Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Demolishing Cant

Standing behind the bar I get to hear all sorts of conversations. Some, quite frankly are rather dull, the usual bar-room chatter, but others are of such High Quality that I just listen in modest Awe.

That happened today. So, not for one moment do I hesitate to bring this conversation here. 

In this short discussion the arguments for abortion, sex education, and the usual 'modern' gamut of crass and destructive policies were spelled out systematically and repeatedly.... and completely demolished by logical thought, cogent reasoning and a sound moral sensitivity. 

What has happened to that sensitivity?

It is clear that in our rush to abandon (specifically) Christian Morality we have produced an 'ignoranti class' that cannot think their way out of a paper bag, resort continually to  popular 'mantras'  that should embarrass a 14 year old and who devalue not simply morality as a concept but human life as an objective reality.

Peter Hitchens took issue with one such.

Again I repeat a passage seen here before:

Human existence contains only two defining instants,
 which are conception and death.

 And this is not a matter simply of religion but of biology.

All other milestones, no matter the name given to it, 
be that Zygote, embryo, foetus, baby, toddler, teenager, 
adult, old person or ‘disabled’,
no matter how dramatically recognized in society,

 simply amount to transitional phases in the human life cycle.

So despite all of the grandiose but empty oratory,
 any individual who does not advocate the defence of all innocent human life
 between those two landmarks
 is an individual who holds no regard for the sanctity of human life on the whole.

Pax Dei.

Pray for the babies..... and Yourselves.


  1. Well may we say, "God save the babies and ourselves."

    1. He will suffer the little children to come unto Him, but as for us, we have free will and can choose. As if Satan was not enough of an enemy, we have ourselves to deal with. For those with an intellectual bent there is frankly little excuse and we must pray for them and those of us most in need of His Mercy.

  2. So despite all of the grandiose but empty oratory,
    any individual who does not advocate the defence of all innocent human life
    between those two landmarks
    is an individual who holds no regard for the sanctity of human life on the whole.

    And there it is in one. Cant. A word I'd forgotten to apply to their utterings.

    1. Good one, eh. :) I reckon you should buy me a round for that.

  3. Replies
    1. These days, a glass of milk usually does the trick. :)


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..