Wednesday, August 21, 2013

War is a Drug

"Don't put your daughter in the war-zone Mrs Robinson"; that's what your sons are for. The Tavern talk turned to the awfulness of war tonight after Huey Lewis and the News played a few sets in the Music Room.

Huey was invited to play for us by Free Man, a regular customer, and was singing way back when about the dreadful effects of war on young men who had been to Vietnam. He reprised it for us and got us a'thinkin' and a'talkin and downing several large glasses of Fortitude with Clarity chasers.

Recent 'moves' by Militaries in the west to include women in front-line combat arouse much discussion focussing on the 'rights' of women to 'do anything a man can, and better', but have obscured the secretive aspects of what militaries do to young men to get them to kill other young men.

First let's hear from Huey. He turned his hit records over for us.

Huey is feeling his age these days but he can still belt out a song in that fabulous voice.

He gets it.

Hear the cry:

" Angry all the time. Take a look at my face:
 see what its done to me."
And who has done it? And done what?
"Doncha know, I am the boy next door.
So easy to ignore"

The accused placed his weapon on 'burst' and murdered everyone in the room,”
Alex Jones has a view about just what we are ignoring about the boy:
The mass drugging of US troops is one of the most underreported scandals of the modern era, with soldiers not only being used as guinea pigs in a brave new world of pharmacological experimentation, but also having their rights stripped as a result. 
Forced Mass Drugging of US Troops an Under-reported Scandal

Sgt. Joe Biggs recently joined the Alex Jones Show to describe in shocking details how he witnessed soldiers in Afghanistan displaying careless ignorance of the threat posed by IED’s because the troops were high on Percocet, a prescription painkiller based on oxycodone, a Schedule II narcotic analgesic which is derived from opium. 
While US troops are supposedly guarding the poppy fields in Afghanistan (even as opium production continues to hit record highs),increasing numbers of American soldiers are becoming hooked on opiates, some of which are being prescribed to them. 
There is now an epidemic of drug use in the U.S. military. Figures show that, “Since 1999, failed drug tests have increased in the U.S. Air Force by 82%, and in the U.S. Army by 37%.” 
As Mike Adams documents, the Defense Department notes that “20 percent of U.S. troops are on psychiatric drugs, and that they are often handed as much as a 180-day supply of those pills before being deployed.” 
The most underreported aspect of this whole scandal however is that troops are in many cases being forced to take prescription drugs against their will, while those in the officer class are often exempt from both the drugs and the increasing number of dangerous vaccines that are mandatory for new recruits. 
“U.S. troops are being forced to take drugs like Prozac and Seroquel for anxiety and depression.  
Troops cannot refuse to take the drugs without consequences from their superiors.  
Resistance by U.S. troops to their orders is also running high. Some U.S. military patrols decline to carry out their “search and kill” missions and, instead, return to their bases claiming they carried out their orders,” reported Veterans for America. 
Other drugs like Mefloquine are also causing soldiers to go on killing rampages, such as last year’s incident when Robert Bales shot dead 17 Afghan civilians including nine children.
Earlier, Lt Col Morse told the jury that Bales felt “inadequate as a soldier and as a man” when he left his remote post in Afghanistan in the middle of the night and attacked two mud-walled villages, gunning down men, screaming children and elderly women. 
He opened the government's case by reading a 32-page “stipulation of facts” - an unbearably gruesome recitation of Bales' actions that night, describing how he executed a young girl who was screaming for him to stop beating her father, how he fired indiscriminately into rooms full of children and how he slaughtered 11 members of a single family, many of them still asleep on their blankets. 
“The accused placed his weapon on 'burst' and murdered everyone in the room,” Lt Col Morse said. 
Offering the most detailed single account yet of the attack, Lt Col Morse recounted the killings compound-by-compound and room-by-room, describing at one point how a widow was left clutching bits of her husband's skull when the killer finally left. Bales looked away as prosecutors displayed pictures of some of his bloodied victims.

The mind reels at such accounts.

Even the 'Blue' side can fall easily into atrocity. Young men are semi-conscripted' into war (In the USA a young man HAS to sign-on or he cannot get a driving licence or go to College. No such forced service is made on girls). This man had been sent to Afghanistan FOUR times.

Atrocity is 'facilitated' by the drugs these young men are forced to take. They take them to deal with the horrors they see. It is a small step to perpetrating the horrors themselves.
Drug abuse is also a core factor behind the shocking rise in soldiers committing suicide.  
A full third of all military suicides are attributed to side-effects from medication 
However, the cycle of drug abuse does not end for US troops when they leave the military. Once hooked on prescription medications, veterans are forced to visit psychologists who diagnose them with mental disorders in order to keep a steady supply of drugs flowing and feed the dependency. 
This in turn relegates veterans to become second class citizens, with their right to bear arms stripped as a result of being permanently labeled as having post traumatic stress disorder. 
One of the core reasons why the Pentagon is encouraging the mass drugging of US troops is to grease the skids for the Marshal Plan, a long term agenda that will see all soldiers permanently drugged in order to produce “behaviour-modifying and performance-enhancing characteristics”. 
The mass drugging of US troops is another aspect of government social engineering. It is about creating yet another huge sector of society – just like children in school or foster care – whose dependence on the state is secured via the method of artificially creating a dangerous dependence on drugs.

How much of this is true, I cannot tell. Alex has a reputation for hyperbole, But it resonates with observed behaviours and Court-Room testimonies.

Not that mass-drugging of young men is anything new as any American parent of boys may get to know when his (female) school teachers recommend and his school psychologists prescribe
vast amounts of Ritalin for his boyish activity.

Perhaps it is an American military phenomenon. In my time as a military man (over 20 years) I do not recall such misuse of drugs. Indeed the 'professional stream' I usually swam in disallowed even an Asprin when at work.

Discuss amongst yourselves.

Meanwhile Huey was looking for a different sort of drug.

 This Knackered Old Knight knows a Good Rock. !!
And Huey knows 'Bad' when he sees it.
Maybe he can find solace in the arms of one of the 'new' women soldiers sharing his foxhole.
Worrying talks. Worrying thoughts.
But great Music.
Drink and think.


  1. My own views [and multiple posts] reflect the same as many military people on the topic, including women. No women front line. End.

    1. I have a military view too, James. An experienced one. Men die. Boys die. Women can do anything a man can. But this issue os more about drugging soldiers.

  2. It does seem a bit overblown in saying that soldiers are forced to take Prozac and Seroquel for anxiety and depression. But they do take a cocktail of various drugs to 'protect' them against all sorts of things before going into theatre. Who knows what sort of effects they may have when mixed together.

    It brings to mind 'Gulf War Syndrome'. There is still a question mark over what caused that.

    Mefloquine which is mentioned can have some very nasty side effects:

    1. Protection against diseases is one thing, CherryPie but when soldiers are suffering from depression and other such illnesses it is time to look deeper than a pill packet.

      The military that prides itself on Honour and Integrity seems to do little to reinforce the Soul of soldiers.

      Thanks for those references. They are illuminating.

    2. Yes depression and related illnesses are something quite different. I am sure you could explain many reasons for these and I have a few thoughts of my own on that too, particularly related to the recent conflicts. I also have a family tale that relates back to the conflict of WW1 which is also relevant.

      When you mention reinforcing the Soul of soldiers I can't comment on the American army, but your comment reminded my of an article that I read some time ago regarding British military chaplains. It is on pages 16 and 17 of the link below:

      Please ignore the question in the interview that might be controversial on more than one level. It is the role of the Padres that I am highlighting.


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..