
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Islamic Jihad Learned at Mother's Knee

So for the third day the conversations about Islam were continuing in the Tavern. I was hoping for a Flash Mob of dancing girls to come by so we could change the subject but the last two nights have caused some to think deep and hard, and the attack in France has only increased the chatter.

Now we have a lady speaking out with a very different angle on the issue and one perhaps we need to be looking at in some detail.  It is a fine thing that ladies can speak up in this Tavern, even if I do not agree with everything they say. But then, when did I agree with everything the chaps say?  I can be a curmudgeonly barman sometimes when the crowds all want serving at once.

In 'the west' we say that we 'learn things at Mother's knee'. And that is the case, despite what feminists would have us believe of the west being in thrall to The Patriarchy. By the time a child is three he or she has spent most of their short lives soley in their mother's care (or some female kindy care place). Dad has had barely a look-in although in recent times he has been roped-in to change nappies far more than in my day.

But what is the situation in Islamic places? 

You want to see Patriarchy? Look no further.

We know that Muslims follow Mohammed to the letter, even emulating his behaviour. And we know that their Prophet of God was a paedophile rapist who married a 9 year old and 'made a woman of her' at her time of puberty.  This sort of 'cultural' practice, along with clitorodectomies and polygamy must have an effect on women and girls, although I have rarely seen any mention of it other than the leftist meme that 'all cultures are equal'. 

Perhaps the feminist squabbles about female genital mutilation being a practice forced on women by men despite the overwhelming evidence that it is a matriarchal practice, and despite their silence on male genital mutilation which is so commonplace in the west;  and the rights of women to dress in black cloth bin liners or next to nothing at all as takes their fancy have distracted us. Men get a serve either way which suits them. 

Feminists even go ape over a shirt worn by a man who landed a space vehicle on a friggin' comet. They have no perspective, as one can expect from neurotics.

But in Islam's case men do have a lot that is blameworthy. 

Imagine being a little girl - and pretty well every little girl, as every little boy, is born a little darling, innocent - knowing from age three that you are going to be a virtual slave to a big hairy man, just like dad, who treats his wife like a piece of camel dung. And that you are going to be raped at his whim. How 'uncomfortable'  do you think that little girl is going to be by six? As uncomfortable as a grown-up Mensa woman being called "M'dear"? 

How is she going to feel at 10 or 12 knowing that if she 'dishonours' her dad by wanting something he disapproves of, she can be killed. Slaughtered like a chicken or a goat? 

But the effects of Islamic cultural 'ways' on such little girls, and the mums they will become is just the area of study of a lady customer: Dr Nancy Kobrin. Nancy stood there at the bar quite livid. It was just unfortunate that she did not mention strong women taking control. In Islam it seems, from her discussion, that control is actually exercise by weak, frightened women who are exacting revenge on their culture via their children.
Read my lips: 
"The mother builds the brain of the jihadi baby."
The Islamic State has produced a book called Sister's Role in Jihad instructing how to destroy the minds of their child and turn them into killing machines. 
The contents of this book should be understood as NOTHING NEW in Islamic culture. What this terrorist handbook has done is to have inscribed practices that have been embraced for centuries behind closed doors. 
In the West we have been reluctant to take note of this and to see what has been going in these societies. We do not discuss the ramifications of growing up in shame honor cultures, all of which have spawned Islamic suicide bombing.
I have been arguing since before 9/11 that we must look to the  mother-infant relationship in order to understand from where all of this violence is coming. 

This is NOT to blame the female but to understand how terrified she is, that she herself has been beaten into submission but could never admit it because it would be too shaming. 
Hmmm. I never saw Mrs Arrafat as a terrified woman. But then she was (is) in the 'high feminist' league herself.
The devalued female "out Frenches the French" in externalizing her own murderous rage because she has been the chronic target of brutal male abuse. She has internalizes male rage of the female as self-hatred. Hence the sisters of jihad, the female suicide bomber etc.
Now this is a justifyable comment on gender actions and influences. 

We get a lot of Men's Rights  people in here and they are sick to the back teeth of ordinary, hard working, loving, kind men being constantly berated. The feminists rarely talk of 'real nasty' men in other cultures because that is not part of the 'Narrative'. 

But then I have spoken before about the effect of two world wars and the carnage suffered by men producing neurotism and psychosis in women which gave rise and drive to Feminism. Nancy points to another quite different but equally devastating psychological impact.
Counter terrorist experts have failed miserably in understanding the root problem, i.e. the radicalization of early childrearing practices. 
Ironically in my opinion, our experts are terrified of this particular subject matter. Yet the elephant in our room remains the significance of the mother building the brain of the baby and the delicate nature of early childhood under such brutal circumstances.
They are terrified into silence by Feminists. No-one can criticise women, except other women, and even then only on pain of being marginalised. Even Nancy is reluctant to hold these mothers accountable.
Violence, the need to hate and the need to have an enemy are learned behaviors in the home by age three. 
Arab Muslim and also Iranian Shiite are cultures out of control. 
Moderate Muslims, be they Sunni or Shia, have failed to reign in their violent children whom they have raised to be murderous. 
How has this happen? 
It is too shaming for them (the women) to admit to themselves that they are in conflict. They may mouth words rejecting violence by hiding behind the mantra that Islam is the religion of peace but they remain passive aggressive - allowing the jihadis to be the carriers of their own rage stemming from their own shamed childhood. 
The cycle goes on across generations. They let the jihadis do the dirty work of Islam. 
Passive aggressive behavior is exceedingly manipulative. 
This violent dynamic is enhanced by the unspoken draw of jihad's sado-masochism -- what I call "the erotic exotic brutalization of the other." This is the draw too for the Western converts to Islam. 
We fail to talk about the sexualized component of jihad as a snuff film.
In the specific case of Muslim kids raised in the West, their mothers were often child brides who retained these traditional Islamic childrearing practices. As for the Caucasian (and others) Muslim converts to Islam, if you investigate their childhood histories, they too grew up in similar, rigid abusive households - shaming, often with absent and/or violent fathers.
I was in Ukraine over a month ago researching the Chechens and their violent brand of jihad. Chechens are the tip of the spear like the Somalis. I taught Ukrainian military, law enforcement and mental health professionals on the interlocking links of violence beginning in the home extending outward to political violence. 

I talked about the maternal relationship and brain development. 
They were mesmerized. They also admitted that they have their own cultural problems with shame and domestic violence. Add to this, the trauma of the current war and Ukraine is a tinderbox. One per cent of its population is now Muslim and growing. The average Ukrainian law enforcement person is paralyzed about dealing with this new reality. 
I told them they must go into these immigrant Muslim communities and get to know them. They must know who lives where, etc. They must learn what is going on. Law enforcement has to be proactive. If not, sticking one's head in the sand will merely foster parallel isolated Muslim communities as we have seen in France, Germany and England etc. Many of the Muslims are from Central Asia. I was told that the Islamic State is sending its women and children into western Ukraine. This fits with the Islamic State's playbook.
Denouncing the Islamic State's book must be met head on. Memri is right that we will now be dealing with this issue for generations to come. We must "put boots on the ground" in response to this book. We must start with the Saudis and the Iranians. 
Their childrearing practices have institutionalized the abuse of the female who makes the brain of the baby. 
I noticed the omission in Nancy's thesis. While it is women in rage and shame who teach and mold the children, it is the males who are being turned into killing machines and suicide fodder. Perhaps she might like to think about that as a female strategy of male-hatred. (Quite understandable, mind you).
We must demand that Saudi Arabia stops beheading right now. This feeds the veneration of the archaic Islamic tradition institutionalized by the Prophet Muhammad at Khaybar. 
We must call for them to free their own women and children.
This is easy to hear as just more 'feminism' but I am more inclined to see it as properly directed 'liberation' and a focus that should have been there from the start rather than the wholsesale attack on decent western men. But.... all cultures are equal to a lefty and all men are rapists to a feminist. 
We must demand an end to the Iranian practice of Tatbir, cutting the child's forehead with a knife during the Ashura. We must name this bloody practice for what it is - child abuse. This causes the child to grow up paranoid, projecting his rage at the feminized other, most especially the Jew and the Christian.

To give another example, I relate the following intuitive moment I had after being interviewed by Eran Singer one of Israel's leading journalists on Arab Affairs (which Family Security Matters so kindly posted the link). I had the thought: why not demand that childrearing practices be required reading, included on every syllabus for those studying Islam, Arabic, Iranian cultures and especially counterterrorism? We can no longer afford to ignore the subject because of political correctness.
Hmmmm. Required reading for whom? I cannot see this as anything but a sop. It certainly would not find its way into a Mosque.
Finally we need to broaden the discussion from childrearing practices to issues concerning developmental problems, such as lack of empathy as a sign of a cognitive deficit.
Again, and I don't want to interfere with Nancy's thrust but empathy is 'claimed' to be a female trait but barely noticeable in the west any more.  It may need to be wrested from the feminist lexicon, along with so many other stolen words, and put back to its propepr meaning and place in 'normal mental health'.
We must hold public forums. We must not be shy to establish an academic interdisciplinary field/think tank which includes trauma specialists, psychoanalysts, neuroscientists, geneticists and epigeneticists in conjunction with counterterrorist experts, policy makers, historians etc. to examine the lethal mix of childrearing practices and jihadi violence for the sake of our citizenry. 
We need to bring the discussion out into the open.
Well she is an academic. Seeking opportunities for more public funding is par for the course. If they shut down all the Womyn's Studies programs perhaps ther monies could be diverted to this more useful suggestion. At least the Tavern is bringing it out into the open.
We must even contemplate the real possibility of the unpleasant devastating fact that these cultures have been unconsciously destroying their own genetic material because they are so enraged. 
In turn they have been putting our cultures at risk, destroying them. Left unchecked aggression breeds aggression, spreading like wildfire. 
It is a matter of self preservation. 
A democracy is only as strong as its nuclear family. 
By taking a measured look at our ancestral landscape, where we have come from with regard to childrearing practices and where we are heading, we counter the obscene message of Sister's Role in Jihad. 
Of course, Nancy's colleagues in academia have done a fine job of destroying the nuclear family in the west but that's for another day. 
The Islamic State will be held accountable for crimes against humanity, crimes against their own children. 
It is obvious that they do not want their children to develop empathy but we do care about ours. I wish for my grandchildren and all other children that they will be upstanding citizens who do not hate others and live in a safe democracy. 
Read my lips: "The mother builds the brain of the jihadi baby." We must act now.

Dr. Nancy Kobrin, a Fellow at the American Center For Democracy and a psychoanalyst with a Ph.D. in romance and semitic languages, specializes in Aljamía and Old Spanish in Arabic script. She is an expert on the Minnesota Somali diaspora and a graduate of the Human Terrain System program at Leavenworth Kansas. Her new book is The Banality of Suicide Terrorism: The Naked Truth About the Psychology of Islamic Suicide Bombing. 

I needed a drink after that. So did Nancy. I give her my thanks for her insights and her passion.

Empathy is hard to find in conditions of brutality. 

It is incompatible with hatred.

One might just spend a few moments thinking of the murderous rage being built up in the devalued men in the west where the 'cultural' practices imposed by family-hating progressives are destroying his position and driving him away from his children; children left in the clutches of angry, emotionally brutal women subborned by feminism.


Drink deep of Grace. My Supplier has all you can take.



  1. Interesting stuff Amfortas. The attack in France is just another example of the stupidity of Islam and its excesses. It's a great example of adherents being taught what to think rather than how to think. It shows the devastating consequences of denying education to females and relegating their function to breeding inconsequentially.

    It is interesting to observe how the manic killing by Islamists is uniting Westerners. I wish it would unite our dim-witted politicians who currently display all the fervour of a woolly headed Mufti.

    1. Islam may be uniting people but the politicians are still prevaricating, having committee meetings, finding 'diplomatic' discussions with parties who are 'equal but different', urging 'tolerance and diversity' etc etc. They are weak and cowardly. The people are without leadership on repulsing this menace.

      The lady above is suggesting 'root' causes, and she has a point.

  2. "If the Europeans supply weapons, Europe’s backyard would become a terrorist haven, and Europe would pay a price for this. Terrorism would mean chaos here. Chaos would lead to poverty, and poverty would mean that Europe would lose an important market. The second effect would be the direct export of terrorism to Europe. Terrorists seasoned in battle and armed with extremist ideology would return" -Bashar al-Assad

    But of course, let deny any responsibility of Occident in creating this mess, they were just trying to do the good thing by helping the rebels defeat the "bad" dictators, because of course there are "good" dictators that align with Western Interest in the region also.

    1. Meanwhile Russia supplies the weapons. America leaves them behind after Obama struts and disengages them . And the terrorists make their own from plumbing supplies. Don't give me 'european chaos'. It already is a terrorist haven.

    2. There is plenty of Evidence of U.S. and other European countries supplying weapons to the Islamist rebels in Syria that would later become the Islamic State, heck they even admit it. On the other hand Russia was an ally to the Syrian regime, why would they supply weapons to their own enemies?


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..