Saturday, March 14, 2015

On the knees, Scrubbing.

Yes, even Knights scrub floors. As we saw yesterday, heroes and warriors have a duty to rid themselves of hubris. Singers can as well.

The last of this small trilogy of Good people. Perhaps it is a Lenten thing, although not deliberate. It's just the way conversations in the bars go.
I hope he was scrubbing as he crawled !!

I was moved by the young woman's account of a Lord and Victoria Cross man on his knees, scrubbing the floor. I usually use a mop, but as it is Lent, I was down on my knees in the Crypt today while some ladies were upstairs in the Music Room rehearsing.  It was an apt accompanyment and stirred my soul.

These two sing like Angels. Elina Garanca can sing for me any day. Anna Netrebko, few may know, actually worked as a cleaner, scrubbing floors, while she was training to be a singer. She could teach an old Knight so much, I am sure.

But there was more going on upstairs. Taking a break I watched a rehearsal with Placido Domingo and Sissel Kyrkjebo. It promises to be a Grand Evening tonight.

It is an admission I am almost reluctant to speak but I was in tears listening. There are some sacred moments one is rarely able to observe.

For those who do not know the words or perhaps think that to be just another beautiful song by a 'classical' composer, think again.

It is one of the most personal prayers and possibly the second every Catholic child learns. The 'Hail Mary'.

Here is Sissel by herself, with the words.

There are some who reach perfection in their art. 

Would that we would put as much effort into reaching perfection in our character and Soul. 

Just think of the 'sound', sound humanity would make.

Pray for us. It is Lent. Give up something that holds you back.

Ora pro nobis peccatoribus.

Pax Dei.


  1. We could hardly call those ladies scrubbers, Amfortas.

    1. No. Even in rehearsals they scrub up well. :)

  2. All very beautiful, thank you :-)

    I smiled when Sissel mentioned disappearing into the music. Music can do that and the feeling 'is' wonderful :-)


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..