
Monday, September 24, 2018

Battle: It's the Small Things.

Hold the Line, I said. But how? Most of us are the small people of the world, without power and authority. We do not command armies. And on this battlefield we are faced not by a General or a President or a Prime Minister, but A.N.Other troop jeering at us and waving a sword in our face. He or she is our immediate concern. So how do we deal with them is the issue at hand. Just what are you here for? We can be 'confused', especially when young or in middle years.

The first shall be last and the last shall be first, and for most of us we are somewhere down the line. Be thankful and do your bit. You will be shown the way.

A friend brought two warriors into the bar to chat. Very different men with very different positions in the Line.  One was what we perceive as a modern warrior in the World and the other in a more Supernatural army. The latter is 'in the World' too, as are we all, temporarily.

Temporary is the nature of us all. The purposes we have are often shaped for us by our age and experiences, just as the enemy infront of us. If we are 'blessed' a purpose will be gifted to us.

Let is start with the second chap. Sam Guzman. He is so frequently in the Tavern that he has his own shield on the right side wall. The Catholic Gentleman.
There’s Good In This World. And It’s Worth Fighting For. 
Small acts of goodness are more powerful than we think.
The reality of evil can be simply overwhelming. When it dawns upon us the extent to which evil has seemingly prevailed in the world and, yes, even in the Church, it can be tremendously disheartening.
Nevertheless, I would argue that, despite appearances, there is more good in the Church and in the world than evil. 
Evil simply gets more attention. 
All around the world, there are faithful priests laboring silently and faithfully. There are religious who fast and pray ceaselessly for the Church. There are parents training their children in holiness and cultivating an atmosphere of love and devotion in their homes. There are businessmen bearing witness to the Gospel in their workplaces. There are holy men and women serving the least of these in the name of Christ.
Such small acts of goodness are more powerful than we think. 
As Tolkien, through the mouth of Gandalf, once said, “Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love.” 
Acts of love and generosity will never make headlines. They will never be splashed across social media or be highlighted in the nightly news. But they are real, nonetheless, and God sees them.
Remember that the devil has one mission: 
To drown out the praise of God by distracting us from the Goodness in which we live and move and have our being. 
He works ceaselessly to drown out the praise due to our Creator with a howl of anger, hatred, and pain. And it seems, too often, that we allow him to succeed. 
Everyday, the sun rises. The rain falls. Every moment, graces and gifts descend from our Father in heaven. Everywhere love works, patiently, silently, and unnoticed. Everywhere life triumphs over death and goodness radiates from the heart of God to his creatures. And it will never cease to do so. 
Brothers, with what are you filling your mind? Evil things that stir up anger and anxiety, or good things that fill your heart with praise and thanksgiving? 
In these days of trial, I would encourage you to fill your mind with what is good. Enjoy the simple pleasures of life and offer praise to God for them. 
Savor a sunset. Rejoice in and love your wife and children. Pray and give thanks for every breath. Notice the goodness surrounding you, for it is always there. 
Evil and ugliness are real. But so too is goodness, and it grows still greater.
I will conclude with the words of St. Paul:
Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 
– Philippians 4:6-8
Dignum et Justem Est .

It is true Right and Fitting and Profitable for our Salvation that we should at all times and in all places give Thanks to Thee, O Holy Lord, Father Almighty. 

You know the prayer: the Preface.

It is He, my Supplier, who has a purpose for us, and our task is to discern it. I am fortunate in that He has given me a Tavern to look after. And that after a great deal of self-directed purpose.

It is unfortunate though that much of what Sam reminds us goes in one ear and out the other. 

The other fellow brought along is more recognisably the Soldier. He is one. He pointed to his purpose in life - at this moment. And he recognises that it may change.
A Special Forces Soldier’s Perspective on “Purpose”
"It is only natural to question why you exist in this life and entirely acceptable that the seasons of life WILL make you question your entire existence."
"At first glance, I would have said that I have found my purpose, the hard reality of this particular purpose is that its a temporary one."
As I hit my 16th year of service and reflect on my time within the United States Special Forces, I began to realize how hypersensitive I’ve become to these days as they pertain to the events that occurred in history. Small events that directly affected me and Large events that instantly changed us all (at least my lifetime). 
Today marks the 17th year since the attacks on the Trade Centers, and I say hypersensitive because I try to make a conscious effort to understand the way these “pivot points” have shaped who I am today, not just the initial decisions but the 2nd and 3rd effects that followed. 
There is a knee-jerk reaction that happens to us all when such traumatic events unfold. We for a moment become paused in time and start to questions how these emotions are affecting our actions, perspectives, and beliefs. For me, it defined a purpose in life and ultimately driving me to serve. 
As I sit here and contemplate the events that had such a significant impact on the trajectory of my life I can’t help but reflect on the idea of “Never Forget” and how that pertains to my everyday life. How such an unnecessary violent part of life can catapult you into what ultimately defines your purpose in life. 
At first glance, I would have said that I have found my purpose, the hard reality of this particular purpose is that its a temporary one. I’ve been in service within the military for 16 years now, and I can’t lie to myself and think that this is a forever thing. This is the problem with “purpose” as it pertains to the execution of a particular job. 
So if you define your purpose in life in ideas that you know honestly will come to an end one day then I believe that you are setting yourself up for a future hard road. I’m not saying this is a bad or good thing I’m just saying it’s worth recognizing. I hope that you don’t just think I’m talking about just work in this conversation, what about all you parents out there… Another example that your kids will move on and your purpose will inevitably change, now what? 
Purpose… This week I have been stewing internally on the idea of what purpose truly means to people and the literature about “without purpose” you will never find peace. While I agree with a lot of that premise, there are a few things that I would like to challenge you to consider. 
Three principles in life have become non-negotiables to me, today’ (I speak) specifically about CREATING purpose. 
Part of the challenge is to ask yourself “Why am I looking for the purpose instead of creating it?”. 
Everything that I read or conversations that I’ve had all revolve around FINDING your purpose, I prefer a little more actioning than that. I’m not saying that “looking” for a purpose isn’t action or effort, I’m simply saying why not create it. 
I’ll take a hard stance and open up the idea of looking for it opens the door for doubt, it sets up a space where if you are not sure who you are you will be second guessing if this thing you “found” is what you’re supposed to be doing. 
It is only natural to question why you exist in this life and entirely acceptable that the seasons of life WILL make you question your entire existence. 
I like the idea of creating your purpose and embracing the choices around what you have created knowing that everything you have is your doing, this in return makes you responsible for your peace and happiness. You get to embrace all the emotions, successes, and failures because you had a hand in the decision that contributed to the outcomes.
At this point, listening, I could see the gap widening between us, and at the same time knowing that I too had 'been there, done that' in very similar fashion and experiences. 
So I create what I want in life and what makes me happy?! 
Well yes, I’m primarily a man that oversimplifies everything not to give me too much to overthink (source of anxiety for most).
In time, more thought and complexity will be provided. 
With that concept, I’ve stripped down purpose even further and what that means as it pertains to human existence. What a weird thing, as a human I’m supposed to do this to find fulfillment based on my actionable daily driving actions. 
With everything above step back and look at the common denominator of all these thoughts and what’s the connection to them all. How do I solve the problem of creating something that will inevitably come to an end? 
Remember this is a rabbit hole of how 9/11 has shaped me and how that role in my life will one day stop, my “purpose” will have to change if I’ve defined it as a Special Forces Soldier. That common denominator is the relationships developed within that process. 
Relationships will always drive the purpose. 
Do you want to build a great business, Start a family, or Volunteer overseas? You WILL need strong bonds with all that you connect with; you will have to start making honest assessments frequently if the relationships that you are creating around your tasks are adding to you or taking away. 
Purpose is the reciprocal connections between you and other human beings, to serve those relationships with honesty is where the fulfillment lies. If we are looking for fulfillment in life through purpose, maybe we are looking in the wrong spots. By acknowledging that the experiences through deeply connected relationships are what give you longevity in your quest for fulfillment we realize that materials will be fleeting and short-term when the connections that you had with colleagues, a fallen teammate, your children, your partner, will bring you a smile for a lifetime.
Today (among many others) speaks to remind us of how certain events can set in motion a space for you to pause for a minute and ask “what the fuck am I doing and who the fuck am I?”. 
Embrace the fact that your purpose, if you choose it as an identity (soldier, parent, boss), will change but if your purpose is in service of the relationships and the impact of the individuals associated with the inevitably changing and uncontrollably ending situations that you have defined as your identity; that service is immortal. 
As an example there are a lot of accomplishments throughout my career, they hold minuscule weight in comparison to the men that I have served with. I defined my purpose as a Special Forces Soldier in the beginning only of realizing that it was about the relationship with my brothers in the regiment. Drinking beers on the river with those that are still here and reminisces about the ones that are not are where the fulfillment is. The gift and where the ultimate gratitude lives are the fact that those connections contributed to the most significant relationship of all, the relationship with myself. 
That pivot point set in motion a space where I was able to sit, pause, and create a purpose that has given me experiences to fill a thousand lifetimes and a relationship with myself that offers peace. I created that, I didn’t wait to find it.
It is the meat and drink of young men, putting on their armour and setting out on their Quest, to be 'certain'. They 'choose'. Their age compels. They do sometimes question, but as young Parzival soon found out, asking the wrong questions or not asking the right ones, leads to the wastelands. 

My good friend is ever the one who can draw from one to give to another and she did so. She spoke to the soldier:
It is a bit of a fascinating thing (from an outsider's perspective) the type of bonds men make in war.  
I think most of us long to serve somehow in this life G-d gives us.  I am sure the man you were when you first joined, and the man you are today.... are different.  We grow, we learn, we mature.  We attain a better grasp on who we are.  And what we need to thrive in all areas of this life becomes clearer as a mature adult then what it was when we are young.  
We open ourselves up to healing. We let go of things that have run their course.  Sometimes that’s the only way we can totally heal. We let go of old belief systems and hope we can still see beauty in a Creator, and in goodness.
Such small acts of goodness are more powerful than we realize.  As Tolkien, through the mouth of Gandalf, once said, (see above) “Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love.” 
Acts of love and generosity will never make headlines. They will never be splashed across social media or be highlighted in the nightly news. But they are real, nonetheless, and G-d sees them.
We are frail, and we offer that frailty to G-d while we weep and ask for him to take the pain we can experience in this life.  To carry the burden for things (and sometimes, people) we must let go of.  And in the place of the pain, we ask for peace.
Then the sun rises. The rain falls. Every moment we embrace graces, healing, and gifts that descend from heaven.  He lets us know, “ I am still here.”
Everywhere love works, patiently, silently, and unnoticed. Everywhere life triumphs over death and goodness radiates from the heart of G-d to his creatures. And it will never cease to do so. 

 "Since it is so likely that children will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage.” - C.S. Lewis
 And sometimes brave knights wear the American flag and camo 
May you continue to find a noble purpose.
We do small things. Consciously or sometimes as 'taken in hand' to do them. 

I hope one day when I front the Pearly gates, someone steps forward and reminds St Peter of some small act of kindness, "Dignum et Justum est', that I did once. It may turn a key and open the gate, dispelling the many sins of an old Knight's long life.

Drink with me.


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Ne meias in stragulo aut pueros circummittam.

Our Bouncer is a gentleman of muscle and guile. His patience has limits. He will check you at the door.

The Tavern gets rowdy visitors from time to time. Some are brain dead and some soul dead. They attack customers and the bar staff and piss on the carpets. Those people will not be allowed in anymore. So... Be Nice..