Saturday, July 6, 2013

Poet Invasion

Let one in and soon you have a whole bar-full, all buying drinks of Grace. The Men are speaking up.  De Profundis. "Out of the Depths I cry to Thee, O Lord". They cry in their beer. Real tears.

It’s been three days passed and what have you got?
Flesh gone from the earth never to return,
Buried underground, the truth will not rot.
Two thousand years, the truth is still unlearned.
A wifely kiss gave way to cruel device
To bring a body and a name to mud.
In Hell, a woman Judas is in ice.
On earth, a bed is marred with sacred blood.


The Anti-Feminist
by Graham Rowlands
"At all events a clitoral orgasm with a full cunt is nicer than a clitoral orgasm with an empty one, as far as I can tell at least."
Germaine Greer

When attacks can't be made, can be
at risked rundown on attacker's gender
as total reply — Ha, male,
here's a change for feminist cause.
She writes weekly against her kind
reveals them in herself, dominant,
consuming, consumed by males
in her own defence
against vampire, harridan, shrew.
She snideswipes voluntary childless brood, tubes tied.
certain children mean masculine control
over her need to eat them, love them
from no learned response,
devour them by violent possession
out of horror gothics, violet sky.
Causes don't count, stand absolved.
She feeds on what she hates,
reads million words, chapter and verse
that turn mother's milk to bile.
She aches with appetite,
loathes liberators, defends unequal love,
reduces to contempt for their own blood
father hatred, brother, son;
proves, reproves, disproves her curse
of woman born, born woman.
Men in the dock stand guilty as she.

Fathers for Justice you are not alone
I feel your pain alone
With many others
Any of us can fold
If there be trouble let it be in my day
That my child may live in peace

They ant in heaven hallo be thy name
For thy kingdom done
thy will be done
Go to the end the very end
Stay strong to yourself
Go solo for what you believe

Believing is living
Living is forgiving
weaponizing is destruction
She is not a weapon
But a living human being
A young and beautiful floating image of your self
Harmless in her way to this world
So why not compromise
These are not my rights but nether yours
These are her rights
And will fight for her rights

No more secrets
A anthem of justice
Sending a message together for justice
A picture is not contact
Fathers need their justice so fight for hear fights
Time pays
So be that super hero
For her dreams no matter what don't lark in the dark or be forever more
Shine and your message
Will be heard for ever more
This is for every father just like you
Be a wolf not a sheep
Leap in glory and for evermore

All I can say is that

I saw my daughter
It was the best six hours I spent all this week

Just like rain drops in a desert in them lonely days in June

Pour the cups full, my goodly fellows.


  1. Replies
    1. There is a calumny that 'MEN!!!(tm)' are not verbally skilled. But their voice today is stifled as with a pillow of PC and shrill shouting.


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..