Friday, August 23, 2013

Honi Soit, Honey-Trap.

Some students from the University of Sydney passed by and left some copies of their ‘revered’ student magazine “Honi Soit" . This title is from the Latin "Honi soit qui mal y pense" loosely meaning: "Shame to him who thinks evil of it."

The guys in the P&B wondered a bit about the evil part but could see the 'shame' quite clearly. And the stupid too.

We are all old and long-enough in the tooth to recognise that young people are conformly thick, even at University, and that some have a chance to grow out of it one day.

Meanwhile the rest of the University educated become feminists, greenies, lefties and white-collar criminals. Politicians, quite often. Fewer, fortunately, take to being common o’ garden street thugs, unless in a protest march, saving whales or demanding free stuff from the taxpayer. And few are intrinsically evil. Just stupid.

Here is one such quite stupid student: Lily Patchett. She is some mum and dad’s daughter. The apple of their eye. 

Pretty girl. Nice open smile.

The student magazine’s cover featured Lily.

Not the pretty face, but another small, moist, very personal and smiling part of Lily, along with a dozen or so other girls' vaginas.


Why on earth would she want a picture of her private parts on the magazine cover?

If she had texted them to someone she might have found herself in trouble. If a male as much as sends a copy to twitter or put it on Facebook, he would be in jail within a day and HE would be in the headlines.

But Lily can ‘do whatever she wants with her body’ because that’s the modern stupidity.

She is a Feminist, you see.

She still has the cradle-marks 
on her bum
....but she didn’t have those photographed, just her girl-bits.

Lily is a member of the Women's Collective at the University of Sydney. She was recruited to the Honi Soit project at one of the group's meetings.

Now we know what they do in a 'women's collective'. They look at one another's vagina's like little girls in the bushes.

Women can gawp at women’s vaginas but feminists say that men are beasts, depraved and potential rapists if they gawp at them too.  But on a student magazine cover it is 'intellectual'.

Women can display bare vaginas (with and without 'bushes) on student magazine covers but the feminists will create havoc if a bikini-clad pudenda is on a men’s magazine cover.

“"I expected the criticism, but I can't understand it," Lily said.
"When is it going to be appropriate to show our bodies as they are, and not in some false, made-up way? Because if there is a place and time, not enough people know about it.

"The truth of the diversity and richness of our bodies is hidden from almost everyone. In 2013, I couldn't think of a more appropriate time."

Meanwhile, the reaction from Lily's friends has been overwhelmingly positive, and she has been supported well by others involved in the story.

"Jennifer Yiu (who photographed all of the vaginas featured on the cover) was very professional about the whole thing," Lily said.

What a wonderful education we provide our young people. Nice places to go each day.

Read more:

Still, all those old buildings have an asset value.

Fred in the bar gawped in astonishment at the news that Lily thought ‘not enough people know about’ seeing women’s private parts.

Heck, Lily. They are PRIVATE.

Isn't that the argument your feminist friend give?

Should you not be applauding Men's Magazines for educating the world about women's private bits so that the world can appreciate the 'diversity and richness'?

"Good Lord Harry NO, King Amfortas the Tavern Keeper", would come the feminist retort.

OK, they might not say Lord Harry. Harriet, as in Harman, maybe.

You see, Men's magazines often feature pictures of naked women, or beautiful girls in stunning lingerie. Sometimes, with their blokes for company.

On the other hand, on the other shelves in the newsagents', Women's magazines simply feature pictures of naked women and beautiful girls in stunning lingerie. Some, also, with their blokes for company.

But that's 'different'.

His magazines usually contain about 54 pages, 25 of which feature the naked and under-dressed women.

There will be several, incisive, 4-5 page articles from prominent people. And reader’s letters and adverts from ladies who tell popular stories on the ‘phone.

Her magazines are 'better'. They usually contain 278 pages with 137 devoted to naked women and beautiful girls in stunning lingerie.

There will be 754 visually decorative paragraphs, with lots of coloured headings, and paraphrases in bright red or mauve or blue in boxes, about clothes or celebrities, or both together, from whomsoever. And reader’s letters.  Also, 400  adverts from telephonic psychic healers, tarot card readers, soothsayers, dieticians, magic charm & potion sellers and a huge range of free offers for only $49.99 post and handling.

Women look at the pictures and fantasize.    Men look at the pictures and fantasize.

For some unfathomable reason, she make a lot of fuss, sometimes even cries, when he looks at his magazines.

Lily's feminist friends picket Marks and Spencers to stop the men's magazines being shown at all.

I wonder what Lily expected men and women to do seeing her vagina splashed all over the front page of a student magazine. Should Marks and Sparks display her cover, do you think?

Not only that but  the fact is (Unis still deal in facts, don't they?) 50% of the world’s population have one. A vagina that is.

They can see them already but seem to want the other 50% kept in the dark.

But women are a bit funny about them.

That’s a woman’s issue, Lily.

I guess she thinks so too.

Professional photographer perverts are often women. Did she think of that, I wonder

Not that a dozen or so male private members would appear on the student magazine cover. All sorts of problems would have arisen. Ambulances would have been called: first for the victims and then for the feminist rioters.

Note too that Lily’s motivation was not simply that there was a camera handy, but that she wanted ‘other women’ to be ‘happy’ about their vaginas.

By looking at her's.

How does that work? I doubt, somehow, she would accept that from a man showing his penis. Do you?

"I want other men to be happy about their penises. So look at mine"

I just cannot hear a chap saying that, can you?

When it comes to vaginas and penises, women seem to have the strangest ideas.

‘She’ can show hers to strange gawpers but thinks ‘he’ is ‘obsessed’ with the SIZE of his penis. That's why he doesn't show it.

He is terrified of it apparently.  It isn’t that he considers it private.  No.  He is so terrified that he barely ever lets the issue enter his mind for fear of total life disruption.

Unless in a public toilet where all he does is look, in astonishment and envy, at other men’s dicks. They, apparently, don’t mind him looking.

Every woman ‘knows’ this, ‘intuitively’,
...because he never discusses it with her.

Every other man in the world has a bigger dick.

That is, her man has the smallest of 3.2 billion dicks, including those of little boys.

No wonder he refuses to think about it, let alone talk to her about it.

He makes sure his little penis is out of sight as much a possible. It is of such shamefully small proportion that he would be arrested if he showed it in public.

Honi Soit-Not

Old ladies would faint; younger ones scream; dogs would howl and little girls need counseling for the next 35 years (at taxpayer expense).The law actually forbids it, as people would be traumatised.

She, charitably, cannot understand his ‘obsession’. She cares nothing for size.

Size does not matter”

she says, nonchalantly.   Why should she care?

Even despite the fact that HER man has the smallest, weenyist, most miniscule  dick in the world, she doesn’t mind. She loves him.

She thinks that penis augmentation is just a silly idea.

She could not imagine being so obsessed.

Besides. She has BREASTS.

And, she has bras, that have padding.

And gels. And up-lifting under-wires.

Bras that lift, shape, separate, accentuate, minimize, maximize. Push-up, plunge, contour, control, shape, flatten.

Increase cleavage, decorate, contrast, attract.

Give illusion of ‘cup of choice’, overflowing or otherwise.

And …..silicon gel inserts at $500 per breast, along  with $7500 surgical interventions that generate $ 62.8b a year of Gross Domestic Product.

She can even get a special Surgical Loan from her health fund.

Then there’s the diet industry.  $145 trillion. p/a !

Why should she be concerned ? 

Men and their obsession with size !! 
She, even with ‘petite’ breasts,
 will get her kit off at the sound of a camera being cocked,

but he won’t –  ‘cause his dick’s TOO small.

Men !  Just ‘little boys’. 

She wonders if ‘lovers’ have big ones.

Ah yes. That camera.

She wonders if she can get paid next time she has her vagina photographed.

Maybe a men's magazine will pay her.

Those cheapskate students !!

Lily NEEDS a drink.

Honey Soit

Make it a stiff one.


  1. Self respect is what has been lost. That's the [I hesitate to say] bottom line.

    1. A lot has been lost, James. But Infantilisation has been extended for another season at the circus.

  2. i am actually surprised that four thousand copies of the Honi Soit paper were confiscated by the university's Student Representative Council. I'd have thought the liberal feminist professors would have tried to block a move like that.

    1. It ain't over yet. The 'Fat is a feminist issue' Woman has to sing last. She is looking for her drawers.

  3. "Why on earth would she want a picture of her private parts on the magazine cover?"

    For identification purposes. Now before anyone laughs, I do not mean an individual identity, I mean a group identity. Notice that the magazine did not only post her picture, but others as well. These photographs were a public declaration. It was not intend arouse, but rather inform others in the edgiest way possible. In essence, they are demonstrating membership within a group of women who do not let others limit them in any way. Especially men and their restrictive ways when it comes to sexual behavior. They are also demonstrating a willingness on their part to engage in nearly any behavior at all. This would be the hallmark of what the feminists call, "liberation".

    From Iron John

  4. Wait for the Lipstick Feminists to complain that the labias were unpainted. They will no doubt say, in agreement with you, that the liberation is hampered by the patriarchy.

  5. God forbid a woman actually be in control of how her body is presented! We can't have that!

  6. We won't either. Have that, that is. Ask a feminist how her body is to be presented and she will pull 45 photos from her bag showing every square inch of her surface, some internal, and watch you carefully for any sign of a gawp.


  7. Lilly is a lovely, intelligent young woman and you are making gross judgements about her and her personality. She has made a choice to use her body to help other women feel more comfortable in their skin. She made an even braver choice to come out publicly with her identity and freely talk about the issue. Men, who don't understand ( or like yourself make a choice to not understand and talk utter garbage) are ridiculing her without considering the valid points she is making.

    You make a huge deal about the anxiety that men ( and im going to assume via your rant: yourself) face over teh size of penises. Surely this is no different from the anxiety women feel. Lilly and the 17 other women are promoting an issue that transcendes gender divides. That thanks to media people are unaware of body diversity and therefore feel shame. They are talking and demonstrating it. You And lilly and the 17 other smart, beautiful young women are trying to deal with this issue through using demonstrating the diversity of bodies, that the men's magazine you also spoke over photoshop and photoshop into a carbon copies.

    And to correct you Honi actually did a cover with a penis in 1993. Almost twenty years ago and there was no legal consequences from that.

    Ignorant prick. This is a pathetic article.

    1. Hello and welcome. I would address you by name sir/madam were you to append it at the end of your comment.

      I am sure Lily is a lovely girl. As I said very clearly she is some mum and dad's daughter and the apple of their eye. But she is still as silly as you appear to be.

      The 'anxiety' men feel about their penises isn't the anxiety put in the post. It was a parody: humour. I guess you have not covered those in DeconstructLit 101 yet.

      As for the other 17 young women being beautiful, it is difficult to tell from pictures of vaginas. But I an sure they have their pleasant features on more usual display.

      And to the 'ignorant prick' part: I was teaching in Universities before you were born. My IQ is astronomical. I am quite well read. I have more Degrees than you are likely to have ( I can be corrected on that, unless you have four in Gender Studies and a PhD in underwater basket-weaving). I have lived for a very long time and seen more stupidity than you and your friends can muster between you in a semester. I rather enjoy people trying to insult me as it says a lot about them.

      You are welcome to the Tavern, to laugh, agree, disagree and challenge, but please do not piss on the carpet.

    2. By the way, Anonymouse-no-name commenter, there were plenty of quite pointed criticisms and questions of feminist rhetoric and thought in the post. Perhaps you would care to address some of them. I would be interested to see them and maybe engage in some conversation.

      I may even pour you a free dink of something uplifting from behind the bar. (Bar, not bra). :)

    3. Lilly is quite obviously a spoiled, self-obsessed, immature idiot.

      I remember having lunch one day in work with Marnie, the woman who has been doing the cleaning here since probably before I was born. She is from the Liberties area of Dublin city centre. Hard as nails and a heart of gold. Her forty a day cigarette habit has given her a face of sandpaper and a voice of gravel.

      We could her two students chatting about "women's issues" at the next table. The usual naïve, misinformed nonsense, about how "oppressive" everything was. Now these students are members of what is probably the most pampered, privileged demographic in the history of human civilisation.

      Marnie stood up to go back to work. As she stubbed out her umpteenth cigarette of the day she said to me very loudly in her thick Dublin accent - "Jaysus, I'd hate to see them if had any REAL problems.

    4. I am delighted to see you here, Lana. Lilly is all you say she is, and is that not a real pity. As with the girls in the cafeteria, they have been brainwashed. As a man and a father I look at these young women and see a daughter, the apple of someone's eye. I see them being stupid and where their stupid actions had some charm when they were little and could be guided, they no longer do, as they can wreak so much damage around them.

  8. My favorite vaginas are 3,7 and 10. I hope that Lily Patchett's is one of these.

    1. Personally, the preferences are personal and varied. Like whichever you wish. However, they are merely a body part which is generally 'reserved' for particular use in a private context.

  9. The guardian printed the uncensored cover:

    1. Yes, well one can expect that of the Gruniad. They are terribly PC when they want to excoriate some chap or a politician who is reluctant to enable 'progressives'. But when it comes to ratting on someone they are quick to show prurient 'evidence', so I am not surprised that they show the 'before' and 'after' censored snaps, even from a cover that has been withdrawn from circulation.

      I do not agree with censorship as a rule. I have no problem with silly girls publishing their vulva-snaps. But they still remain silly girls; and were a 'Lads' magazine to put 18 vaginas on the front cover of one of their issues, I am quite confident that the Gruniad would be supporting its removal from the public eye and newsagents shelves.

      That newspaper of the 'progressive', PC, Feminist crowd are all too quick to bay for blood when a young man or boy receives a snap of a naked girl on his phone, calling him the 'pervert', but never the girl who took the snap of herself (or in this case having another girl take the photos).


  10. Lilly is quite obviously a spoiled, self-obsessed, immature idiot.

    I remember having lunch one day in work with Marnie, the woman who has been doing the cleaning here since probably before I was born. She is from the Liberties area of Dublin city centre. Hard as nails and a heart of gold. Her forty a day cigarette habit has given her a face of sandpaper and a voice of gravel.

    We could her two students chatting about "women's issues" at the next table. The usual naïve, misinformed nonsense, about how "oppressive" everything was. Now these students are members of what is probably the most pampered, privileged demographic in the history of human civilisation.

    Marnie stood up to go back to work. As she stubbed out her umpteenth cigarette of the day she said to me very loudly in her thick Dublin accent - "Jaysus, I'd hate to see them if had any REAL problems.


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..