is fostering a climate of intolerance; and a tiny fraction (1 percent) said that “Yes, his morality clause for teachers in parochial schools defies the law.”
Should Pope Francis remove Archbishop Cordileone from the San Francisco archdiocese?
78%  No, the archbishop is upholding the values of the Catholic Church
11%  Yes, the archbishop is fostering a climate of intolerance
10%  No, the archbishop is right to oppose same-sex marriage
1%   Yes, his morality clause for teachers in parochial schools defies the law
This has to be disappointing for those who hired Sam Singer, the infamous public relations guru, who has created a cynical marketing campaign to convince Catholics that the archbishop does not understand or appreciate the unique cultural needs of the San Francisco community.
Hah ! So the old sins of the people of 'Frisco are unique cultural needs', eh?
From candlelight vigils at the cathedral—replete with protestors dressed in black to vilify the archbishop at Church services on Ash Wednesday—to an extensive campaign to try to convince Catholics that the archbishop hates the homeless and is using sprinklers to remove them from sleeping on Church property, Singer has tried several unsuccessful strategies to convince Catholics to remove their leader.
Most recently, Singer helped to stage an elaborate press conference to announce a “grassroots” group of 100 so-called “committed Catholics inspired by Vatican II” who purchased a full page ad in the San Francisco Chronicle asking Pope Francis to remove the archbishop—and provide a new leader for them who is “committed to our values and your teachings.”
Leading the charge against the archbishop was Brian Cahill, retired executive director of Catholic Charities/Catholic Youth Organization in the Archdiocese of San Francisco. 
Angry about Catholic teachings on homosexuality, Cahill has been protesting these teachings for more than a decade—long before Archbishop Cordileone ever arrived in San Francisco. 
A long-time advocate of same-sex “marriage” and adoption of children by gay parents—even during the time he headed San Francisco’s Catholic Charities, Cahill publicly denounced Catholic teachings on homosexuality. 
On March 13, 2011, Cahill published an op-ed in The San Francisco Chronicle entitled: “My Gay Son: The Face of Church’s Lack of Respect,” which began with: “I am a Catholic who voted against Proposition 8 in 2008 and contributed $1,000 to the No on 8 Campaign.” Archbishop Cordileone was a leader of the Proposition 8 campaign that sought to ensure that marriage remain a union between a man and a woman.
Cahill is in the minor league compared to bigger players like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, who 'claim' to be catholic but do not even earn a small c.  But he is of their ilk. 

They are NOT Catholics. Perhaps they were once. Perhaps they were Baptised Catholic. But they have left the Faith a long way behind, seduced by cultural marxists exhortations, homosexuals, and political power from 'PC'.  
Cahill was joined by several Bay Area leaders—many of them big donors to Democratic political causes. 
First Things writer Matthew Schmitz pointed out that among the 100 signers included several business leaders like Charles Geschke, the co-chairman of Adobe System, who has given more than $200,000 to the Democratic National Committee; 
and Clint Reilly who worked on political campaigns for Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer and later, headed the Board of Directors of Catholic Charities under Cahill.
Getting into powerful positions in Catholic Charities seems to be a ploy of the left homosexual mob lately. Michael Voris at Church Militant is currently exposing  another such rat in the ranks. 

CRS: Catholic Relief Sodomite

A vice president for Catholic Relief Services is legally married to his homosexual partner—and everyone knows it.
Joining Cahill in his campaign against the Church in San Francisco, Jim McGarry and his wife, Kathy Curran appear to have made a commitment to changing Catholic teachings on marriage and homosexuality. And, like Cahill, Curran and McGarry made that commitment more than a decade ago—long before Archbishop Cordileone arrived in the Bay area. 
In December, 2008, the couple coordinated a demonstration along with Dignity USA, New Ways Ministry and Call to Action in a candlelight vigil to protest Vatican opposition to a United Nations resolution on homosexuality.
Curran coordinated a March 17, 2015 forum held at the University of San Francisco which was described in National Catholic Reporter as an opportunity to “galvanize opposition to Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone’s changes to a handbook for teachers at four high schools.” 
In his opening speech at the March 17 forum, Cahill helped set the tone for the evening when he charged that “Cordileone, who with his imported crew of orthodox, smugly ideological and intentionally provocative zealots, is trying to shove his sex-obsessed version of Catholic identity down the throats of Catholic high school students and teachers.”
Jim McGarry appears to share his wife’s zeal for changing Catholic teachings on marriage and homosexuality—and has chosen to join her in the attack on the archbishop. But, McGarry goes even further by criticizing the Church’s teachings on reproductive rights including in vitro fertilization. 
In an open letter to San Francisco Catholic students McGarry suggested that the archbishop is “not in compliance with Catholic teaching.” Claiming that the archbishop is “very selectively choosing a small number of doctrines and putting them forward in a selective way,” McGarry concludes that the archbishop is “distorting the tradition in a way that first of all endangers the health and well being of our children.”
As the campaign against the Church in San Francisco has begun to lose ground, Singer’s rhetoric has escalated—and he has personally extended his attacks on those who have publicly supported Archbishop Cordileone. 
Following the publication of a National Review article  last week, Singer sent three tweets to his followers on April 18 and 19 advising them to denounce the author for her hateful speech. Calling the article “mean-spirited and hateful,” Singer called on the archbishop (of all people) to “reject” the author. 
Making sure that the author saw his angry tweets—and would be fearful of retribution by Singer-supporters—Singer forwarded them to her personally so she would receive them in her email inbox. Unfortunately for Singer, the strategy seems to have failed as only a handful of his followers even bothered to re-tweet any of his offensive tweets.
Realizing that he is losing the public opinion battles, it is likely that Singer will escalate his attacks on those of us who support the courageous work Archbishop Cordileone is doing. On April 18, Singer tweeted that he “won’t give up until Cordileone is gone.” Maybe. But, it is more likely that as Singer continues to lose ground in his ongoing war on the Church, and his supporters begin to retreat, his sponsors may start to consider whether they are engaged in a losing campaign.
No-one is obliged to be a Catholic. Who would want to be ? It is a very hard Church to live up to.

Catholics convert, yes, but by the most easy means. No-one is ever forced.  The demands, morally and spiritually, are very tough. Most Catholics are not very good at being either Catholic or good. But we try damned hard. We sin but seek forgiveness.

These people trying to get rid of Cordilione are undermining and attacking the Church. They sin and get a PR firm to brag about it.

If they do not like Church teachings they could always leave and join a Protestant group of their choice. They have 40,000 different protestant churches to choose from among. 

But they don't want to leave. 

They want to Destroy the Church.

They call themselves catholics but they are not. There is a shorter word for them.


We must Love the sinner: but hate the sin.

Pet rats are fine.

Sewer rats, bilge rats, San Francisco's rats, are not.

(Anne Hendershott is Professor of Sociology and Director of the Veritas Center at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. She is the author ofStatus Envy: The Politics of Catholic Higher Education; The Politics of Abortion; andThe Politics of Deviance (Encounter Books). She is also the co-author of Renewal: How a New Generation of Priests and Bishops are Revitalizing the Catholic Church (2013). )

Good to see a sociology professor who does noy buy into all the sociology crap that is taught.

A fine customer, Moira, standing close by, was familiar with the city and its depravities. She spoke up too.
I come from this corrupt area. I've heard and seen unimaginable evil. 
I am trying to remember that the Church is from God and cannot be broken by a few sinful men, or even a few thousand!

"that the archbishop does not understand or appreciate the unique cultural needs of the San Francisco community."
Unique cultural needs? Needs to rewrite the Gospel? If you don't like the Church, leave it. You can't DECIDE what is in the Bible. You can only choose to obey or not. Plenty of people have placed their own sinful desires above the Church, and left it, and have even placed their sinful desires above their families, and left them, or forced them to endure the horror of a transgendered parent, a gay parent, even a new collection of lovers. 
I've seen all these things: most of them (not all) close up
Compounding insult with injury is that we, as children of that sinful generation, are not allowed to talk about our experiences and our pain: our lives are subsumed in the need for "tolerance" for "acceptance" for "celebration" of these things that rip our lives apart.
I don't celebrate having three gay parents. I don't celebrate having parents more concerned with their sex lives than with their children. I don't celebrate how unimportant we were: how the social experiments, gay identity, even the religious folly were all more important than the children.
If you want to live in a grand sexual social experiment, don't kid yourself that it's a family. It is not.
We would have appreciated having parents who were more interested in raising healthy children than "tolerant," "diverse" and "preferably gay" children. 
Most of all, we didn't appreciate the endless pressure to take after the elder generation, or the ongoing sense that we were less than because no attempt to indoctrinate could actually cause us to become gay.
I wish I was kidding. I really do.
Pax, and healing, folks. Drink deep of Grace.  

Go and get you fill of the Sacrements.

I cannot stress enough the Grace one gets from the Eucharest.

Sheep drift away from the fold and the Shepherd will look for them by night and by day.

Pax Dei.


  1. I come from this corrupt area. I've heard and seen unimaginable evil. I am trying to remember that the Church is from God and cannot be broken by a few sinful men, or even a few thousand!

    "that the archbishop does not understand or appreciate the unique cultural needs of the San Francisco community."

    Unique cultural needs? Needs to rewrite the Gospel? If you don't like the Church, leave it. You can't DECIDE what is in the Bible. You can only choose to obey or not. Plenty of people have placed their own sinful desires above the Church, and left it, and have even placed their sinful desires above their families, and left them, or forced them to endure the horror of a transgendered parent, a gay parent, even a new collection of lovers. I've seen all these things: most of them (not all) close up. Compounding insult with injury is that we, as children of that sinful generation, are not allowed to talk about our experiences and our pain: our lives are subsumed in the need for "tolerance" for "acceptance" for "celebration" of these things that rip our lives apart.

    I don't celebrate having three gay parents. I don't celebrate having parents more concerned with their sex lives than with their children. I don't celebrate how unimportant we were: how the social experiments, gay identity, even the religious folly were all more important than the children.

    If you want to live in a grand sexual social experiment, don't kid yourself that it's a family. It is not.

    We would have appreciated having parents who were more interested in raising healthy children than "tolerant," "diverse" and "preferably gay" children. Most of all, we didn't appreciate the endless pressure to take after the elder generation, or the ongoing sense that we were less than because no attempt to indoctrinate could actually cause us to become gay.

    I wish I was kidding. I really do.

    1. The message is very clear. It is well restated here. Thank you for your courage in giving us a personal perspective.

  2. Proponents of homosexuality and other immorality have no trouble denouncing members of the Church who engage in sexual relations with minors. Even though many vocal gay-lobbyists advocate for such relationships. Bullies. They should take the taverner's advice and start the New Alphabet Church: LBQT and all the other letters and leave +Cordileone to do his work.

    1. Good point. Some Church leaders and troops have done the Church a great disservice with their crimes, sins and cover-ups. Not for them the Confessional, I am supposing. Their exposure has handed a lot of ammunition to the haters of Catholicism, unfortunately, and few in the media or even readers and commentators around the traps have seen and noted the hypocricy of the homosexual lobby. You have and you speak up.

  3. Those detractors (and others who do not understand) should be directed to the scriptures that the church(es) follow. For example...

    And the Lord God said; It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Gen 2:18

    And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. Gen 1:28

    For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. Eph 5:31

    Though sadly, I suspect they wouldn't understand (or try to understand) even the more easily understood passages therein...

    1. And these very same detractors provide a poisoned alternative. A barren one. The young men are abandoning the idea of marriage due to the rats poisoning the legal systems which should be supporting marriage but instead act against it. The work of love between man and woman can be patchy these days. Devotion and 'one-ness' can be riven by selfish, self-centred, perverse drives in one or the other of the couple leading to internal sickness and divorce. That 'divorce' aspect was also forbidden by the Church ('Let no man put asunder') and rejected early on by these same wreckers. It has been downhill ever since. Some fatal diseases are spread by rats.


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..