Sunday, June 15, 2014

Rescuing Kids from State Educashun

Shunning State Schools is what a growing proportion of Australian parents are doing. They are shunning the agitprop provided by a phalanx of socially destructive, mind and spirit warping elements that have taken over the schooling of our children.  So it seems from the talk in the bars this week. 

Private schooling has always been a popular option in Oz, even though the State has taken (it wasn't ever given) responsibility for providing education to children. It may be compulsory to educate children but in what Institution is a still a matter of choice.

Choice goes only so far though as the State retains compulsory determinations over 'core' curriculum.

Oz tops the international charts for private schooling. But let me note for furriners that in Oz 'Private' and 'Public' have their own meanings. Public schools in the UK, for instance, are private businesses, grown out of the charitable schools for the children of Gentlemen of centuries past. In Oz Public schools are for the public, run by the State with the contrary assistance of left-wing trades unions. (More below.)

But the public is having less and less to do with State provision. For a generation the balance has hovered around 35% 'Private' and 65% public. This is shifting. And the mind, soul and feet are voting for Catholic education.

More and more parents are opting out of the State system with its insistence on 'Progressive Values', even 'Labor Party Values'. Parents demand, but do not get Christian Values in State schools.

Alexandra Smith was telling us a little about it in the P&B

Public school exodus starts as early as year 2

Australian parents are keen to escape the disrupted classes that are a frequent feature of State schools

The stampede from public primary schools to private high schools when a child finishes year 6 is a tradition in parts of Sydney, but principals say the exodus now starts as early as year 2 as parents panic they will miss out on their school of choice.

Census data shows that in some of Sydney's most affluent suburbs, especially the eastern suburbs, 
as few as 20 per cent of students stay in the public system 
for high school despite booming enrolments in public primary schools.

The president of the NSW Primary Principals' Association, Geoff Scott, said the exodus from public to private schools had traditionally started in year 5 but principals were reporting it now began as early as year 2.

"It's getting younger and younger and we have parents telling our principals, 'Sorry, we love your school but if we want to get our child into a certain independent school we have been told we have to enrol them in year 3,' " Mr Scott said.
"Parents feel, wrongly we believe, that their children will have a better chance if they go to a non-government school, but this is not based on better teachers or a different curriculum because we know parents are very happy with their local government primary school."
So happy that they leave? All those parents are wrong and the 'Association' man is right. Hello.

Methinks the parents are being kind saying 'we love your school'. If they did actually say that. He does not hear them saying just as clearly that it is his school and not theirs.
The principal of Waverley Public, Glenn Levett, raised the issue of the exodus in a note to parents on the school's website, where he urged them not to judge the school on NAPLAN results alone, especially because so many students leave the public system before the end of primary school.
So, hold up and dismiss the school 'results', as though it were not important. 
"Our year 5 group often becomes a small cohort of students as a number of students move on to opportunity classes or private schools at the end of year 4," the school’s website says. "This is common practice in the eastern suburbs as a majority of students in the area attend private high schools."
Public School Teachers Striking - again.
The children do not matter

Nikki Shepherd, who has twin boys Sam and Alfie, and Carol Wade, who has a son Joseph, both enrolled their children in year 5 at Waverley College this year.

The boys, who were young for their year when they started kindergarten at Coogee Public School, are repeating year 5 at the Catholic college after doing year 5 at Coogee last year.

Ms Wade said she had been very happy with their local public school but felt her son would benefit from more routine and discipline by doing year 5 and 6 at Waverley College.
Hello. Were the Coogee teachers listening?
Both families would have also been unlikely to secure a spot for the boys for year 7 because they are not Catholic.

The acting director of Waverley College's junior school, Greg Harris, said the school had just been through one of the "most difficult" enrolment processes because of the demand for its year 5 intake.

Mr Harris said the school had "well over" 200 applications for 145 year 5 spots next year and one-third of those applicants 
were non-Catholic.

The trend is not unique to the eastern suburbs.

Inner west mother Elizabeth Luff sent her children to Annandale Public until year 4 but then sent them to St Andrews Cathedral School in Sydney's central business district.

Mrs Luff said she had always intended to send them to St Andrews for high school but thought starting them in year 5 would help them move to year 7 more easily.

Lets have a look at the options.

Religion-based systems of education are operated by the Anglican, Lutheran, Roman Catholic denominations as well as a number of other church or parachurch-based low-fee schools. 

By far the most numerous are 
Catholic schools
which are run by diocese-based educational institutions within the Catholic Church called the Catholic Education/Schools Offices, although some more prestigious Catholic schools are independent. 

The rest are known as independent schools, which are largely Protestant grammar schools. 

There are also a few Jewish and Islamic schools, and a growing number of independent Montessori and Steiner schools.

The major independent schools in each city (such as the APS Schools and the AGSV Schools in Melbourne) charge high fees (up to $30,000 per year) and are therefore able to afford facilities that government schools and church-run Catholic schools cannot. 

Funding for independent schools often comes under criticism from the Australian Education Union and the Australian Labor Party because, in addition to their fees, these schools also receive funding from both state and federal governments.

And this 'Money' issue a critical point.

It costs parents money to send their children to private/church schools. The Catholic schools are by far toward the lower end of the fee scales, but parents nevertheless have to pay from their own pockets, from 'after tax' money.

Some schools have fees of $20,000 to $30,000 a year. 

Socialists HATE this.

Socialists are good at hate.

They say that the Private schools are for 'Rich' people. And they hate the rich.  They ignore the obvious conclusion that in their eyes a good 40% of Australians must be rich.

They are not, of course, but they do believe in paying for quality.

Most families whose children are at Private schools, struggle. They are ordinary families. They choose to spend their money on something they value. Their children's education. Most are somewhat lower cost than 30k. And some are down at the few thousand a year level. It is the Parents Choice.

The left, socialists, envious Greens et al also spit venom about Federal funding for private schools from taxation monies. They totally ignore the two basic facts: that private school parents also pay tax; and that private schools get far less tax money than public schools.

 The Private school parent subsidises the Public sector school.

When you hear the socialists screaming out their filth on the streets during their oh so regular 'protests' for more pay for themselves you never hear about ordinary Australians having to pay twice for the privilege of choice.

Then there is the issue of 'Values.

Our Nation was built upon Western, Christian Values, derived from and passed-on to us by our British heritage

These values are under considerable and severe attack by ideologies that want to destroy our heritage. Their acolytes are mostly found in the Public Sector Teaching Unions, who care less about children and more about ideology.

The left is Hell bent on sexualising our children, forcing homosexuality and 'genderisms', feminism included onto the younger and younger minds. It paints a dark and mendacious picture of our heritage. It lauds Marxism and Socialism. 

It hates Christianity. 

It hates everything to do with Christianity. That includes the Family. You would be hard pressed to find a State School having Christmas cards or even Father's Day cards but there will be desks full of homosexual 'literature'.

Whilst many 'faith' groups have similar Christian ethos, in the Private, church run sector, Catholicism is the Last Bastion.

The Mob

It is the balwark against the rising tsunami beating against our valuable shore.

But all is not well on the Catholic Schools front either. There is a concerted attack happening due mainly to the imposition of so many years of Socialist interference with the curriculum. 

It WILL get worse despite the best efforts of a conservative government overseeing education. Although education is a State responsibility - as opposed to Federal - the States are going down the same distorted road that America has gone down and with the same disastrous effects as they are having.

Once 'big' systems are in place there is a very difficult task changing them.

Let us pray for Grace.



  1. Where I live there is a Catholic school, but in some way it is funded by the state. I don't understand the nuances of the funding.

    The school however promotes Catholic/Christian teachings but does not exclude potential pupils whose parents are not Catholic. The children are accepted on the basis that they will be educated in a faith based school environment.

    1. I do not know of a 'Western' jurisdiction where the State does not pay for education of children and funding of schools. The post looks as the disparity in funding rather than the total lack. The taxpayer pays and the schools receive, but private schools do not receive the same amount per child.

      Better all around, in my view, would be the same per child regardless of where it is spent. And have the parent determine where, too.

  2. Public School Teachers Striking - again. The children do not matter

    When I heard that UK teachers were going to take strike action today, I was rather surprised, they don't take strike action because it would affect the children they teach. I have only ever known them in recent years to go on strike on one other occasion. On that occasion the government were planning to take away contractually agreed pension rights. Enough was enough.

    The recent media spin on naughty selfish teachers did not hold true to what I have seen...

    Today the teachers did go on strike, but it wasn't for better pay or even retaining their contractual agreements. They went on strike because they disagree with the governments curriculum (agenda) for teaching children. They feel it is destructive (to children) and don't condone it.

    The media however will probably tell a different story...

    1. I was disturbed to see the Catholic Schools' Teachers out on strike last week here in Tasmoania. I just do not have one jot of sympathy for the cries of teachers that they are underpaid. They are very well paid. They get far more for facing a classroom of children than a soldier gets for facing enemies in Afghanistan.

  3. The point of my comment is that I wondered if your Catholic Schools' teachers were on strike for more pay? Or were they on strike for something else?

    Our UK media publicised that teachers were on strike for more pay. The teachers themselves said they were on strike for a different reason. I heard them speaking so I know what they think before it got re-interpreted by the media.

    I wondered if the same miss-telling of truth (by the media) was happening Tazieland...


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..