Friday, June 28, 2013

Tavern Regulars (1)

Your host has quite a few regulars in the P&B and the Restaurant, the US room and the NZ room, in fact in all the various hospitable areas, and is a welcomed regular in some other pubs and places of interest where people are welcomed to 'sound off.'

I can often be found, when not behind a bar here or tidying up in the cellar, with friends, chewing the good fat. I would like you to get to know them. So here is one to start off with that I would like you to welcome.

James is a 'Man of the Pin'. He finds balloons all over. Well, there are so many in this gigantic fairground of a world, full as it is of clowns. Some clowns are sinister, if not downright evil and James is good at spotting them a mile off. And sticking his pin on their balloons.


English, Northumbrian, Australian, half Russian, in love with France and Sicily, with respect and affection for friends in the States, Canada and South Africa, now back in the UK.
Background often in education but also a former storeman, DJ, builder, screenprinter, gardener, shop assistant, thespian, stage manager, military and various other ventures.
Love sailing, rugby, cricket, a wide range of music, walks in the forest, the snow and rain, good company, a single malt [neat], Drambuie, a nice red or real ale with a decent steak, vodka with dried fish and gherkins.
Main addictions – sailing, wimmin and dark chocolate, in no particular order.
James has a keen eye, as I said. It is worthwhile reading some of his views. That will save me having to give him the floor in this Tavern when he is very good at holding it in his own.
Our mutual friend Moggsy says he should write the Concise English Weasel Newspeak Dictionary. He is a sound translator.

Catch up with his latest analysis here:
I am sure it will not the last word. But I am sure he would like to hear yours.
You might also like to listen to another chap: one he speaks of. One who is similarly inclined to speak his mind with no-weasel words.
Now, those three magic words:  what'll you have?



  1. Oop, had to duck your bouncer there. Love the swanky digs, Percy. You don't mind if a weary traveler grabs a pint and eavesdrops on the discussions from a darkened corner, do you? - Unregistard

    1. The lad Percy say's 'Hi' and referred your appreciation to me, Sir.

      You are welcome. Pull up a lefty and sit a while. Pint or schooner?

    2. Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down there. I'd prefer pylsur and brennivin but I'll take what you recommend Amfortas. Just dropped by to share a round with "the lad" and to say that even though he may not see me I'll still be lurking about. I promise not to nick anything. No really, I promise. - Unregistard.

    3. We don't get much demand for Icelandic brews but just happen to have some here. I also have a bottle of some really smooth stuff under the counter. Essence of Grail Spirit. It's the lad's favourite. There is a snug you can lurk in. Nick, old or new, is frowned upon. But light fingers are encouraged to leave generous tips. Now, over at James' bar the rules are different.......


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..