Thursday, February 13, 2014

If Feminists didn't have Double Standards.....

.... they would not have standards at all.  As with all leftists. Leftists don't have principles. How can they when "there is no such thing as right and wrong"?

All they have is postures, pretend-principles that can be changed as easily as one changes one's shirt.

This is an annual observation whenever it is 'Grant'-seeking time by all the wimmin's groups. If there were no taxpayer-paid jobs for feminists they would barely find work at all.

But so much do Governments rely on the votes of women that laws are passed continually to favour wimmin at the expense of even other women who do work hard and prove themselves capable. And it is forced upon business too.

Just think for a moment about the ludicrous factoid that hold that women are paid only 77c in the $. If it were true would not business only hire 'empowered' wimmin and fire all the men? It would save them 23% of their wages bill. Talk about 'productivity gain'.

But the Government continues the lie and continues to browbeat business into hiring high-paid wimmin.  It seems the demand for Boardroom seats is increasing and businesses are capitulating.

Bucko at Orphans for Liberty came into the bar for a refreshing brew and had a lot to say about the news of Lloyds bank. 
I am woman, hear me wimper!

Lloyds bank plan to bring more females into their boardrooms by ensuring at least 40% of their top 8000 positions are held by women by the year 2020. 
A massive leap for gender equality, is it not. 
Reader, it is not. 
This move simply demonstrates the farce that feminism, equal rights and equal opportunities have become.
"Our aim is to lead the way in the banking industry, as well as to become the first FTSE company to fully reflect the diversity of our customers in the management of our group." 
People from every walk of life are likely to hold accounts or have loans and mortgages through Lloyds bank. In order to reflect the diversity of their customers, they don’t intend to employ pensioners, schoolchildren, plumbers, publicans, Somalian immigrants, chavs, jobseekers and latex fetishists.  
All they intend to do is bump a few more women up to executive positions. 
Lloyds boardrooms will soon be made up largely of males who worked their way to the top, a few females who did the same and a bunch of token women who are there to fill a quota. 
Does that fill you with confidence when trusting them with your money?  
As Anna Raccoon says, the bigwigs in any boardroom are not there because they do all their work with the end of their penis.  
The gender, creed, colour etc, of an employee matters not. It’s only the ability to do the job that should see somebody employed in a particular position. 
Oh, and the desire. You may have the makings of a perfectly good solicitor, doctor or hedge fund manager, but if you don’t fancy working fifteen hour days to get there, you may as well not bother. 
Which brings me back to women. We hear a constant bleating for ‘equality’, yet equality exists already, in a full measure. Real feminists fought hard for equality and they won. There’s no more gender bias, glass ceilings or pay gaps. Equality exists here and now. 
But let’s be honest, it’s not equality that these women want, it’s a leg up. 

The Man gives the woman a leg-up. None for him of course.

They’re not asking to be treated equally in the work place.  
They don’t want their CVs to have a fair hearing or their qualifications and experience to be recognised, because that already happens. T 
hey want an easy route into a cushy job with none of the effort and dedication their male counterparts are required to show. 
That’s why we only hear bleating about women in boardrooms. How good would it be to be able to secure a high paying job in a cushy office with a secretary, based on your female status alone? Why do we never hear feminist types bleating about the lack of women in civil engineering? 
Ok, they may occasionally pine for women in the nicer spots like architectural or management, but they wouldn’t dream of kicking up a stink about the lack of female tipper truck drivers 
They don’t care that the people operating heavy machinery like graders and earth movers are predominantly men. Jobs like these are well paid and highly sought after by the men who can do them. They’re also outdoors, often in bad weather and quite dirty. 
You can’t operate a cement mixer in high heels and a pant suit.  
Your make-up would be gone in 60 seconds, also. 
I am empowered !! I am not a fish !

Jobs are available to all. Employers are looking for ability. The reason there are so few women in boardrooms or female HGV drivers is that most women do not want to follow that kind of career path, or do but won’t put in the effort required. 
And it’s those who won’t put in the effort that cry discrimination. 
They want the job, the status and the benefits but will not recognise what must be done to get them.  
These women that get the promotions into the boardrooms of Lloyds bank based on womb alone, will not revel in how lucky they have been and do their best to do the job well.  
They will demand child friendly hours so they can do the school run.  
They will go home whenever their child bumps it’s head or has a cough and they will damn well demand a year off on maternity whenever they want another one. 
And it doesn’t stop there.  

They won’t put in the hours their male colleagues do and they will miss large chunks of training and experience when they are away from work raising children, but as soon as they get passed over for promotion to a male colleague, there will be holy hell to pay. 
Women used to want gender equality before it existed and they made sure they got it through any means necessary. We have it now though. A woman can be whoever she wants to be and do anything she wants to do. 
The trouble is, they’re just not up to the task.  
Men have been doing what it takes to succeed since time immortal,    
usually carrying a wife and a couple of kids along the way.  
Boardrooms need ladies' bike racks.

Women can and do accomplish anything that a man can do in the same environment, when they take the trouble to work at it, but women have rarely been in the position where they need to take the trouble. 
Many women do take the trouble and those are the ones who succeed without whining about glass ceilings.  
Many more are simply too lazy to make the effort, yet in modern times they have come to believe that they should be something more in the workplace than they are, and when they fail to become that something more, they blame it on male bias and demand that something should be done. 
I DEMAND a High Powered Job !! Just LOOK at my qualifications.

That something comes in the form of equality laws and quotas.  
If a woman wants to do a high powered job but only do it between the hours of nine and five, we create a law about child friendly hours.  
If a woman wants to make it into a cushy position at the top, but lacks the skills and qualifications (and is unwilling to gain them), we make a law about gender bias and introduce quotas.  
If a woman wants to take a year out to have a child but still get paid a wage, we create a law about maternity leave. 
“You don’t think raising a child is work?” 

Frankly, no.  
I think raising a child is a lifestyle choice that you should finance on your own dime. 
Which is another area of complaint. Women get paid less than men. Across the whole of society, average wages for women are lower than those of men, yet women through choice, don’t work across the whole of society. 
Women as a rule, tend to avoid the dirty, smelly, manual, outdoor jobs that pay decent wages because of the conditions.  
We want our own path... and a man to clear it for us.

Men take on these jobs and reap the financial benefits.  
Women take on the clean, indoor jobs in nice offices, with cups of tea and sandwiches for lunch, then they moan that they are not being paid as much as a bloke who comes home from work covered in shit at the end of every day.  
Pay gap! Discrimination! 
In spite of all the changes to equality of the sexes over the years, women have too great a tradition of dependence to consider dropping it.
They have made some concessions to changing times and conditions, but only the bare minimum. While some women have fought tooth and nail to be recognised on a equal footing, others want all the rights and privileges without the necessary effort. They pretend that gender bias is still an issue and it’s that issue that’s holding them back.  
And we get laws. 
And not just a few laws. These women are so incapable of playing on the level field they want, that we need a whole raft of rules and regulations to enable them to do it. 
Sexual harassment laws were originally conceived to deal with a boss groping a secretary. They’ve now become so broad as to include telling jokes.  
Are women so meek and sensitive that they need the state to enact laws to protect them from jokes?  
Even looking at a woman in the workplace can land you with a hefty compensation bill. Inappropriate looks are now considered sexual harassment. 
Women don’t like to be looked at by men. Or do they? 
Take the high heel shoe. What’s that all about? High heels are not worn for comfort, they’re worn for looks. No male would wear cripplingly uncomfortable footwear just to look good, so why do women do it if they don’t like men looking at them? 
L’Oreal is multi million pound industry, simply because women like to look good for the opposite sex. Why would a woman spend an hour applying expensive make-up, wear a revealing hemline and don a pair of three inch heels, only to complain that they are being objectified by men? 
And when the lippy, the mini and the stilettos have done their job and the woman has secured her man and married him, why can she then walk away from that marriage with almost everything the man has spent his life working for? 

I wonder if the women who fought for the right to vote would have imagined where this was going.  
I believe they fought for genuine equality. Somewhere along the way, the idea of equality has been warped. It has become the belief that women should be able to have everything they wish, but the men must get them there. 
Is that any different from the 1950's when women stayed at home to look after the kids and cook the tea? Back then, everything they had was bought and paid for by their men. What do these women have when they take their shiny new jobs in the boardroom at Lloyds bank?  
Who bought and paid for them? 
Wanna Date with me, m'dear?

Women. Equality is here. You can do what you want. You can be who you want. Nothing is stopping you. 
But you should have to work for the nice things in life, just like the men do.

I poured him a long drink.

To hear more from Bucko, pull you seat up here.....

..... and I will pour one or two more for you as well.


  1. So many women on bicycles and horsecycles made me do a double take to make sure I wasn't in a different place ;-)

    I wonder if the women who fought for the right to vote would have imagined where this was going.

    I believe they fought for genuine equality. Somewhere along the way, the idea of equality has been warped.

    I too believe they fought for genuine equality but when causes are fought and won, this gives power to the people who won their cause. This can lead to:

    "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely"

    When this happens the pendulum swings the other way and the oppressed can become the oppressor.

    What we really need is balance!

    1. Astonishing, eh? All of a sudden the Tavern cartpark was inundated by bicycles, ridden by fine gals. And a flunky to help a lady off her horse too.


      I am thinking that if more were to come I may need to have a swing thingo with a counterweight to lift them on and off with a mere hand press. That is Balance for you.

  2. I seem to have made it off the Tavern carpark into the Tavern...

    Do I have to keep my eyes open for a swingo thingo... I would like to think I was safe and comfortable (chatting with the regulars and the Tavern Keeper) on the Tavern chair ;-)

  3. The swingo thingo is yet to be constructed but will probably an adaptation of the jousting wossname wot swings around and whacks the back of the head of slow riders and those that pee on the carpets. No-one has yet been made uncomfortable by it when they drive their carts in, although the same cannot be said for those ejected by the Bouncer. I keep it outdoors.


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..