Thursday, June 13, 2013

Cookin' Tonight - Crispy Salmon


Tasmania has the best Salmon in the World.

And the best scenery.

Pity about all the lefty Orcs and Feminist trolls, not to mention the Greenies.

Argue amongst yourselves.

But tonight in the restaurant we are serving Salmon, especially prepared by Gordon Ramsay.

A note here. That Ramsey bloke has been badgering us to let him into our kitchen but I have only reluctantly agreed so long as he doesn't scare the pretty lady cooks we have with his bad language, even the large matronly one we keep as a warning. "No Swearing, Gordon" I said.

I am the only one I allow to friggin' swear around here.

This is what he is presenting tonight.

I did ask him about his use of Olive oil. Some say the taste is too robust for Salmon. He replied "Scallops !". I guess that was to avoid saying his usual 'Bollocks'.
Good lad.
Personally I do not usually go with a potato mix like he is doing, but I am willing to give it a go.
The other night for instance I had the Salmon surrounded by a stir-fried mixture of sliced mushrooms, large-diced onions, red and green peppers and spring onion stems chopped medium. They were lightly stir-fried just enough to 'meld' tastes but keep crunchy and the green spring onions added for just 20 seconds.
Now, who would like to suggest a wine to go with it.
I can send a message to Joyanna down in the friggin' cellar where she has been dusting bottle all friggin' week.


  1. A dry robust Rose always goes well with Salmon.

    On Sunday evening the English weather decided to be favourable (for a change). Oven baked salmon, potato boulangere (a la Delia) and green beans were enjoyed on the patio at Cherie's Place.

    I was so busy enjoying the occasion that I forgot to take a photo...

  2. It was quite cold here too last night m'dear but I am glad to see we were both warmed by some fine food served with love and a glass of almost-red.

    My friendly bar-girl is on her way over with a hot toddy too.


Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..