Friday, October 17, 2014

The Tavern's Home

People who drop by often ask about the Island beyond the hedge; Tasmania. If it is, as I tell it, just another part of the great Hilary Village, populated by feminists and socialists and greenies, why, they ask, do I live here?

There are few places in the world now that are not beset by said socialists and feminists - ugly creatures all - but even they deserve Love: and where better for Love, Beauty, and a Tavern that serves Grace?

So let me take a break for a few minutes and take you up onto the top of one of the Tavern's many towers and show the place to you. Who knows, you just might love the place too and decide to spend a few hours looking. I will send refreshments up from time to time.

First, let's look at the Tassie Devil. It is a famed creature, just short of fable. It makes a noise just like the feminists do.

 A short intro to not-quite set the scene but at least gets it out of the way and onto more beautiful sounds and sights.

Here is something to sit with a while. Jump in; taste; maybe if it is too long for you, move on to some others.

As the narrator said, this place is about the same size as Ireland but without the leprechauns. It has just 500,000 people give or take a few and much of the island therefore is quite unpopulated. Most of the people live in either Hobart of Launceston and the rest live in quite small towns and villages and scattered tiny settlements.

From the air you can see the scope better and perhaps with more ease.  The old Knight Tavern Keeper loves to fly. Bit too old now though. But you can start at the North end of the Island.

 The Tavern is in the South though. On a small mountain that just shows itself in this next video. Fleetingly.  

Here's another taste. A beer-drinking man shows you some sights, and just a heads-up here.... when he shows you the 'first Casino in Oz', look up the hill behind, to the left. Tucked away in the trees at the very top.... there you can just see the Tavern ! 

A pint to the first who can spot it.

 It is not all just city, scenery and heritage however. There is adventure and daring here too. One place that strikes fear and desire into a certain sort of folk is the infamous Shipstern Bluff. The waves are enormous on some days and crash onto 300 ft cliffs. It provides surfing for the extreemers.

 It also has some spots that I personally find very agreeable. Especially on a clear winter Sunday.




  1. That was lovely. I remember Tassie and loved it. As semi-Victorian [southern], Tassie was the logical place, plus southern SA for us. Strangely, north over the border was not the same - we felt little affinity with NSW. More actually with Qld.

    Northern shore of Tassie was in tune with Melbourne, Launceston was a strange place, I liked the lakes in the middle, not crazy for the western fjords - too many tourists but Hobart and lower were my favourites, Ross, way down south too.

    Think NZ south island might be nice - only know Auckland and not impressive. Were I on the boat, methinks I'd go between Port Phillip Bay and the harbour at Hobart.

    1. It pleases me greatly that you like the place. I think of it as the most 'European' of the Oz States. All of Europe condensed into one modest Island, and a but more thrown in too (the rainforests). The north is most like England with its small, lush, green farms, but with a backdrop of quite majestic mountains. The south has pockets of 'hobbit' country with narrow lanes winding between hills and a view that changes by the half-minute; and further south still and south-west is totally unexplored wilderness. The beaches are beautiful and one can find long stretches of fine, white sand, several miles long, with not a soul on them but yourself

  2. I love the picture dear friend:). God must be there.....;)

  3. Thank you for sharing your part of the world I can see why you like it so much. I haven't watched the long video yet, but I will get around to it over the weekend.

    I think the beer-drinking man had rather too many beers obscuring a clear view of the Tavern ;-)

    1. The long video is long, but worth it. I hope you get around to it soon. But don't let that get in the way of your lovely photo series at your place.

  4. And then God placed YOU there...not by accident I think...:)

    1. Sometimes it feels like exile. The 'not by accident' was a very roundabout way that looks quite contrived. But here I am and the supplies keep arriving on schedule: I keep dispensing. But the 'wound' is healed and I can carry my cross, my mop (for the crypt floor) and my towel for keeping the bar-tops clean.

  5. The long video was worth watching. There were creatures mentioned that I have never heard of before. I can see why you call it paradise :-)

    1. I am so glad to watched it, Cherie. It was quite well made and interesting throughout. Yes we have some odd little critters here. Our Devils are having a hard time though. A cancer swept through them a few years back and is still raging. Over three quarters of the devil population has died and we have 'insurance' groups now on the mainland trying to breed up again. Note that there are no foxes in Tasmania. The Guvmunt here has spend millions of bucks and a decade on a fox-eradication program despite there never having been as much as a sighting. Greenie jobs for the boys in the bush and the girls in the office. I posted a piece on that some while back.

    2. Yes I rembember your post on foxes. I hope the quest to find Tazzie Tigers is fruitful, it will be another odd creature to add to the collection.


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..